Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Fei'ann said:    


"Prison food is not so good! You think someone will take care of you? At that time, who would care about you anymore! However, if you kneel down and beg for Zhi's forgiveness now, I can be merciful and send you some hemorrhoids when the time comes! "    


Jiang Guowei's face turned from red to purple, he could already feel the bites of the insects from somewhere.    


The prison of this city was famous for being terrifying!    


He had already heard of it! He just let it be, and it was always a pleasure, but now it was his turn!    


"How about? I told them to take care of you more? After all, the mayor had to receive special treatment from the mayor. Oh, I forgot, you're probably not the mayor! "    


Min Ann'ge's tone was calm, but what he said made Jiang Guowei tremble. He turned around to look for his helper, but what he saw was a cold subordinate, and the crowd that wished for him to die!    


When he thought about it carefully, it seemed like no one was helping him from the bottom of their hearts. They were all attached to him under his power, and now that he was no longer around to help them, they all abandoned him.    


No, long ago, there was someone who truly loved him!    


But every time, his violent actions had caused her to gradually distance herself from him!    


He wondered how the woman he was still holding back at home was doing!    


Jiang Guowei was a bit regretful, but there was nothing he could do about it!    


Luan Feixian moaned weakly at the side. He had heard Min Ann'ge's words just now. Could the young master, who lived like a prince, really endure a prison sentence?    


"No …" Grandpa... "I still have grandpa …"    


Luan Feixian looked at his lawyer as if he suddenly remembered something.    


The lawyer had just put down the phone, he had already called Fourth Master Luan.    


But in the end...    


Fourth Master Luan did not like the stupid and arrogant Luan Feixian, but because no one else was around, he took extra care of him. But now, his hands were tainted with human life.    


How could the Luan family possibly accept such a person again?    


He might as well be like Luan Fei'ann and never get up again!    


It also saved him from getting old and worrying about it all!    


Luan Feixian looked at the lawyer, grabbed him and shook him:    


"Call my grandpa, quick! "Quickly!"    


But the lawyer already knew the result and shook his head.    


Luan Feixian was completely dumbfounded!    


After a while, the judge banged his gavel and pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.    


"Now we will begin the sentence: Luan Feixian, on the account that he is not the mastermind, is sentenced to life."    


"Jiang Guowei, for the former mayor, bribe officials, kidnap others, order others to kill their victims, punish them for several crimes, sentence them to death, suspended execution!"    


"The court is adjourned!"    


The judge got up and walked to the back.    


Several law enforcement officers walked over and escorted Jiang Guowei and Luan Feixian to the back door.    


Luan Feixian was still screaming his injustice, but because of his handicap, he could only sit on the wheelchair. He was pushed out while holding down his hands.    


Jiang Guowei was quite quiet. He just glared at Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge.    


Luan Zhi smiled. She was truly happy from the bottom of her heart!    


Min Ann'ge looked coldly at Jiang Guowei and watched him leave.    


When they were almost done, Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge walked outside.    


He was immediately surrounded by a large number of reporters in front of the court.    


"Miss Luan, what do you think about taking down Mayor Jiang this time?"    


"Mr Min, can you please talk about how this case was solved?"    


"Please have a word between the two of you."    




Questions kept coming up, but the two of them didn't have time to answer.    


Min Ann'ge waved his hand and took Luan Zhi into his arms. He looked at the reporter in front of him and asked:    


"I'll have to trouble everyone to step back a bit."    


Soon, a lot of bodyguards ran over and pushed away the reporters who were blocking their way with difficulty. The bodyguards stood beside Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge.    


The two finally got into the driver's car after a lot of trouble. When they started out, a Volkswagen beside them slowly stopped, revealing Di Jinming's face.    


"The two of you have finally come out! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"    


Luan Zhi took a look and hurriedly said:    


"Vice Mayor Di is so crafty, coming out so early!"    


Di Jinming smiled and waved at the two of them.    


"Then let's have a good chat another day. I'll be leaving first today!"    




Luan Zhi waved at Di Jinming.    


Although Di Jinming was already over forty years old, he had a pretty good temperament. That heroic spirit between his brows was something rarely seen in government officials!    


According to him, he had been in the army in his early days and had achieved first class merits. During his years in the army, he had developed a good physique, and his temperament was completely different from that of those brain-dead corrupt officials!    


