Lovely Substitute Bride



"Ah, what and what is this?"    


The more Min Xinduo thought about it, the more confused she became. She then lay back down on the bed.    


"Who took me out? Who sent me back? "    


"Shadow and Mr. Mask?"    


She wasn't sure.    


This was too unbelievable!    


"Miss, are you awake? A guest is coming. "    


The servant standing outside Min Xinduo's bedroom said respectfully.    


Puzzled, Min Xinduo got off the bed and walked into the bathroom while enduring the pain in her legs.    


When she walked down the stairs, she saw a family sitting neatly on the sofa in the living room. Other than her father's mother, her grandparents and a man she didn't know!    


Min Ann'ge looked at Min Xinduo on the stairs and waved his hand.    


"Duoduo, come down to see your cousin."    




Didn't you say that it would take him some time to get here?    


Min Xinduo looked doubtfully at her grandmother.    


Mei Shanshan pulled her over and sat her down beside her. Then, she clapped Min Xinduo's hands and explained.    


"Your cousin Yuan Tianlee, he'll be here as soon as we get off the plane."    


Only then did Min Xinduo look Yuan Tianlee up and down.    


He looked very young, about 22 or 23 years old. His hair was very short and his eyebrows were deep. He was looking at Min Xinduo with a meaningful look in his eyes with dark circles around his eyes.    


Min Xinduo, who originally had some expectations for her cousin that she had never met before, felt an unspeakable strange in her heart when she met Yuan Tianlee's gaze.    


"Hello! My cousin! My name is Yuan Tianlee! "    


His Chinese was a bit awkward, so he stretched out his right hand in front of Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo slowly stretched out her hand in hesitation, but regretted it the moment she touched his palm!    


What kind of hands were those? The joints were clear and strong, and there was a slimy feeling, as if the hand had been covered with a layer of oil.    


It was too late to retract his hand.    


Yuan Tianlee grabbed Min Xinduo's hand and shook it, then quickly let go of her hand.    




Min Xinduo retracted her hand, forcefully suppressing the urge to wipe her palm. She nodded slightly as a form of greeting.    


"Your cousin used to live abroad, half German. However, you're right about the Chinese language! "    


Luan Shen said. There was praise in the eyes he looked at Yuan Tianlee with. Clearly, he had a good impression of this distant relative!    


No wonder it didn't look like an Asian face at all.    


Min Xinduo raised her head occasionally to look at Yuan Tianlee, but then quickly moved away.    


However, he realized that every time he looked at Yuan Tianlee, the other person was staring at him.    


Seeing that Min Xinduo did not answer, Mei Shanshan added:    


"Your grandfather and I twisted our feet when we were skiing. It was Tianlee who sent us down the mountain. You said that it was a coincidence? "    


There were so many coincidences in the world, it wasn't that rare.    


Min Xinduo nodded slightly at Yuan Tianlee. Then, she turned to Mei Shanshan and said coquettishly.    


"Grandma, I'm a bit tired. I want to go up to sleep for a while longer."    


Min Xinduo was a bit listless.    


Luan Zhi knew her daughter very well.    


"Are you really not feeling well? Why don't we call Dr. Liang over? "    


Min Xinduo shook her head in refusal, indicating that she would be fine after a nap.    


Maybe it was because he was too tired from running for so long last night!    


Logically speaking, her legs had long since become paralyzed after running the entire night on the streets. However, she only felt a bit sore, not to the point that she couldn't endure it.    


Min Xinduo blamed it all on her strong physical fitness!    


Luan Zhi took the initiative to ask Song Min Xinduo to return to her room. This time, Min Xinduo did not refuse.    


Although Mommy was a little strict with her, she still cared about her.    


As they walked up the stairs, Min Xinduo felt a burning gaze following her from behind, making her feel uncomfortable.    


Mei Shanshan's affectionate voice came from behind him:    


"Tianlee, since you came this time, why don't you stay here for a few more days!"    


Luan Shen also warmly invited:    


"Right, it's rare to be here."    


Yuan Tianlee rejected her with a few words in a low voice and then agreed decisively.    


Min Ann'ge sat at the side and looked around Yuan Tianlee and his daughter but didn't say anything in the end.    


This young man's performance was not critical at all. From the moment he entered the villa, he had been very humble, like an elegant gentleman who had immediately gained the recognition of everyone.    


After tucking in the blanket, Luan Zhi softly confirmed,    


"Duo Duo, is there really nothing wrong?"    


