Lovely Substitute Bride



On the polished marble table were all the dishes she liked, East Slope Meat, Duck in Sauce, and Spicy Chips and Shrimp!    


The dishes were all cooked according to her taste, completely inconsistent with her grandma and grandpa's way of life!    


Mei Shanshan smiled as she continued to serve dishes to Min Xinduo. Although Min Xinduo liked to eat these, but Mommy didn't always agree with the kitchen cooking. She was afraid that the fat would be too high, which would be bad for her body!    


Therefore, this time, Min Xinduo was able to eat to her heart's content!    


She knew that her grandpa and grandma were Mommy's weak points, and she, coincidentally, was her grandpa's precious treasure!    


After dinner, Min Xinduo pestered her grandparents about the trip abroad.    


Although the age gap between her and her grandparents was quite large, there was no generation gap. Min Xinduo always liked to hear about these strange things, which made her yearn for them even more!    


There was no helping it, since the accident, Mommy had not let her wander around the world!    


Just as Min Xinduo was getting excited, a limousine stopped in front of the mansion's entrance. The driver ran to open the door, but the owner had already opened the door and stepped out.    


"Old Li, you don't have to open the door for me every time."    


A male voice filled with magnetism sounded.    


Uncle Fu was already waiting on the porch of the villa. When he saw the man return, he quickly bent down to greet him. He received the briefcase from the man and kindly pointed out:    


"Young Master, the old master, his wife, and the young miss have returned."    


The male owner of this villa was Min Ann'ge.    


Hearing this news, a smile appeared on his face, but he still walked towards the hall steadily. Sure enough, in the small parlour by the French window, Min Xinduo was smiling as she spoke to the two elders.    


When she saw Min Ann'ge return, Min Xinduo hurried over and hugged Min Ann'ge's arm in a spoiled manner.    


"Daddy, you're back! It's been hard on you! You can stay here and talk to Grandma and Grandpa, and I'll go make some tea!    


Min Ann'ge raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:    


"Mm, be careful!"    


When Min Xinduo brought him some tea, she stood behind him on her own accord and massaged his shoulders, asking him how strong he was.    


Min Ann'ge enjoyed Min Xinduo's considerate service. He smiled at Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen on the opposite side. With a trace of ridicule in his voice, he said,    


"Dad, mom, did Duoduo do something bad today? So attentive! "    


Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen looked at each other, full of affection. They just smiled and didn't say anything.    


The one who answered him was Luan Zhi.    


"Don't you think your daughter should be at school today?"    


Min Ann'ge was very smart. He had already smelled the meaning behind his wife's words. He patted the hand that Min Xinduo was still pinching on her shoulder and said,    


"Has Duoduo skipped classes again?"    




Min Xinduo stomped her foot in a spoiled manner, bent down and put her arms around Min Ann'ge's neck and said:    


"I missed you!" Let me tell you, when I was at school today, I suddenly sensed that Grandpa and Grandma came back, so I rushed back! "    


Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen burst into laughter. They couldn't control themselves from laughing at this girl's ghost spirit.    


Mei Shanshan straightened her expression and suddenly announced:    


"Oh right, look at my brain. There might be a distant cousin coming over after a while."    


"A distant cousin?"    


In her entire life, she had rarely heard her parents and grandparents talk about any relatives. She knew that Mommy and her grandparents were both members of the Luan family, but she had never seen anyone else in the family.    


Luan Zhi was even more confused.    


"Is his surname Luan?"    


Luan Shen shook his head. He pushed the dessert plate towards Min Xinduo and explained:    


"No. We ran into each other in Switzerland, and coincidentally, he was actually Duo Duo's cousin. "    




Min Xinduo was pleasantly surprised. She was an only child and because she was close with Faang Yuanyuan, she had many siblings in her family. Min Xinduo was always envious of her!    


She often thought how wonderful it would be to have a brother who loved her!    


Although she had received quite a bit of love, this sort of feeling couldn't even be compared to someone of the same age. She would always have more common topics to discuss with others.    


Therefore, Min Xinduo was looking forward to meet this cousin of hers, who she had never met before.    


Min Ann'ge didn't have any resistance. Seeing that Luan Zhi was lost in thought, he immediately reached out to wrap her hand. It was a bit cold, yet it was also a bit thin. Min Ann'ge couldn't help but feel his heart ache.    


