Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Xinduo slowed down her pace, wishing that she wouldn't return to the classroom.    


Fang Faang Yuanyuan also frowned and said:    


"That freshman is indeed fearsome. Even Teacher Long was tamed by him!"    


Min Xinduo nodded. The oppression Ji Yuqing brought to her was too strong. She couldn't wait to never see him again.    


Every time she tried to muster up the courage to apologize, she was scared off by his cold gaze. No matter how brave she was in front of others, it was as if he was her natural nemesis and she was ashamed of him the moment he appeared on stage.    


Min Xinduo had something on her mind, so she slowed down her pace. Suddenly, she felt a force pulling her to the side, making her feel dizzy. When she saw what was in front of her, she found herself in an empty classroom.    


"You don't remember me."    


Ji Yuqing's voice sounded behind Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo turned around and nearly bumped into Ji Yuqing.    


"You, why are you standing so close to me?"    


Min Xinduo took a step back and looked warily at Ji Yuqing.    


"You haven't answered me yet."    


Ji Yuqing stepped forward and stared at Min Xinduo, who was deliberately keeping a distance from him.    


Min Xinduo looked around and saw that the door to the classroom beside the two of them was ajar. The sound of students walking about came from outside the door.    


Not far away, Faang Yuanyuan saw that Min Xinduo remained silent for a long time. She turned around only to discover that there was no one behind her. She was panicking as she searched for Min Xinduo's figure in the crowd.    


Ji Yuqing couldn't be here to do something to her, right?    


Min Xinduo's imagination was plentiful as she covered her chest with her hands.    


"Heh, what's in your little brain? Listen up, I am not interested in you! "    


When Ji Yuqing saw Min Xinduo's cautious attitude, she looked just like the cat that Tom used to have. She always seemed to be against him.    


"Tsk, that's what the bad guys say!"    


With that, Min Xinduo inadvertently looked at the door with her heart calculating how many seconds it would take for her to escape.    


"Don't even think about running away from me."    


Ji Yuqing saw through her intention with a glance.    


After being exposed, Min Xinduo felt a little awkward. She deliberately turned her head and pouted as she said,    




Ji Yuqing sneered. With a hooks of his feet, a table was blocked in front of the door.    


When Min Xinduo saw that his small movement was obviously meant to cut off her escape route, she became a little angry.    


"This is a school! "If you dare to mess around, I'll … I'll …"    


"You what?"    


In Ji Yuqing's eyes, Min Xinduo was just like a little mouse. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape from his grasp.    


Now he wanted to tease her.    


Ji Yuqing walked towards her.    


Min Xinduo retreated step by step until her back was against a thick wall. She had nowhere to retreat to!    


Suddenly, she stretched out her palm. Her fingers were getting closer and closer to Min Xinduo's face, making her extremely nervous.    


"You, you, stop!"    


Her struggles sounded so weak.    


Ji Yuqing's finger didn't touch her cheek, but instead, he slightly moved it downwards and hooked the silver chain from her neck.    


At the end of the silver chain, there was a jade pendant.    


Ji Yuqing suddenly felt a little disappointed and stopped without any interest.    


Min Xinduo hurriedly put the jade pendant back into her collar and viciously said:    




It was unknown where he got the courage from, he suddenly pushed Ji Yuqing's body and angrily arrived in front of the unlocked classroom door. He forcefully moved the desk that was covered in dust away, opened the door and ran out.    


Faang Yuanyuan was still standing at the same spot. Her anxious expression relaxed when she saw Min Xinduo suddenly appear in the crowd. She took two steps forward, and seeing her flushed face, she asked.    


"What's the matter, Duo Duo? Where have you been? Why is your face so red? "    


Min Xinduo rubbed her cheeks with all her might and pulled Faang Yuanyuan's hand indignantly as she walked forward, saying:    


"I've been bitten by a dog!"    




Faang Yuanyuan was confused. Was being bitten by a dog such a symptom?    


Seeing that Min Xinduo was obviously angry, she did not continue asking.    


However, Min Xinduo's heart was already overturning. Thinking about Ji Yuqing's teasing eyes just now, she suddenly felt defeated.    


She had always been the one to bully others. When had it ever been her turn to be forced to retreat?    


This won't do, she had to have her dad teach her a few moves that were powerful. At that time, let's see how Ji Yuqing would still show off his might.    


