Lovely Substitute Bride



When the matter came to an end, Luan Zhi remembered Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen and finally decided to return home!    


On the day of their return home, Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi received another guest!    


In the restaurant, Gu De sat opposite of the two of them. He raised the red wine glass in his hand and said,    


"Brother Min, I wish you a pleasant journey!"    


Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi both raised their glasses and took a sip. The old red wine tasted sweet and mellow!    


"Thank you, Mr. Good! If there's an opportunity in the future to visit my country, I will definitely entertain you! "    


Min Ann'ge said humbly.    


Gu De felt somewhat regretful.    


"Seriously, man, can't we stay any longer?"    


Min Ann'ge waved his hand.    


"There are still some matters in the country. It's been almost two months since I've come here. It's time to go back."    


"Alright! Brother Min, you are the person I admire the most, I hope we can continue to cooperate in the future! Cheers! "    


Gu De boldly raised his cup again.    


He had already drunk one cup after another, but he did not feel the slightest bit intoxicated!    


Luan Zhi was about to raise her glass to drink, but Min Ann'ge held her hand and said to Gu De,    


"Mr. Good, my wife's alcohol capacity is not good. Let me drink for her!"    


Without waiting for Luan Zhi to stop him, he picked up her cup and drank his cup in one gulp!    


Seeing that he did not stop at all, Gu De drank two cups, clapping his hands and laughing.    


"Good alcohol capacity!" How enviable! Miss Luan Zhi, you have good eyes! "    


Being praised again, Luan Zhi's heart felt even sweeter.    


Although Gu De was sentimental, he had a few beauties by his side. Just like right now, the four beauties at the table next door were all his people!    


However, he did not look like he was being frivolous at all. The only two times he came into contact with Luan Zhi was when he treated her with great respect!    


Luan Zhi smiled and held Min Ann'ge's hand under the table with concern.    


He felt Min Ann'ge's warm palm and his eyes were very clear. Knowing that Min Ann'ge wasn't drunk, he calmed down.    


At that moment, a waiter brought their dishes. Among them, there was a sashimi, a crystal clear piece of snapper as thin as a cicada's wing, dipped into a saucer, and eaten extremely delicious!    


However, the moment the dish was placed on the table, Luan Zhi suddenly felt her stomach churning as a wave of disgust rose up in her throat!    


Luan Zhi covered her mouth and rushed to the bathroom without giving any explanation.    


Min Ann'ge quickly followed him.    


Gu De looked at the sashimi with a stomach full of confusion, and blinked in puzzlement. The women at the table beside them looked at each other for a few seconds, as if they understood what was going on.    


Luan Zhi rushed into the ladies room and retched at the sink.    


Min Ann'ge comforted Ye Zichen from behind. He didn't need to turn around to know that Min Ann'ge's face was definitely full of anxiety.    


"Ah!" "Men!    


A woman walked out from the cubicle and screamed when she saw Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge stared at her coldly without saying a word.    


The woman trembled under Min Ann'ge's gaze and didn't dare to speak again. She only glared at him and deliberately avoided his gaze.    


Luan Zhi patted her chest.    


"Ann'ge, you should leave first!"    


Min Ann'ge remained unmoved as he continued to massage her back.    


However, Luan Zhi could not spit anything out, so she could only retch.    


"Zhi, let's go to the hospital now!"    


Min Ann'ge said without a doubt as he accompanied Luan Zhi out of the ladies' room.    


Luan Zhi's face was pale as she said with a faint smile:    


"Idiot, aren't we going to fly home soon? Let's go back to the country. I miss them! "    


The 'them' she was referring to was Luan Shen and Mei Shanshan.    


After not seeing each other for a long time, he wondered how the two old men were. Although there was still a call to make, he still felt that those calls were illusory and not reliable at all.    


Min Ann'ge embraced her and slowly walked to his seat.    


When she returned to her seat, Luan Zhi saw that the sashimi on the table was already gone. She turned to look at Gu De and saw that he was looking at her in a friendly manner.    


"Oh, I've already ordered my people to stop taking that dish. Is sister-in-law alright? "    


"Thank you! "I'm fine."    


Luan Zhi replied simply, hurriedly ate some food and was urged by Min Ann'ge to board the plane.    


Gu De watched the two of them leave in a hurry. A girl beside him walked up to his side and whispered a few words into his ear.    


"Hahaha!" So that's how it was! That's a good thing! "    


His eyes were filled with understanding and gratification.    


