Lovely Substitute Bride



When Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge arrived at the park, they saw a lot of people blocking their way.    


Min Ann'ge pushed away the last two people. Just as the two of them were about to turn around and curse, they were startled when they saw who it was and mumbled,    


"Min, Mr Min …"    


"Out of the way!"    


Min Ann'ge said coldly.    


The bodyguard behind him stepped forward and stared at them coldly.    


After clearing a path through the crowd, Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge finally saw Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen, who were sitting on a stone bench in the middle of the crowd.    


"Dad!" "Mom!"    


Luan Zhi stepped forward and held Mei Shanshan's arm. Then, she turned around and looked at them.    


"What are you doing? They were stuck outside in the cold! Can you afford it if you are ill? "    


His overbearing voice made the closest few look embarrassed!    


This was also forcing Luan Shen to make a decision as soon as possible!    


A middle-aged man who was about the same age as Luan Shen said:    


"We have no other choice!" "Now that the company's losses are disastrous, if this goes on, all the years of your father's hard work will go to waste!"    


Luan Shen waved his hand.    


"It's not that I don't want to help you guys, I want to go back. It's just that the board of directors …" "Sigh!"    


It could only be blamed, as the highest authority was concentrated in the hands of others, so what if the company was of one mind?    


Min Ann'ge whispered in Luan Zhi's ear.    


"I think dad really can't bear to part with the company, so why don't we do as we said?"    


Luan Zhi nodded.    


After searching carefully in the crowd, Luan Zhi didn't find Fourth Master Luan, so she said,    


"Since it's the board of directors that is harming the company, why didn't you go directly to the source and instead come here to make things difficult for Dad? He is also a victim! "    


The crowd lowered their heads and curled their lips.    


Luan Zhi knew that it was impossible for them to fight against the esteemed elder Fourth Master Luan!    


"As long as all of you support my father, I have a way to get the board to take back their previous decisions! If you do not want to be the villain, I will be the one to do it! "    


Anyway, Fourth Master Luan held a grudge against her because of Luan Feixian's matter!    


Those people thought for a while, and slowly, some of them raised their fists and said,    


"Alright, we'll go with Miss Luanqian!"    


"Exactly! We have more people, so we're not afraid! "    


The group of people shouted out in a grand manner, shouting even louder and more orderly in the park at dusk!    


Those who passed by did not know what was going on. They thought that it was a marketing company that was giving their employees chicken blood!    


Luan Zhi, with Luan Shen, Mei Shanshan, and Min Ann'ge, drove the car with a long tail. A considerable number of luxurious cars headed towards Luan Corporation's headquarters in the country.    


In less than ten minutes, they had already arrived at the Luan Group building.    


The fifty-first floor of the building was entirely owned by the Luan Group. Many subsidiary companies and large departments were all built inside this building.    


Luan Zhi and her people soon found Fourth Master Luan, who was signing and approving documents in his luxurious office!    


Although he was already over the age of ten, his body was still considered strong. He also liked to hold a walking stick. Not all of it was for walking, but most of it was for hitting people.    


He was sitting in a large rocking chair, wearing a pair of reading glasses as he looked at the information in his hands.    


Seeing Luan Zhi and the others enter, he stopped rocking and stood up. He said angrily:    


"Are there any rules?" You guys broke into the CEO's office as you please? "    


The secretary that belonged to Fourth Master Luan squeezed through the crowd with difficulty, his head lowered in sweat as he wrung his hands.    


Letting so many people barge in was his dereliction of duty!    


However, it couldn't be blamed on him. In order to carry out Fourth Master Luan's policy, he had to work late to be able to return home. It was already good enough that he didn't fall asleep!    


Luan Zhi said.    


"Fourth Master Luan, don't be angry! However, don't you think that the position of CEO is very hot for you? The Luan is not yours alone, so you can't cover the sky with one hand! "    


Fourth Master Luan was leaning on his walking stick. When he was not talking, he seemed to be very virtuous and respected! But the moment he opened his mouth, he completely broke the record!    


"You bastard! What right did he have to criticize this place? Even Luan Shen would not dare to use such a tone towards me.    