Luan Zhi loved to design, always forgot to eat and sleep at the beginning of her work, and even specially prepared a studio at home.    


Min Ann'ge felt sorry for her, but he couldn't say anything to stop her.    


Min Xinduo stood up and caught a glimpse of a familiar figure standing in the corner of the dining room. It was facing away from them, and for some reason she was concerned.    


When she turned around, the figure turned around and sipped the coffee in his hand as he looked at the car with an evil smile.    




he whispered.    


Min Xinduo ate too much that night, so after taking a shower, she called Faang Yuanyuan from her bed.    


"Yuan Yuan, did anything happen today?"    


On the other end of the phone, Faang Yuanyuan had just laid down on her bed in the dorm. She took out her earpiece and put it in her ear as she said in a low voice,    


"Everything is good! It was the teacher in the last class who asked. "    


Min Xinduo asked again after some hesitation:    


"That freshman didn't do anything to you, right?"    


"Freshman?" My name is Ji Yuqing. "    


Faang Yuanyuan corrected Min Xinduo's address, making her gape in shock.    


"Little girl, I was just away for the whole afternoon, yet you turned the tables!?" What drug did he drug you with? "    


"You are not here this afternoon, but Ji Yuqing has made a great show of it. Mathematics class carried out a hall test with a perfect score. The history class had a better understanding of the various eras than the teacher, and this wasn't all. In the chemistry class, he was even called on to act as the teacher's assistant and conduct experiments! In just one afternoon, he managed to capture the attention of the teachers. "    


Faang Yuanyuan went on and on.    


Min Xinduo curled her lips.    


"So what? The guy who loves to see! Given his age, he must have already learned it many times, so of course he would know! "    


"Hmm, what a sour taste!" Duo Duo, your position will be lost in the future! "    


Faang Yuanyuan teased her good friend, but was still worried for her in her heart.    


Min Xinduo had always been outstanding in her studies, ever since primary school. Even the worst mathematics ranked among the best under her efforts.    


Even though Faang Yuanyuan was keen on studying, she didn't take it too seriously!    


Min Xinduo, wearing a soft nightgown and twirling a strand of her curly hair, said indifferently:    


"If you can't protect it, then you can't! I don't care. "    


What she didn't say was that she didn't think this Ji Yuqing would be able to shake her position as number one!    




Faang Yuanyuan laughed so cunningly that Min Xinduo felt her hair stand on end and goosebumps rose all over her body.    




Min Xinduo suddenly heard a sound coming from the window.    


She turned her head abruptly, everything was normal. The moonlight that shone through the window was like water, the wind gently blowing the curtain of the curtain.    


"Duo, Duo!"    


Without Min Xinduo's response, Faang Yuanyuan asked urgently.    


"Oh, nothing! Yuan Yuan, the lights in the dorm are about to go out, right? "    


Looking at the time, it was already past 11 PM. The lights in the dormitory must have already gone out.    


Faang Yuanyuan replied in a low voice. The two of them said good night and hung up the phone.    


Just as he put down his cell phone, the wind outside the window suddenly grew stronger. It blew against the curtains, and the ornaments beneath them collided with each other, creating a loud noise.    


Min Xinduo got off the bed, walked to the window and looked out.    


The trees around the villa rustled, and the wind picked up the fallen leaves and swirled them down.    


The bright moonlight from before had disappeared, and the dark clouds had blocked the full moon. It had become much more frightening outside!    


Min Xinduo, who had always been bold, muttered:    


"It's going to rain."    


Close the window.    


Just as he turned around, a bell suddenly rang!    


Min Xinduo jumped up in fright.    


His phone lit up with blue light.    


Min Xinduo patted her chest and looked at the screen. It was an unfamiliar number with unknown location.    


Min Xinduo hesitated for a long time before hanging up.    


However, after less than half a minute, the phone started to clamor again. It was still the same number.    


After repeating this a few times, Min Xinduo finally pressed the answer button.    


"Hello! May I ask who it is? "    


Min Xinduo's slightly angry voice rang. There were very few people who had no experience and still refused to give up even after hanging up a phone.    


There was a deathly silence on the other end of the phone.    


No, Min Xinduo could hear the faint sound of breathing.    


"Who are you?"    


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