Faang Yuanyuan didn't dare to make a sound and would occasionally glance at Min Xinduo's expression. She had never seen Min Xinduo with such an anxious and angry expression. She was always cheerful and lively.    


The two of them walked towards the classroom and passed by the form teacher's office. The form teacher was currently writing something with his head buried in the inside while his pair of glasses rested loosely on the bridge of his nose.    


"Oh my, my stomach hurts!" Yuan Yuan, I'm not feeling well, I can't stand up anymore! "    


Without any warning, Min Xinduo collapsed limply onto the floor with her face scrunched up into a frown. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed the form teacher who stood up upon hearing the noise in the office.    


Faang Yuanyuan anxiously squatted down and asked, at a loss:    


"Duoduo, what's wrong with you? Is it hard? "    


When she raised her head, she saw Min Xinduo winking at her, then continuing to wail and cry out in pain.    


As the head teacher of the class, Teacher Loong Bo was very strict, but he was very concerned about the students' safety and health. As the head teacher of the class, Teacher Loong Bo was very strict, but he was very concerned with the students' safety and health.    


Min Xinduo covered her stomach with both hands. Her face was flushed red as she screamed out, "It hurts!"    


Teacher Loong Bo poured her a cup of hot water. Seeing that Min Xinduo was still in so much pain after drinking it, his serious face showed some nervousness.    


"How about this, I'll take you to the infirmary for a look."    


"No, no, no. I'm sick. Even if I go to the infirmary, I won't be able to cure it. However, I have a special medicine in my family." Teacher Long, can I take a day off from work? "    


Min Xinduo said in a staccato manner.    


Faang Yuanyuan stood to the side. The look in Min Xinduo's eyes had already made it clear to her. She tried her best to match it with Min Xinduo's performance.    


To Min Xinduo, this trick was easy to pull off!    


Loong Bo immediately said with concern:    


"Then I'll drive you home. I'm worried about you!"    


"Teacher Long, there's no need to trouble you. I'll call my dad, he can immediately send a car to pick me up."    


Loong Bo also knew that since his severity scared these students, they definitely wouldn't want to stay a second longer with him.    


As expected, Min Xinduo took out her phone and dialed a number. She then placed the phone by her ear and said a few simple words before hanging up.    


"Teacher Long, let me walk Duo Duo to the school gate!"    


With that, Faang Yuanyuan helped Min Xinduo up and was about to leave the classroom.    




Teacher Loong Bo's reprimanding made both of them, who were secretly rejoicing at the success of the plan, stiffen. Especially Min Xinduo, cold sweat broke out on her forehead!    


Stepping on the ground with his high heels, Loong Bo turned around and took a piece of paper from his desk. He signed his name on it and immediately walked in front of the two of them.    


"Take this slip of paper and go out."    


Min Xinduo looked down and saw that it was indeed an exit permit. Loong Bo's big name was signed on it in a flurry of movements.    


Faang Yuanyuan quickly took it.    


Min Xinduo forced a smile on her face and expressed her thanks with great difficulty. Her arm, which had been held by Faang Yuanyuan, moved slightly as she urged Faang Yuanyuan to leave.    


Loong Bo finally let out a sigh of relief after watching the two of them disappear into the corridor. He walked back to his office and started to think about whether he was being too strict and old-fashioned.    


After turning the corner, Min Xinduo's hunched back immediately recovered its straightness. A smile broke out on her face, and she took the fake note from Faang Yuanyuan's hand, giving an exaggerated kiss while smiling complacently.    


"Duo Duo, is this really going to be alright?"    


Faang Yuanyuan asked worriedly.    


Min Xinduo patted her shoulder and revealed her signature smile. Her eight shining teeth were revealed as she said in a low voice while beaming with joy:    


"Rest assured!" I have long prepared for this move, Teacher Loong Bo will not discover it! "    


"I'm not talking about that! I mean that! "    


Faang Yuanyuan pointed at her classroom, her eyes wide and her shoulders shrugging.    


The person she was afraid of was Ji Yuqing!    


"If I can escape, I can't escape. I can't escape for 15 years!"    


Faang Yuanyuan added.    


Min Xinduo spread her hands and rolled her eyes. Her long eyelashes trembled as she looked at Faang Yuanyuan, who was slightly lower than her. Her eyes were filled with determination.    


"Let's talk after we escape!" Rest assured, you should quickly go back to class! I'll go home and hide. "    


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