However, Luan Zhi ignored his sarcasm and pointed to the group of over a hundred people behind him, saying:    


"You are currently the most senior member of Luan Group, but look, which one of them admires you?"    


Fourth Master Luan glanced over with his triangular eyes and saw that the people behind Luan Zhi and the other three were glaring at him.    


Luan Zhi smiled faintly.    


"I think, you also don't want to bring trouble to the entire Luan Group, so you won't be able to face your own ancestors in a hundred years, right?"    


Humans were like this. The older they were, the more they believed in retribution. They also wanted to see if they could lift up their heads and become ghosts!    


These words hit his sore spot!    


Even though no one could stop him now, he knew that he was betting on the future of the corporation!    


During this period of time, even though he was angry, he was well aware that he was old!    


However, he wasn't willing to let such a huge corporation end up with Luan Shen as his sworn enemy!    


Not to mention that his family's Luan Zhi had a grudge with his grandson, even he didn't have any good intentions towards them! If Luan Shen regained control of the group, how would they get a foothold?    


"Nonsense! We will bring the entire Luan to its glory! "    


He pointed at the side door with his walking stick and the door opened. It was Third Master Luan!    


Third Master Luan smiled bitterly and walked over to stand beside Fourth Master Luan.    


"Now that the board of directors has abolished Luan Shen's position, we should put our hearts to it and retire to our homes. What are we here for?"    


Min Ann'ge stood up and mocked:    


"Speaking of retirement, the two of you are more suited to it! Why don't you all hurry up and retire now? Otherwise, it would be too late. "    


From the inside, he was clearly mocking them for not having many years left to live!    


"Right, you two should go home and retire!"    


Luan Zhi said.    


The person standing behind her also shouted:    


"She's right! "Go home and retire!"    


"Old age!"    


The crowd was full of passion. While shouting "old age" loudly, they were pressing closer towards Fourth Master Luan and Third Master Luan!    


The two of them were gradually forced to the window.    


He turned his head to the side and saw the bright sunlight shining through the clear glass window behind him. The human figure on the ground was as small as an ant.    


Not to mention two old men!    


Actually, there was no need to worry about the glass breaking. The specially made tempered glass could withstand a weight of over a thousand jin. Even if one's entire body was lying on top of it, not a single crack would be created.    


But after Fourth Master Luan saw it, all the blood in his body rushed to his head and he felt a violent wave of dizziness. If it wasn't for him tightly grabbing onto his walking stick, he would have fallen backwards!    


Luan Shen couldn't bear it any longer. He reached out his hand to hold the two old men, but just as he raised his hand, he put it down!    


Seeing that it was about time, Luan Zhi raised her hand to stop the crowd from continuing to get closer. She pushed through the crowd and said:    


"Master Four, Master San, I advise you two to let go of me!" With your experience, you don't have to worry about being left without support in your later years! We are different from you. We are not narrow-minded. What we should give you, we will definitely give! But now, I can only ask you to go home this way! If this continues, it will be too late for my dad to do anything, and by then, it will really be too late! "    


Third Master Luan looked at Fourth Master Luan.    


Fourth Master Luan sighed heavily. Throwing away his walking stick, he walked out first.    


Third Master Luan picked up his crutch, smiled apologetically at Luan Zhi and Luan Shen and chased after them.    


Everyone cheered:    


"That's great! The company can be saved! "    


Fourth Master Luan, who had already walked out, let out a heavy snort and walked away as fast as he could.    


Luan Shen once again returned to his position as CEO. Everyone in the audience heaved a sigh of relief! The suppressed atmosphere in the group was finally swept away!    


Everyone was filled with joy!    


They just got back for a few days, and Luan Shen was so busy!    


He had to sort out the work he had left behind while he was dismissed, and he had to start new projects as well. However, now that he had things to do, he seemed to have come alive!    


The nagging from the past few days was gone!    


Although he slept after work every day, he had a very fulfilling life!    


The days went back!    


It was just that Fourth Master Luan and Third Master Luan had moved out from the city center, and truly returned to the villa where the Luan Clan elders were resting, and stayed there to recuperate for the whole year!    


Not long after settling this matter, Luan Zhi saw a figure that she hadn't seen for a long time at the entrance of Duo Duo's school!    


Soong Yaru.    


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