Lovely Substitute Bride



"How am I supposed to get down?"    


This building is often locked because bad students often hide up to smoke cigarettes.    


She had spent an entire afternoon on tuition to clean up the cigarette butts on the roof, so she had a very deep memory!    


When he turned around to look, he saw that the door to the corridor was ajar. The lock was still shaking. Clearly, it had just been opened.    


"At least you are considerate!"    


Min Xinduo muttered.    


If she was allowed to sleep on this roof all night, there would definitely be big news tomorrow!    


The sophomore girl did not return at night. She only returned to her dormitory in the early morning!    


She could think of ten thousand such explosive headlines!    


Sometimes Lili wondered if she had been so influenced by her parents that she had become too closely involved with the gossip of the entertainment industry, which was why such imaginative articles always popped up.    


Although there was no one in the school building, Min Xinduo did not feel any fear. She slowly walked down the building and headed towards the dormitory.    


Fortunately, the dormitory door was low enough for her to climb in.    


The door to the dormitory was also ajar. He tiptoed back to the bed and fell asleep again.    


Faang Yuanyuan, who was on the bed next door, opened her eyes at the same time.    


Min Xinduo was incredibly tired after two consecutive nights of unexplained encounters. During the morning study, she had been sprawled on the table, trying to catch up on her sleep.    


Faang Yuanyuan pushed her back after some hesitation and asked,    


"Duoduo, where did you go last night?"    


Min Xinduo raised her head in a daze and blinked her eyes.    


"Yesterday? Didn't we go to visit Ji Yuqing? "    


Then he buried his head in his arms again and slept soundly.    


"I'm talking about midnight. What did you go out to do in the middle of the night?"    




Min Xinduo was jolted awake. She looked at Faang Yuanyuan, not knowing where to start, and finally asked tentatively.    


"You saw it?"    


Faang Yuanyuan nodded.    


"Have you been sleepwalking?"    


Min Xinduo also didn't know whether she was sleepwalking. She took out her phone and checked the web page before saying,    


"Based on what it says, I shouldn't be sleepwalking, am I? He couldn't even remember what it was like when he woke up the next day. But I remember it very clearly! "    


Faang Yuanyuan also looked over at the screen.    


"Then what happened?"    


"I don't know. It was the same the night before yesterday. I woke up in the middle of the night and was outside. Moreover, "Min Xinduo looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to them before continuing,"    


"I also met two men. One wore a silver mask, and the other one only saw him once."    




Faang Yuanyuan's eyes widened.    


Min Xinduo nodded.    


"Yeah, they even had a fight. My intuition tells me that the man in the mask is a good person! "    


Faang Yuanyuan pondered for a moment. Although she was timid, she had always been meticulous and careful. However, there were too few clues, so she still could not figure out the reason behind Min Xinduo being moved outside for the past two days.    


He held her hand and said:    


"It's good that you're fine! Did you tell your family about this? "    


If it was her family, they might have a way to find out the reason and even catch the culprit.    


Min Xinduo shook her head.    


"Never tell. If they knew, they'd have to send a lot of people to keep an eye on me. You don't even know how terrible it is! "    


She was lucky to have experienced it once.    


It felt terrible!    


Faang Yuanyuan was worried.    


Min Xinduo, as the person in question, didn't care at all. "With just them alone, how could they beat me?"    


"Yes!" Faang Yuanyuan nodded firmly.    


Compared to men, Min Xinduo wasn't weak at all.    


While he was thinking, Ji Yuqing walked over lightly and quietly stood behind Min Xinduo.    


When he passed by, the three of them stopped moving. Their expressions froze, but they didn't dare to look at Ji Yuqing. They only felt the tension in the air.    


After Ji Yuqing sat down, he directly buried his face in the table.    


Chen Jiaqi stood and looked at Ji Yuqing out of the corner of her eye. Only when he lowered his head did she dare to look him in the eye. Only when the bell rang did she reluctantly run back to her classroom.    


A minute later, Min Xinduo's cell phone rang.    


It was a text from Chen Jiaqi.    


"Why is Ji Yuqing so lazy?" What did you do to him last night? "    


Min Xinduo placed the phone's screen in front of Faang Yuanyuan and rolled her eyes.    


Did everyone know that they went to visit a patient yesterday?    


Oh my god!    


