Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Xinduo knew that Ji Yuqing helped her out, so he was helping her.    


She pushed her way through the crowd, but she was blocked by someone.    


"Jiawen, get out of the way."    


Min Xinduo said calmly.    


"Miss, Madame has sent me to protect you and not put you in danger."    


The person in front of her was called Lee Jiawen, Min Xinduo's bodyguard. Although she looked about the same size as Min Xinduo, she was a lot calmer. Luan Zhi had sent him and Min Xinduo to school together to protect her, but they were always left behind by Min Xinduo.    


"Get out of the way."    


Min Xinduo walked around him and walked straight out of the crowd.    


The conversation between the two was drowned out by the bustling noise.    


"I'll do it!"    


Min Xinduo finally walked to the front of the crowd.    


"It's a woman!" Can a woman also go up? "    


"I know her. She's that naughty girl who even gave the head instructor a headache. Her name is Min Xinduo!"    


"It's her!"    


The crowd burst into discussion, all of them questioning Min Xinduo.    


Ji Yuqing also looked at her, and waited for her to walk in front of him before he opened his mouth:    


"This is a war between men. What are you doing here? "You want to show off?"    


Min Xinduo proudly raised her chin.    


"Whether I'm showing off or not, you'll know in a moment!"    


Ye Zichen didn't move at all and just glared at Guo Kelin.    


One of the team members beside Guo Kelin said with a mocking smile,    


"Yo, even the female general has been sent onstage!"    


It was obvious that he looked down on Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo looked straight at Guo Kelin.    


"Are you afraid that you will lose face if I, a woman, defeat you?"    


The school team members were all holding their stomachs as they laughed out loud. They found her words to be extremely laughable!    


Guo Kelin didn't laugh. He looked at Min Xinduo with disdain.    


"Go ahead! "But don't cry and look for your mother when you get hurt later!"    


They laughed even harder!    


Min Xinduo ignored Ji Yuqing's cannibal gaze and stood beside the two boys who volunteered just now.    


Lee Jiawen, who stopped her just now, helplessly walked to her side and looked at Ji Yuqing without saying a word.    


"Well, thank you. I will give you all an explanation! "    


Ji Yuqing's calm heart was also stirred. He was surprised that there was someone willing to volunteer and thought that there would not be a single person.    


"Since you've chosen a good person, then let's begin!"    


Guo Kelin called out to his teammates and ran to the edge of the field.    


This was a match without a referee!    


However, in front of so many onlookers, no one was allowed to cheat. It was very clear who would win and who would lose!    


Guo Kelin generously threw the basketball to Min Xinduo and said in a merciful tone:    


"I'll let you kick first!"    


Min Xinduo snorted coldly as she stood outside the court with the basketball in her arms.    


Ji Yuqing was standing a few steps away from her. He slightly bent down and shouted at her:    


"Don't be afraid, pass it to me!"    


As long as the ball was in his hands, he would definitely be able to get in!    


Who's afraid, Min Xinduo thought to herself.    


With a flick of his wrist, the basketball passed the school team member defending the front line and fell straight towards Ji Yuqing.    


However, in the next moment, Guo Kelin jumped over from the side. When he stretched out his arm, the basketball was sent flying.    


"With me guarding you, don't even think about touching a basketball."    


The moment he landed on the ground, Guo Kelin viciously said to Ji Yuqing.    


"Is that so?"    


The corner of Ji Yuqing's mouth twitched. He actually smiled, but it made Guo Kelin's heart tremble!    


Ji Yuqing suddenly ran forward, looking towards the school team members that were dribbling the ball towards the basket.    


"This is bad!"    


Guo Kelin shouted in a low voice, wanting to attract the attention of his teammates who were carrying the ball. At the same time, he ran to chase them.    


But it was too late!    


When Ji Yuqing arrived at the ball carrying team member's side, that team member turned his head just in time to be startled by Ji Yuqing's sudden approach. When he came back to his senses, the basketball was already gone!    




The surrounding crowd burst into cheers!    


Everyone applauded Ji Yuqing's move, "Monkey-Catching Moon"!    


"You two! Stop him! "    


Guo Kelin roared at the two people closest to him in the basket.    


Ji Yuqing played the ball with both hands as if he had magic. He bounced up and down like a basketball, but he could never escape from Ji Yuqing's palms.    


Her thin body was slightly bent, and her eyes were focused on the basket.    


