Lovely Substitute Bride



His body slid down a little more.    


Both of Luan Zhi's arms were already drenched in blood. The blood dripped onto her face and onto one of her eyes.    


"Zhi, hold on!" Min Ann'ge knew Luan Zhi's arm was in pain, but he had no other choice. He could only bear with it now!    


Min Ann'ge desperately tried to hook something with his feet, but the bridge's surface was very flat and didn't have a single protrusion.    


His position was not far from the railing of the bridge. He used his foot to hook onto the railing. However, it was only one foot. It was simply unable to withstand the weight of two people!    


"Let go, you can't hold me back!" Luan Zhi said as she slowly loosened her grip on Min Ann'ge.    


Sensing that Luan Zhi had let go, Min Ann'ge shouted at the top of his lungs:    


"You are not allowed to let go! Did you hear that? I forbid it! "    


"But …"    


Luan Zhi wanted to continue but was interrupted by Min Ann'ge:    


"How can I survive without you?"    


Min Ann'ge's foot, which was hooked onto the railing, was no longer able to use any strength, and was slowly slipping away.    


He knew that he really couldn't pull her up!    


Min Ann'ge's eyes gradually looked relieved, but he still held Luan Zhi's hand tightly and said:    


"Don't worry!" Zhi, I can catch you! "    


He spoke firmly, but the back of his foot completely slipped away from the railing!    


To fall with gravity!    




With a shout, Min Ann'ge's legs were tightly held by two hands!    


A voice sounded from behind Min Ann'ge:    


"Don't let go!"    


It was the bicycle repairman!    


He took out the rope and came back just in time to see Min Ann'ge, who was lying on the bridge, about to slide down. He leaped and hugged Min Ann'ge's legs.    


Min Ann'ge had originally given up and was mentally prepared to travel with Luan Zhi. However, he suddenly felt that he was stopped. His eyes suddenly turned cold as he tightened his grip on Luan Zhi.    


Immediately after that, a few other drivers who happened to pass by came up to help, finally pulling Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi up.    


The moment Luan Zhi stood on the bridge, Min Ann'ge held her tightly in his arms.    


Losing and getting it back!    


Earlier, he'd thought that Luan Zhi would fall, and he'd even made preparations …    


Fortunately …    


"Zhi, Zhi!"    


Luan Zhi's mind was blank and she felt a lingering fear. At this moment, she realized that her face was slightly cold. She raised her hand to wipe it and her face was filled with tears.    


He was still in a state of shock.    


"Don't touch it!"    


Min Ann'ge quickly stopped her hand and frowned. He was worried and scared.    


"I'll take you to the hospital!"    


His fingers were still trembling from the pain caused by the fresh blood on Luan Zhi's arm. He twisted them several times, but failed to ignite the fire.    


Min Ann'ge took a deep breath and finally succeeded. He stepped on the throttle and rushed out like an arrow.    


Sitting in the front passenger seat, Luan Zhi tried her best to endure the pain in her arm as she said,    


"It doesn't matter, slow it down!"    


Min Ann'ge nodded, but his movements were even faster. He carried Luan Zhi through the traffic, and every time they were about to collide with the car, they would turn in time.    


It was a race against time!    


"Luckily you came."    


Luan Zhi looked at the people around her and heaved a sigh of relief. As she recalled the situation back then, she slowly furrowed her brow. There seems to be something wrong with my car. "    


"I saw on the monitor that someone had removed the brake pads from your car." Min Ann'ge said.    


He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and his rage was instantly drowned out!    


Luan Zhi endured the pain and said, "It really was those two."    


"Where's Luan Fei'ann and Luan Feixian? Is he dead? "    


"They were right next to me, so I had no choice but to crash into them!" Luan Zhi said, suddenly recalling the Lamborghini they were sitting in and immediately saying:    


"They've all fallen into the river. I wonder if it's dangerous."    


Min Ann'ge directly said, "Why do you care about them now? Isn't it all their fault that you're doing this now? "    


"But …" Luan Zhi wanted to say something, but she also hated the two of them. However, when she thought about how she had caused their deaths, she couldn't bear the thought of it.    


"If something happens to you, I'll definitely not let them off!" Min Ann'ge gritted his teeth in hatred.    


"Alright, you must not do anything stupid. Aren't I fine?" Luan Zhi said.    