Min Xinduo bitterly pressed the keyboard on her phone and replied:    


"Are you asking the wrong question? What did he do to us? "    


They were clearly the vulnerable group. Ji Yuqing was a boy, it would already be good if he didn't do anything to them!    


Min Xinduo thought back to the previously idle classroom.    


No one noticed the evil in Ji Yuqing's heart, they just thought he was cool and charming!    


However, why did he keep sleeping on the table today? The first period was already halfway through, and the teacher kept looking in her direction. Even she felt a little embarrassed.    


His phone received another text message:    


"Right, have you seen the morning news today? A taxi driver appeared in front of the city's police station, tied up in all sorts of ways. On his chest was a sign that said "His crime". Furthermore, the moment he saw the police, he was so excited that hot tears filled his eyes.    


The more Min Xinduo saw, the more she felt something was off. She quickly opened the link attached to Chen Jiaqi's text message.    


The newspaper had also posted a picture of the driver. Although he had a mosaic on his face, he was recognizable by his figure and his dirty and greasy clothes.    


The driver from yesterday afternoon!    


Before she could tell her father, he had been thrown into the police station.    


It couldn't be Ji Yuqing, right?    


However, nobody knew about what happened yesterday. Ever since Liu Yiyi woke up, she had been deliberately approaching Ji Yuqing and Tom without asking if anything had happened.    


It was even more impossible for Faang Yuanyuan to say it out loud!    


While she was lost in thought, the teacher walked up to Min Xinduo, scaring her so much that she quickly stuffed her phone into the drawer of her desk and stared straight at the blackboard.    


"Student Ji Yuqing, don't sleep in class!"    


the teacher said patiently.    


Ji Yuqing opened his eyes and glanced at the blackboard. Then he said:    


"Wrong, the second question should be 'B'."    


The teacher turned around and gave an embarrassed smile. He admitted his mistake quite frankly and said:    


"Aiya, that's true. I accidentally wrote incorrectly! "    


Then he walked over to the blackboard, changed the answer, and said:    


"Everyone must learn more from Ji Yuqing, and if you find any mistakes, you must inform him in time. Even teachers can make mistakes! "Don't be afraid to say it."    


After that, he continued his lecture with a smile.    


As for Ji Yuqing, he once again lowered his head and started to rest.    


Min Xinduo turned her head slightly, only to see that the swirling hair on top of his head was right in the middle of his head.    


Even his hair looked so normal. How infuriating!    


Min Xinduo retracted her gaze, supported her cheeks, and couldn't help but think of the man wearing Yin Mian's armor.    


Who was that person?    


Just as he was thinking, a voice suddenly came over.    


"Yuan Yuan, let's reconcile!" Guo Kelin said, standing beside Faang Yuanyuan.    


Min Xinduo frowned. Why was this person here again?    


Faang Yuanyuan's heart trembled when she heard this. Tears were about to fall from her eyes.    


Min Xinduo held Faang Yuanyuan's hand tightly. She raised her head and looked straight at Guo Kelin, asking:    


"If you want to, then do it. If you want to, then do it? What do you take our Yuan Yuan for? "    


Min Xinduo's voice was slightly high-pitched, attracting the gazes of the surrounding students.    


Guo Kelin was a bit angry, but he endured his anger and continued to coax Faang Yuanyuan.    


"These two days, I've only found out that others are not as nice as you, I can't do that without you, Yuan Yuan!"    


Faang Yuanyuan's tears finally fell onto her clasped hands.    


Min Xinduo stood up, pointed at Guo Kelin and said,    


"Oh? Don't you like to walk on two boats? As soon as he broke up with Yuan Yuan, he immediately embraced the other girls. Now that he knew we were round, he ran back to us with a straight face. I tell you, we don't care! Please leave! "    


Guo Kelin was the captain of the school basketball team. He was tall and big, and his looks could be classified as resolute. Now that he was angry, he seemed a bit sinister, like an angry big orangutan.    


"None of your business!"    




Ji Yuqing slammed the table and said coldly:    


"So noisy!"    


He stared at Guo Kelin and spat out one word:    




He looked at him patiently.    


Guo Kelin was used to being rude and unreasonable. Now that he was being humiliated by a new face in front of so many people, his rage was even higher. He pointed at Ji Yuqing and said,    


"If you want to be a hero and save a beauty, you have to see if your little body has the strength to do so!"    


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