Lovely Substitute Bride



"You have no proof at all! I didn't bribe nor did I kill Yang Tianhai! "    


Jiang Guowei's voice trembled a little!    


"Evidence?" The evidence is in the hands of the judge, of course, but you haven't seen it. Commissioner Zhao Ruifeng was pushed out to take the blame, do you still want to argue now? "    


Luan Zhi spoke in an orderly manner. As she spoke, a law enforcement officer handed a thick stack of documents to the judge.    


The judge turned over the pages and nodded his head, his brows furrowing more and more.    


The people who were listening to the interrogation looked at him. They believed what Luan Zhi said even more, and the way they looked at Jiang Guowei was getting more and more unfriendly!    


Jiang Guowei said angrily:    


"Unjustly accused!" I didn't do it. "    


However, Luan Zhi nodded at the judge.    


"Your Honor, my statement is complete." Then he sat down.    


Luan Feixian didn't expect that, after all this time, Luan Zhi had pointed the spearhead at him, but now that things had taken a turn, she actually said that it was someone else!    


The joy on his face grew even more!    


The procedure continued. Next, it was Luan Feixian's defendant's statement!    


He finally gained the right to speak. Standing up, he revealed the wound on his hand and said:    


"I accidentally injured this wound at home a while ago. It must have been someone else who had stolen my blood and smeared it on the weapon! "Also, my car was stolen some time ago. I found it recently!"    


Luan Feixian's lawyer also held up a document and said:    


"This is our statement!"    


Two thin sheets of paper were handed to the judge by the law enforcement officer.    


The judge looked up and said:    


"You're saying that Jiang Guowei stole your blood and car, and wanted to frame you?"    


Luan Feixian nodded.    


The audience was in an uproar!    


This trial was simply the most difficult case to guess in history!    


Not only did the witness temporarily change his speech, but even the defendant agreed with the witness! Originally, they had thought that the killing would happen only when the witness and defendant were present.    


Now, it was even better!    


Jiang Guowei stood up abruptly but didn't say anything. He stared at Luan Feixian with a murderous look in his eyes!    


"Everyone, look at those fierce eyes, that's the only way to kill! If Yang Tianhai offended him, he will force me to avenge him! But how could I, a good and loving citizen, agree? After he was rejected by me, he became angry from embarrassment and decided to blame me for it! "    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge looked at each other and snickered in their hearts.    


This Luan Feixian's acting isn't bad either!    


Looks like this needs to be excavated and developed!    


"He rehearsed it at home."    


Min Ann'ge whispered in Luan Zhi's ear.    




Luan Zhi's jaw dropped.    


Min Ann'ge even had spies in his house?    


No wonder Luan Feixian would walk step by step into the trap they set beforehand!    


Luan Zhi secretly covered her mouth with a smile. She found it funny when she thought of Luan Feixian's serious expression and rehearsal!    


The dignified Luan Clan's most powerful person, had actually been forced to such a state by Jiang Guowei!    


Luan Feixian continued:    


"Later on, in order to get rid of the thorn in my side, Jiang Guowei arranged for a car accident to kill me! Fortunately, I was lucky enough to escape this calamity! Otherwise, I will end up like Yang Tianhai right now! "    


Jiang Guowei's heart froze, he seemed to have realized that something was wrong!    


"He wants to kill me so much because I know too much!"    


Then, he vividly described the words he overheard from the back of the house when he went to Jiang Guowei's house alone to talk about something.    


When Jiang Guowei saw Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge looking at each other and smiling, he immediately understood why Luan Feixian was targeting him! He cursed in his heart:    


"Brainless trash!"    


Jiang Guowei wanted to wake Luan Feixian up, but since this was a public place, the two were far from each other!    


After looking through all the documents, the judge turned to the law enforcer beside him and said:    


"Bring the suspect Jiang Guowei over."    


The evidence on the table in front of him couldn't be more complete! The criminal was also present at the scene. Everything was so coincidental!    


The two law enforcers walked up to Jiang Guowei and said politely,    


"Mayor Jiang, please!"    


Jiang Guowei twisted his body and instinctively dodged.    


The two law enforcers grew impatient. They stretched out their hands and forcefully pulled him to the front of the court, one from the left and one from the right.    


The two inmate seats were next to each other, separated only by an arm's length. Luan Feixian was beside him.    


Jiang Guowei turned his head and stared at Luan Feixian as he shouted in a low voice:    


"Trash!" "You fell for that Min actor's trick!"    