The two people who were awakened by Guo Kelin's shout rushed at Ji Yuqing, but they were dodged by him.    


Seeing that Ji Yuqing had arrived at the three points mark, Guo Kelin also arrived at the same time. His well-built body pounced towards Ji Yuqing.    


"Don't you dare cross over from me!"    




Ji Yuqing chuckled. Basketball was moved from the left hand to the right hand and from the right hand to the left hand. But no matter which way he ran, Guo Kelin would keep up with him.    


Suddenly, Ji Yuqing jumped up, like a carp leaping over a dragon gate, his straight body slightly leaned back, and when he reached the highest point, he threw out the basketball in his hand and flew towards the basket.    


"This jumping ability is too good!" At least a meter and a half up? "    


"More than that?" I think it's already higher than you! "    


The crowd exclaimed, everyone, including Guo Kelin, looked at the basketball in the air.    


Guo Kelin had lowered his center of gravity to defend Ji Yuqing. He never thought that he would directly jump up and shoot three points. It was already too late for him to jump up and block the ball!    


Basketball in!    


Empty sphere!    


Not even touching the basket frame!    


"We scored!"    


The whistles and shouts that resounded through the sky made Min Xinduo feel as if it had been a lifetime!    


Was this the hot-blooded blood of a man?    


She stood at the center of the field and looked at Ji Yuqing, who was running towards her.    


The two strange boys ran up and happily clapped with Ji Yuqing!    


Lee Jiawen stood not far from Min Xinduo. His gaze was always on Min Xinduo. If she was in any danger, he would be the first to rush forward!    


"Hey, you're not bad!"    


Min Xinduo looked at Ji Yuqing and realized that he was actually very relaxed. He didn't seem nervous at all. He still had a lazy expression on his face.    


"You like it?"    


Ji Yuqing raised his eyebrows and asked.    


Min Xinduo spat on the ground and walked a few steps away.    


When it was the school's turn to serve, Guo Kelin didn't pass the basketball to his teammates after receiving the pass. Instead, he took the lead and ran towards the opposing team's rebounding board.    


The one defending Ji Yuqing was someone else, sticking close to Ji Yuqing and wishing that he could throw him to the ground to prevent him from getting any contact with basketball.    


The only one with no one to defend was Min Xinduo!    


Guo Kelin aggressively flew the ball towards her and passed her to become a rebounding board. With a hideous grin on his face, he charged towards Min Xinduo like an angry bull.    


"Get out of the way!"    


Ji Yuqing was the first to notice Guo Kelin's intention as he shouted loudly.    


However, Min Xinduo didn't retreat. Instead, she took two steps forward, bent her body and stretched her hands horizontally in a defensive posture. Her gaze was locked onto Guo Kelin who was moving the ball.    


When the two of them were one step away from each other, Min Xinduo caught the opportunity and quickly reached out her hand to block the ball from Guo Kelin's grasp.    


Guo Kelin smiled contemptuously. He held the basketball with both of his hands and leaned his body towards Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo's slim body was bounced back three meters.    


She only felt a huge force from her shoulder, as if she had hit an indestructible stone wall, and then her body was sent flying.    


The more critical the situation became, the more expressionless Ji Yuqing became. His long legs moved as he dodged the man defending him and ran towards Min Xinduo in the air.    


But he was still too late!    


Min Xinduo fell into the arms of another person.    


Lee Jiawen caught her and pushed them back a few steps before stopping.    


As for Guo Kelin, he jumped up and threw a ball towards the backboard.    


Without any suspense, the ball went in!    


However, the entire venue was silent. There was no applause or cheers like Guo Kelin expected!    


"Are you okay?"    


Ji Yuqing ran to Min Xinduo and asked.    


Min Xinduo only felt as if her shoulder blades were about to fall off. Sweat beaded on her forehead. Her face turned deathly pale as she bit her lips and shook her head.    


"Look at what you've done!"    


Lee Jiawen could not contain his anger and glared at Ji Yuqing.    


If he did not start the war, Miss would not have been injured!    


Even though Miss didn't say it, as he supported her, he could clearly feel her body slightly trembling!    


Ji Yuqing just looked coldly at Lee Jiawen and didn't say anything. He turned around and looked at Guo Kelin under the basket.    


"Very well!"    


Ji Yuqing gritted his teeth and said those two words. He ran over, picked up the basketball, and threw it to one of his team members. The look in his eyes was terrifying!    


He began to get serious …    


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