Min Ann'ge hugged Luan Zhi.    


"This person is better than Jiang Guowei!" "It's worth getting to know."    


It was rare to find a man he approved of. Luan Zhi felt curious and raised her eyebrows at him.    


"It's not easy!" You actually said you wanted me to make male friends! "    


"You know I don't mean that. However, if you really think that I can't satisfy you, you can go out and look for him. If you can find someone who loves you more than me, I don't have a problem with that! "    


He said it so lightly because he was sure that there was no one who loved Luan Zhi more than him!    


"That's equivalent to not saying anything!"    


Luan Zhi said in annoyance.    


"Oh yeah, you said that there shouldn't be any more mistakes in the suspension, right?"    


Luan Zhi didn't have a deep understanding about the penalty. She had only heard about it a few times before, and it seemed like she had also heard about someone who had made a meritorious service during the probation period and even cancelled the death penalty!    


"There are indeed some who could reduce the punishment. But don't worry, I will keep an eye on the situation over here."    


The two of them got on the car and arrived home. Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen were accompanying Duo Duo back as they piled up the wooden games on the ground.    


Knowing that Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge were both going to testify in Yang Tianhai's case, Luan Shen and Mei Shanshan volunteered to take care of Duo Duo. He was also afraid that something might happen while the two of them were doing something.    


"Mom, thank you for your hard work!" Let's eat dinner before we leave! "    


Luan Zhi put down her bag and said.    


Min Ann'ge had already rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen, ready to cook!    


After cooking for a long time, he had a better understanding of the taste preferences of the people around him. In less than an hour, he had already cooked a table full of delicious dishes!    


They sat around the table, and Min Ann'ge opened a bottle of red wine!    


If it was the past, he wouldn't drink alcohol so easily!    


"Ann'ge, pour me some too!"    


Luan Zhi brought her goblet closer to Min Ann'ge and said.    


Mei Shanshan quickly stopped him.    


"Girls, it's not good to drink alcohol!"    


However, Luan Shen said:    


"Not often! I'll let her drink when I'm happy today! We'll have some too. "    


As he spoke, he poured two glasses of red wine for Mei Shanshan and himself!    


When they were cooking, Luan Zhi had already told them how amazing the trial was during the day. When Luan Shen heard the final conclusion, he sighed:    


"That kid, Luan Feixian, is ruined!"    


Mei Shanshan patted his thigh and said:    


"He's been a cripple for a long time! What is there to destroy? "Besides, I have Fourth Master, my biological grandfather. What are you worrying about?"    


Mei Shanshan's complaint did not stop Luan Shen's sigh. No matter what, Luan Feixian was still considered his junior!    


However, after thinking about what they did to Luan Zhi, Luan Shen immediately understood!    


All four of them had red wine, except for Duo Duo, who immediately gave up and pouted.    


"Duo Duo also wants to drink, Duo Duo also wants to drink!"    


"Duo Duo, kids can't drink!"    


Luan Zhi quickly coaxed.    


However, Duo Duo was looking pitifully at her. That small appearance, no one could see how heartbroken they were!    


Min Ann'ge went into the kitchen and came out with a goblet filled with wine red liquid.    


When he got closer, Luan Zhi could smell that the liquid in the glass was not red wine, but it looked extremely similar!    


"Here you are, these are red wine! Daddy poured it out for Duoduo! "    


As Min Ann'ge said this, he put the cup in Duo Duo's hand.    


Duo Duo didn't know what red wine was. Since it looked very similar, she decided to stop. She giggled and raised her cup like the rest of them.    


"Come! "A toast to the two who have finally been sent to prison!"    


Min Ann'ge said straightforwardly.    


Even Duo Duo raised the cup in her hand, speaking as if it was still fresh. Then, she brought it close to her mouth and took a sip. Only the faint fragrance of the fruits remained.    


"Alright, hurry and eat!" Mom, this is your favorite stir-fried celery. And Dad's eastslope meat! "    


Luan Zhi said, gave Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen each some food and then began to eat.    


The family of five was incredibly happy!    


As he was eating, a loud noise came from the entrance of the villa.    


The few of them hurriedly stood up to take a look, only to see Fourth Master Luan and Third Master Luan angrily walking over with a group of relatives.    


"Luan Shen, get the hell out here!"    


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