Min Xinduo nodded.    


"Mommy, I'm fine. Don't you have a show today? "Hurry up and go, I'll be fine after a nap.    


"Alright! If you feel any discomfort, quickly call me! "    


"I know!" Goodbye Mommy! "    


Min Xinduo raised a smile as she bid her farewells to Luan Zhi.    


Perhaps it was because she was too tired, Min Xinduo fell asleep again. However, she was too drowsy to sleep soundly.    


She rarely had any sleep problems. Every time her head touched the pillow, she would fall asleep in less than ten minutes.    


But today, he was always in a daze and always felt like there was a gaze on him.    


When he woke up, sweating profusely, it was already ten in the morning.    


Looking out of the bedroom window, he saw Yuan Tianlee chatting with his grandparents in the garden. The two elders were laughing happily.    


From time to time, Yuan Tianlee would point at the puppy that was circling around the three people on the ground, talking nonstop, which made the old man like him even more.    


Min Xinduo's gaze locked with his, and the man's mouth twitched in a strange manner.    


When he looked more closely, he lowered his head again to amuse the two old men.    


With a sour heart, as if her grandparents had been robbed, Min Xinduo impatiently left the window and sat down in the small parlour, flipping through some fashion magazines.    


The small parlour was filled with flowers for the season, and the fragrance assailed the nostrils. It was very suitable for reading in peace.    


While stuffing nuts into her mouth, Min Xinduo flipped through a magazine and suddenly looked up. Yuan Tianlee, who was sitting in front of her, stared at her with a smile that was not a smile.    


"Ah!" What are you doing? There was no sound at all.     


Min Xinduo grumbled in annoyance.    


Yuan Tianlee snorted and laughed. He picked up the magazine on the table and said:    


"You're reading such a non-nutritious book?"    


With a smile, Min Xinduo took the magazine out of his hand.    


"I like it."    


"With your status, you shouldn't have seen it."    


Yuan Tianlee's words were always so infuriating!    


Of course, this was only true when facing Min Xinduo.    


He would never have treated the two old men like this in the garden!    


Min Xinduo couldn't be bothered to listen to him anymore. She threw the magazine he had touched on the table and carried the rest of the magazines to her bedroom on the second floor.    


Throwing the magazine onto the bed, Min Xinduo muttered gloomily to herself:    


"What a sinister man!"    


In the short span of two days, two men broke into Min Xinduo's quiet life. They didn't seem to be kind people either!    


The more she thought about it, the more agitated she became. The bedroom door was ajar, but it always made her feel like there was a hint of an indistinct gaze lingering on her.    


Min Xinduo stood up and slammed the bedroom door shut. She changed into her school uniform and hurried downstairs.    


"Oh? Was Cousin going for Clear Water No.1 Middle School? That's the best high school. "    


Yuan Tianlee's voice sounded.    


Before Min Xinduo could get close, she heard her grandmother's proud voice.    


"Of course! Duo Duo has learned very well since she was young. "    


"That's amazing! "Then, does cousin usually go home to live?"    


Yuan Tianlee was asking about her!    


Min Xinduo rushed out and saw that in the pavilion in the garden, her grandma was looking at Yuan Tianlee in an amiable manner and talking non-stop.    




Min Xinduo interrupted her.    


"Duo Duo, it's almost time for lunch. Where are you going?"    


Mei Shanshan asked in surprise when she saw Min Xinduo's school uniform.    


Under Yuan Tianlee's gaze, Min Xinduo walked up to her grandmother and dragged her to another place before saying,    


"Grandma, I'm going back to school to eat."    


Then he looked in the direction of Yuan Tianlee and lowered his voice.    


"Grandmother, why is this cousin asking about me?"    


Mei Shanshan disagreed and said with a smile:    


"Family, he just wants to know more about you. Don't mind it! Also, leave after lunch! Is your body ready? "    


Min Xinduo shook her head and looked at Yuan Tianlee again.    


The man was standing straight at the edge of the trees, waving at her with a very gentle smile.    


"Grandmother, where is my father's mother?"    


"They all went to work."    


As expected, Min Xinduo nodded and finally instructed her grandmother:    


"Grandmother, if you have something to say, hurry up and call me! I'm back at school! "    


Mei Shanshan then nodded and warned her to be careful on the road. She watched her get into the car. When she turned around to look at Yuan Tianlee, he was already gone.    


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