Lovely Substitute Bride



The entrance suddenly turned into a pot of porridge. Those who wanted to enter couldn't come in, and those who wanted to leave couldn't leave.    


Noticing that they were stuck at a standstill, the unknown people at the back pushed at the people in front of them, making the scene even more crowded.    


The surrounding voices were loud, but all the lights were suddenly extinguished!    


The entire theater was plunged into darkness.    


"Why did the power go out?"    


"What's going on?"    


The crowd was restless, and the sudden darkness made everyone flustered, jostling to get out onto the deck.    


However, the more people squeezed together, the more chaotic it became!    


Min Ann'ge held Duo Duo with both of his arms as he instructed Luan Zhi.    


"Follow me closely and be careful of your safety!"    


Luan Zhi nodded. Just as she was about to reach out and pull his arm, she felt the crowd on her side suddenly surge like a wave, causing her to be unable to stand still. She could only be pushed to the right by the crowd.    




Luan Zhi's shout was drowned out by the chaotic crowd!    


There were shouts from friends everywhere, and curses could be heard constantly. There were people who fell down continuously, and their bodies were stepped on quite a few times.    


In order to maintain her balance, Luan Zhi had no choice but to follow the crowd and move her feet, gradually distancing herself from Min Ann'ge in the darkness.    


He didn't know where he was pushed to. He felt that there were people all around him, but he couldn't hear Min Ann'ge's voice at all. While he was panicking, he felt that his arm was grabbed by someone and dragged out.    


The person behind him had a cold aura and a faint smell of blood. It was not Min Ann'ge!    


"Don't move!"    


Luan Zhi was about to struggle when she heard the person behind her whispering.    


The voice was flustered, the French accent impure.    


Luan Zhi's hands were behind her back. Suddenly, her eyes lit up! The lighting in the hall of the theater was restored!    


She looked up and saw that she was already standing near the stage. In front of her was a chaotic crowd. Seeing that the lights were back on, she quickly went to find her friend.    


A cold dagger was pressed against Luan Zhi's neck. If she moved even the slightest bit, she would be in danger of getting injured!    


The people closest to Luan Zhi screamed and ran away as soon as they saw Luan Zhi being held captive. In the blink of an eye, the originally crowded hall was cleared for her and the abductors behind her!    


"What do you want?"    


Luan Zhi whispered in French.    


The man behind her ignored her and said to the surrounding people,    


"Don't come over, prepare a speedboat for me!"    


At this moment, Min Ann'ge was standing near the door with Duo Duo in his arms. He couldn't find Luan Zhi for a while, so he looked around anxiously.    


Duo Duo originally had her arms tightly wrapped around his neck. Suddenly, she raised her hand and pointed to the side.    




Min Ann'ge followed the direction of her finger and looked over. His pupils slightly constricted. The shining dagger on Luan Zhi's neck had pierced into his eyes!    


How familiar was this scene?    


When they were at home, Jiang Guowei had his men kidnap Luan Zhi and Duo Duo, which was also how he pushed her out.    


Min Ann'ge used his strength to shift Duo Duo to his right arm. His left hand pushed the person in front of him, while he kept his eyes on the man behind Luan Zhi. Gradually, he moved closer to them.    


Luan Zhi saw Min Ann'ge and Duo Duo who came against the current at first glance. She was afraid that the man behind her still had accomplices, so she signaled Min Ann'ge with her eyes to not come over.    


However, Min Ann'ge didn't show any intention of retreating, so he continued hugging the flowers as he approached.    


A female passenger suddenly shouted:    


"Don't hurt her! We'll immediately prepare what you need, but it will take some time, so let her go first! "    


Luan Zhi turned her head and saw that the woman who had spoken was dressed in a loose robe. She was very young, had long brown hair, and was quite tall.    


It looked like he was just a tourist!    


Luan Zhi was grateful that no one was willing to approach her, fearing that she would be implicated. However, this woman, who she had never met before, stood out and temporarily stabilized the abductors.    


"Hmph, you want me to let her go now, do you think I'm an idiot? Get the speedboat ready! "    


He rolled his eyes and added:    


"And, prepare two million dollars and put it on the speedboat!"    


The female tourist raised her eyebrows and screamed:    


"How can you be like this? Just a moment ago, you said that you only wanted the speedboat, and now, you're asking for cash.    


