Lovely Substitute Bride



"Uncle Tom, you're bleeding!"    


Duo Duo exclaimed.    


Tom quickly covered her mouth, looked around, and pulled her into a small room.    


This should be a small storage room. There were only some junk and a thin layer of dust on top of it. It seemed like no one had entered here in a while!    


Tom leaned against the ground, ignoring the dust on the ground, and said to Duo Duo,    


"Xiao Duoduo, can you help Uncle check if his wounds are still bleeding?"    


Duo nodded heavily.    


Slowly, in the dim light, Tom took off his coat and jacket.    


On the left side of his waist, there was a wound that was more than ten centimeters long, and it was turning over. Bright red blood slowly flowed out, covering the wounds that had already turned black.    


"Ah, Uncle Tom is still bleeding! So much blood! Does it hurt? Duo Duo will do it for you! "    


He pouted his small mouth as he approached, trying his best to resist the smell of the blood. He wrinkled his small nose and blew on the wound.    


Tom couldn't help but laugh. He felt that the wound was a little cold, but it didn't have much of an effect on the pain.    


However, he still pulled out a wisp of a smile, rubbed his head, and said:    


"I'm fine! Leave this place first! Your family should be looking for you! "    


Previously, he had seen the Interpol who was searching every corner of the ship, and he had also seen that beautiful figure who had captivated him. He was very sure that there were definitely a lot of people looking for him now!    


If he was unlucky enough to get caught, then he would have nothing to worry about!    


What if he brought her along with him? What if he dragged her down with him?    


It's not that easy to explain to the little rascal as well!    


But with her stubborn temper, the ten oxen couldn't pull him back. Seeing the serious injury on Tom's body, how could she abandon him?    


"I don't. Uncle Tom, do you have any medicine on you? I'll apply some medicine for you and the wound will heal! "    


Tom, pale from the loss of blood, shook his head.    


This time, he had come on a mission too hastily! He even forgot to bring the first aid kit.    


However, when he thought about it carefully, he hadn't been in the habit of bringing medicine when he left the mission recently. He could always return without suffering any injuries.    


He must have been too careless!    


He had originally thought that it would be an easy mission, but who would have thought that he would fail so easily. The mission was completed, but he was injured!    


Worst of all, the Interpol who had been tracking him down had also appeared on the ship!    




I don't know if it was Tootsie or Tom's stomach singing the empty plan.    


Tom raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was already ten o'clock at night. According to his original plan, he should be home enjoying delicious food by this time.    


"Uncle Tom, I'll go out and find something to eat!"    


She also felt that she was hungry, and there was nothing in this small storage room.    


She remembered the lobster she had eaten at noon and swallowed.    


Tom thought about it and felt that it would work! After all, they couldn't possibly starve to death here! The wound on his waist was bleeding profusely, and the slightest movement would definitely cause the blood on his body to gush out crazily!    


Besides, those Interpol detectives were still searching for him. If he randomly wandered around outside, it was very possible that he would be shot!    


But Duo Duo's identity was perfectly justified!    


There should be no one willing to make things difficult for such a young girl!    


He then told Duo Duo:    


"Go, but be careful of your safety!" If you meet your family, quickly follow them back! Don't worry about me! "    


Duo Duo nodded and lightly opened the door to the storage room before walking out.    


She did not know where she had followed Tom, nor did she dare to run too far for fear of not finding her way back.    


As they were walking out of the alley, they turned left. Suddenly, they saw a woman in white overalls walking towards them.    


"Sister, may I ask, where is the food?"    


When the woman looked back at Dodo, she was startled, and began to babble away. Dodo didn't understand at all, and remembered that Mommy had said that almost everyone on the ship spoke French.    


Duo Duo touched her stomach and then opened her mouth to point.    


They could only compete!    


The woman finally came to a realization and said:    


"Whose child are you? Why did you come here? "    


Duo Duo didn't say anything. She just stood there with her head lowered, pinching her fingers together, refusing to look up.    


The woman sighed. Under the dim light, she did not notice the expensive clothes and her good looks. She only thought that it was some employee who brought the child here secretly.    


Thus, he raised his hand, pointed in a direction and said:    


"Turn right, there's food in there. But be careful, don't let a chubby chef see it! "    


With that, he left.    


Duo Duo gave her crisp thanks. Remembering that the person didn't understand Chinese, she bowed again before turning around and walking in the direction the woman had pointed to.    


After turning the corner, there was a room with a door open, letting out a soft light.    


Duo Duo secretly stuck her head out and looked inside the door.    


There was no one inside!    




Joyously, Duo Duo ran in and started rummaging through the food on the table.    


However, the table was completely cleaned up. Other than some kitchen utensils, there were vegetables and raw meat. There was no cooked food at all!    


Suddenly, a man's voice was heard coming closer and closer towards the kitchen.    


In a hurry, Duo Duo quickly opened a cabinet and entered.    


Just as he was done hiding, a middle-aged man with a fat belly walked into the kitchen.    


There was a hole in the door, and a little light came in from the outside, illuminating a box beside Duo's hand.    


At the top of the box was a red cross!    


Duo Duo recognized the medicine box!    


He opened it and saw that the gauze, powder, disinfectant and pills were all available! There was even a small bottle of distilled water.    


Duo Duo covered her mouth in surprise, afraid that she would accidentally cheer out.    


The men outside did not know what they were doing, but there was a loud noise. The men moved closer to the hole and looked outside.    


The man mumbled to himself as he opened a steamer, took out a steamed bun and stuffed it into his mouth. Then, he turned around and walked out of the room.    


After a while, when no one came, Duo Duo finally felt relieved and slowly crawled out of the cupboard.    


He even carried the small medicine chest on his body.    


Looking at the position of the steamer, it was slightly high. She found a small stool to place on before she found it!    


When he opened the steamer, he found more than a dozen steamed buns. When he touched them, they were slightly warm.    


Duo Duo quickly took four and thought for a bit before putting in another one!    


Only then did he turn back!    


She had just turned the corner when she heard the footsteps of many people behind her. She quickly ran.    


This group of people had received the captain's order to search for the crew! They went into the kitchen where Doo had been, and rummaged through it until even the hidden cabinets were opened and checked!    


Yet he still got nothing!    


One of them sighed and said:    


"Alas, this is the last level. If Captain Blues can't find that child, will he vent his anger on us?"    


The few of them muttered as they walked away.    


If they had come a few minutes earlier, or if they had taken a few more steps, they would have been able to find the cute girl in the photo immediately!    


The reward was not small!    


In the beginning, it was only the captain's orders.    


However, as time passed, he still couldn't find her.    


The captain then suggested that if the girl was found, the reward should be a thousand dollars!    


Still not found.    


Every hour after that, the reward would rise to a different level. Now, it was a bounty of 10,000 US dollars!    


Every crew member was confident that they could win the prize because they were the most familiar with the ship! All day and all night with the Queen, they knew perfectly well how many steps it would take to get to the stern of the main bow!    


But now, after activating all the crew members, they couldn't find the little girl!    


Min Ann'ge listened to the captain's report and threw the cup in his hand at the captain's feet in anger!    


"I'll give you ten minutes. If you still can't find him, you don't have to get off the ship!"    


Luan Zhi sat to the side.    


He had waited time and time again, but none of them had found any bad news!    


Her heart gradually sank!    


"I don't believe it, Ann'ge, Duo Duo will definitely be fine!" I can feel it. She must be fine. "    


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