Luan Feixian did not think so and curled his lips:    


"Continue acting then!"    


Jiang Guowei was so angry that he reached out to grab him.    


Luan Feixian, on the other hand, was well-prepared. His body leaned to the side and just happened to dodge Jiang Guowei's hand.    


"You have no brains! I'm not talking about you! I mean, they have a lot of information about me, so I can't let them go! They purposely made it look like I was trying to destroy the bridge after crossing it! You brainless thing, you really fell for it! "    


Jiang Guowei was enraged! His voice was uncontrollable. Everyone in the court had heard what he had said!    


"Oh, so what Miss Luan Zhi said was true!"    


Everyone below the court called out.    


Jiang Guowei realized that he missed something and quickly shut his mouth.    


But now that everything was settled, how could he take back what he just said?    


With the exception of Luan Feixian, everyone turned around.    


However, Luan Feixian still shouted:    


"I was not fooled by them! I didn't cooperate with them! I'm with Deputy Mayor Di... Vice Mayor Di, it's your turn to say... "What we agreed on before …"    


Di Jinming was sitting in the seat behind Luan Feixian. They were very close to each other, but they pretended not to hear anything.    


After Luan Feixian urged him a few times, he stood up and said:    


"I'll bear witness …"    


The smile blossomed on Luan Feixian's face, but in the next second, it froze!    


"What Miss Luan Zhi said just now is true."    


"What did you say?"    


Luan Feixian grabbed him by the collar. The law enforcement officer on the side quickly pulled out his electric baton, a surge of electricity shot past Luan Feixian's body, and he fell onto the chair while twitching.    


He finally knew that he had been tricked by Luan Zhi and Di Jinming. They had made an appointment in advance!    


Jiang Guowei also lowered his head and laid on the ground.    


Luan Feixian said quietly:    


"People, they aren't people, I killed them."    


He still had a sliver of hope!    


What Luan Zhi said just now had always been about Jiang Guowei. That means I should be fine, I just fell for their trap, it's good that I don't have any relationship with Jiang Guowei now.    


But why would Luan Zhi give him that chance?    


"Your Honor, I have something to say."    


Luan Zhi raised her hand.    


The judge raised his hand.    


"Go ahead!"    


"As I said, Jiang Guowei is indeed the mastermind behind the killing of Yang Tianhai. However, the culprit was Luan Feixian without a doubt!"    


Luan Zhi said.    


Luan Feixian rolled his eyes and muttered:    


"You're lying!"    


Glancing at him once, Luan Zhi continued in order to make him give up:    


"The wound on your hand shouldn't have fully healed yet, right? A piece of pig iron has been peeled off from the bloodstain on the dagger. It should still be in your wound, right? "    


Luan Feixian quickly raised his palm and the scene from that night appeared in his mind once again.    


At that time, his subordinates had restrained Yang Tianhai, so he used his dagger to stab Yang Tianhai.    


In a desperate situation, Yang Tianhai struggled violently and kicked him. Yang Tianhai fell from the wheelchair and pressed the dagger to the ground. His sharp hand was inserted into the flesh and blood immediately flowed out.    


He was in so much pain that sweat broke out on his forehead, causing his other subordinate to part with his corpse to vent his anger. However, he only remembered to let his subordinate wipe off the blood on the ground.    


When he got home, he was so agitated that he only asked the family doctor for a simple bandage.    


Unexpectedly, there was still such a small piece of metal in the meat!    


Luan Feixian shook his hands, afraid that he would get tetanus, and quickly stretched out his hands to shout:    


"Quick, quickly take it out!"    


The judge knocked on the gavel in his hand and said:    


"Silence, silence, silence!"    


Nodding to Luan Zhi, Luan Zhi said,    


"There's also that SUV. That night, there was a passerby who took a picture of the scenery, and they just happened to shoot a picture of the SUV that was passing by. This is the video in my hand. I can clearly see that the person sitting in the back seat is Luan Feixian himself! You were clearly lying when you said that the car was stolen! "    


Luan Feixian crossed his arms and finally realized that he was doomed!    


Jiang Guowei glanced at him, but he didn't even have the thought of cursing him as an idiot!    


What was this called?    


A pot in a pan?    


Seeing Luan Zhi standing to the side with a bright smile, Jiang Guowei's face twitched twice as he swore.    


"Luan Zhi, do you think you can kill me just like that?"    


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