"Hmph, I don't care about that. If you don't prepare well within an hour, I will stab a hole in her neck. Even if I am unable to escape, it would not be a loss to bring someone with me as a scapegoat! "    


The kidnapper suddenly changed his mind and sneered.    


Perhaps the glittering jewelry on the necks of the surrounding people had dazzled his eyes. If he could take this opportunity to earn a large sum of money, he wouldn't have to worry about food and clothes after escaping!    


The kidnapper grabbed Luan Zhi's hands behind her back and stepped back.    


He didn't stop until his back was pressed against the edge of the stage, cautiously watching the people in the hall.    


The face of the female tourist who spoke earlier was anxious. After hesitating for a moment, she said:    


"Alright, alright, alright. Don't worry, we'll go prepare now."    


Then he turned around to look at the person beside him:    


"As you can see, be a good man and donate some money! Save that girl! "    


She actually started collecting donations one by one in the hall!    


Even the abductors were stunned and loudly shouted:    


"What the hell are you doing?"    


The female park visitor turned around with a puzzled smile on her face.    


"As you can see, raise money! I don't have two million either! "    


Although a savings of two million dollars was still enough for any passenger on this ship, who could selflessly pull it out to save a stranger?    


The female park visitors had swapped to quite a few other people, but all of them shook their heads without exception!    


No one would be willing to donate a dime!    


The female park visitor was somewhat embarrassed. She gave up on collecting donations from the crowd and walked a few steps toward Luan Zhi. However, she was stopped by the abductors and no longer dared to move forward.    


"You saw it too. Two million dollars, no! Why don't you ask for less? "    


The kidnapper frowned. This was the first time he had seen someone bargain with a kidnapper! He said unhappily:    


"Cut the crap!" "From now on, if you don't see two million dollars and a speedboat in an hour, I'll send this woman to God!"    


Luan Zhi felt the dagger on her neck draw closer, so close that it caused her skin to be ice-cold!    


At this moment, Min Ann'ge had walked to the innermost circle. However, he just stood there and didn't say anything.    


Luan Zhi didn't say a word to him. She even controlled her gaze to look in that direction, afraid that she would implicate them.    


Duo Duo had already been instructed by Min Ann'ge. Seeing Luan Zhi being threatened by the dagger, she didn't say anything, but her little face looked scared. She leaned against Min Ann'ge's neck and turned her head to look at Luan Zhi from time to time.    


Her small shoulders trembled slightly!    


Luan Zhi could tell with a single glance.    


The female tourists are still bargaining with the abductors.    


Those who had wanted to leave the hall also stopped in their tracks. They turned their heads to the edge of the stage, waiting to watch a good show!    


Outside the door, the captain ordered a few sailors and rushed to the side of the stage together. He looked at Min Ann'ge and shook his head slightly.    


"I am the captain of the Queen. I can assure you that we will do our best to fulfill all your requests. However, it will take us some time. Please come to our room to rest first."    


A stalemate in public was of no benefit to the situation!    


The abductors hardened their heart:    


"No, I will wait here!"    


As if rooted to the ground, he looked at the sailors vigilantly.    


However, the captain's cooperation was beyond his expectations! Then he thought about it and felt that it was normal! If a murder is reported on the maiden voyage of the Queen, then the Queen will be blamed for it!    


The female tourist brought over a chair from the side and kicked it with her foot.    


"Please take a seat. We'll talk slowly!"    


The captor's nerves had been stretched taut. His legs were tired, but he didn't even look at the chair. He kicked it away and shouted:    


"Don't play tricks on me!"    


The female tourist smiled coyly and muttered:    


"I was just being kind. I was afraid that you'd get tired. It was really a waste!"    


The person holding her hostage saw the state of mind of this little girl and sneered in his heart. He slightly flexed his ankle.    


Luan Zhi looked towards Min Ann'ge's direction again, but found that it was empty, with only the flowers standing in front of them.    


Glancing at Luan Zhi, Duo Duo took two steps forward.    


What did she want to do?    


Luan Zhi was alarmed. She wanted to stop them from approaching, but it was already too late!    


The crisp and clear voice of a child sounded out, speaking to the person holding her hostage:    


"Uncle, why did you do such a bad thing?"    


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