At Min Ann'ge's private airport, Elder Ling and Dodo had arrived early.    


Bored with boredom, Duo Duo sat on the chair with her legs dangling in the air, looking at the pilot who was in the process of preparing. Elder Ling, who was beside him, smiled as he took out a lollipop from his pocket!    




Duo Duo shouted in surprise.    


Elder Ling peeled away the lollipop and placed it in her hands.    


Since he and Duo Duo often played together, he always had some snacks and toys in his pocket in case of need.    


"Thank you, Grandpa Ling!" Grandpa Ling is the best! "    


Duo Duo mumbled indistinctly with a lollipop in her mouth.    


Elder Ling laughed out loud. He touched his hair and pointed to the pilots that were busy with their work.    


"Duo Duo, don't forget about grandpa when you return home by plane!"    


Duo Duo nodded her head heavily:    


"En, Grandpa Ling is the best. I will call Grandpa Ling. I won't leave Grandpa Ling alone!"    


Her Lil 'White had already delivered the plane, and all sorts of grasses were prepared, enough for it to eat until it returned home.    


Lil 'White was the lamb that Elder Ling gave her! Due to her snow-white body, she gave it this name!    


"Hahaha!" "Little girl, do you know what it means to be alone?"    


Elder Ling laughed out loud due to the understanding tone.    


However, Duo Duo was very serious. She even took out a lollipop and said:    


"Of course I know. We're just one person, no matter what we do!"    


"I'm not alone. Look over there, they are all grandfather's disciples. They often stay by my side!"    


Elder Ling pointed at the disciples not far away.    


Duo Duo glanced at it, pouted her small mouth, and said with dissatisfaction:    


"I'm talking about grandpa's good friend! Just like Duoduo, although daddy and mommy are very painful to Duoduo, but Duoduo is a little child, sometimes it is also lonely! Ai, Duo Duo really wants a little sister! This way of playing the game will have someone accompanying Duo Duo! "    


"Oh? Duo Duo wants my little sister? "    


Duo Duo nodded. She was frowning with her small delicate eyebrows, sighing with a helpless look on her face while holding up her cheeks.    


"Hahaha, little girl, you will definitely have a younger brother and sister, don't worry!"    


Elder Ling laughed. This little girl could always give him a lot of surprises.    


"I don't want my brother. I want my sister. Little sister is so soft, so cute! "Little brother is too naughty!"    


She thought of the boys in her school who often bullied other girls, and how they always made her angry and ran off to fight for the girl who had been wronged.    


"Alright, alright, alright. Then, little sister!"    


Wu Tie stroked his beard and saw Min Ann'ge, who was supporting Luan Zhi as they walked closer. He pointed at the two of them and said to Duo Duo,    


"Duo Duo, look, who's coming?"    


"Mommy! "Daddy!"    


Dodo jumped from her chair to the floor, bouncing and waving her arms at them, crying out in delight.    


Min Ann'ge was worried about Luan Zhi and insisted on supporting her.    


Luan Zhi felt extremely helpless. There was clearly no longer any discomfort now! However, she couldn't force him, so she had no choice but to agree! Seeing Duo Duo and Elder Ling, he happily walked a few steps forward.    


"Duo Duo!"    


It had been a few days since she last saw Duo Duo, and Luan Zhi missed her very much!    


"Slow down!" It's not like they can run! "    


Min Ann'ge's concerned voice sounded:    


"How about I carry you?"    


If Luan Zhi was willing, he would have already carried her and left. However, she was very shy and would definitely not allow him to show her love in front of so many people!    


Luan Zhi immediately slowed down her footsteps.    


When they finally arrived in front of the two of them, Luan Zhi threw herself into Luan Zhi's arms.    


"Mommy, Duo Duo misses you!"    


"Is that so? Mommy wants Duoduo too! What did you say to Grandpa Ling just now? "So happy."    


Duo Duo tilted her head and thought for a while before saying:    


"We're talking about whether it's better to have a younger brother or a younger sister. Mommy, do you think little brother or little sister is better? "    


Duo Duo was actually saying this to Elder Ling. Luan Zhi blushed as she looked at Min Ann'ge!    


It was all his fault. He was always unbridled when talking to Duo Duo.    


Seeing Luan Zhi's shy pink ears, Elder Ling laughed out loud.    


"Duo Duo says she wants a little sister alone! You all have to work hard! "    


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