Min Ann'ge was furious to the extreme. If those two men were in front of him right now, he would probably kill them without hesitation!    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge soon arrived at the municipal hospital. The journey that should have taken them half an hour to get there was shortened by Min Ann'ge to 15 minutes.    


When they arrived at the hospital, Min Ann'ge got off the car and carried Luan Zhi while shouting,    


"Doctor! Doctor! "    


Luan Zhi looked at Min Ann'ge's face that was almost within reach. Even though her arm was in pain, she felt completely at ease.    


However, Min Ann'ge didn't think that way, as if she encountered something that was life threatening.    


When the doctors and nurses were brought here, they thought Luan Zhi's life was in danger. However, when they saw that she was still conscious, they were stunned.    


Luan Zhi smiled in embarrassment. I'm sorry, he's too nervous. It's just an injury. "    


However, Min Ann'ge still had an ugly expression on his face.    


"Just injured? Do you know how dangerous it is? "    


"I'm really fine." Luan Zhi consoled him and said to the doctor, "He likes to make a fuss. It'll be fine after bandaging up."    


The doctor also laughed. In the hospital, this was a common occurrence, but this was the first time he had seen his husband so concerned about his wife.    


Min Ann'ge looked even more nervous than her. Luan Zhi leaned on his chest, and after applying the anesthetic, she unknowingly fell asleep.    


Min Ann'ge panicked the moment he saw her close her eyes.    


"Zhi? What's the matter with you? "    


The doctor was shocked. After carefully examining the item, he let out a sigh of relief and said:    


"Alright!" "She just fainted for the time being and lost a lot of blood. Don't stop me from bandaging her for now."    


Min Ann'ge heard the doctor's words and looked at Luan Zhi. Her chest was moving up and down regularly, but she was still unwilling to leave. She just stood there quietly, watching the doctor treat Luan Zhi's wounds.    


After the doctor had finished bandaging Luan Zhi's wound, Min Ann'ge carried her to a VIP ward. Only when he put her on the bed did he feel truly at ease!    


"Zhi …" Hearing her heartbeat, Min Ann'ge laid on the side of the bed and lowered his head.    


He regretted not being more cautious, as he had given them an opportunity to take advantage of! He clearly knew that those people would not give up so easily!    


He was still too careless!    


Min Ann'ge's phone buzzed.    


He opened the phone and saw Mei Shanshan's name on the screen. Min Ann'ge composed himself and walked out of the ward before answering.    


Mei Shanshan's tone was anxious as she asked about Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi's recent situation. She also said that she suddenly got panicked out of nowhere and always had a premonition that something was going to happen, so she called.    


He first called Luan Zhi, but didn't get through. Only then did he call Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge hesitated to tell them about this. During his hesitation, Mei Shanshan noticed that something was off, so he could only tell them about it.    


However, Luan Zhi's condition wasn't that serious, and she even consoled herself saying that it had been taken care of.    


Even so, Luan Shen and Mei Shanshan still rushed to the hospital.    


When Luan Shen and Mei Shanshan arrived at the hospital, Min Ann'ge came down to pay the toll and took the two elders directly to the ward.    


The moment she entered the ward and saw Luan Zhi lying motionlessly, Mei Shanshan burst into tears as she shouted in a low voice:    


"Zhi, how are you?"    


Luan Zhi's hands were wrapped like dumplings and exposed beneath the blanket. Her small face was pale and devoid of any color, causing one's heart to ache for her!    


Min Ann'ge said, "There were a few cuts on his hand, and he even had a needle stitch."    


Luan Shen asked with concern:    


"What exactly is going on? Weren't you fine a few days ago? "    


Min Ann'ge then told the two of them what happened in detail, and said, "I heard from the hospital that they've already sent it over. Luan Fei'ann entered the operating room for first aid. On the other hand, Luan Feixian didn't sustain too many injuries. It's just that the broken kneecap from before hasn't completely healed. I don't think it will even heal now. "    


Luan Shen gritted his teeth and said:    


"They deserve it! If Zhi didn't turn around in time, she would be the one to die! I have to get even with them. "    


Mei Shanshan quickly pulled Luan Shen back and said:    


"I'll go with you!"    


Even though Mei Shanshan was weak and had always been submissive, her mother had always wanted to seek justice for Luan Zhi!    


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