Lovely Substitute Bride



When Min Xinduo walked into the garden, she saw her grandparents cleaning the weeds in the parterre under the afterglow of the setting sun.    


Upon seeing their granddaughter, the two elders immediately straightened up and looked at Min Xinduo amiably. They said:    


"Duo Duo, don't worry. Doctor Liang's medical skills are very good. He will definitely cure Jiawen."    


Min Xinduo nodded.    


They also knew that Lee Jiawen grew up together with her and their relationship was extraordinary!    


He opened his mouth:    


"Duoduo, your cousin has nothing to do at home these few days. Why don't you let him go to your school so he can take care of you!"    


Min Xinduo frowned.    


"School? But doesn't he have to go back to his own country? "    


He had previously said that he would only be here as a guest for a period of time.    


If they were going to school, that would take a long time!    


Grandma chimed in:    


"We're going to let him stay a little longer. Tianlee, that kid, also said that he doesn't have any relatives or friends abroad anymore. We might as well take him back to the country and live with him! "    


His grandfather nodded as well.    


The two old men were very fond of Yuan Tianlee and were coaxed around by him.    


However, thinking about it, it made sense. The elderly paid a lot of attention to their family's bloodline. The older they were, the more they liked their children to walk around their knees.    


Min Xinduo turned her head to look at the living room subconsciously. Yuan Tianlee was standing in front of the French window with one hand in his pocket and the other on his forehead. He gestured to the three people.    


The two old men were even more joyous as they said:    


"Aiya, Tianlee is so outstanding!" "Not only do they look good, they are also very knowledgeable. It's rare to see such a thing among young people these days."    


Words of praise are overflowing with words.    


Even Min Xinduo felt that the person they were referring to was perfect!    


However, no matter how you looked at Yuan Tianlee, he didn't feel comfortable!    


"Grandma, since you guys like your older cousin so much, do you not like Duo Duo?"    


Min Xinduosha cried, pouting and swinging her grandmother's arm between her hands.    


Grandma laughed and said:    


"My good granddaughter is jealous!"    




Min Xinduo complained.    


Had Grandma learned to tease her?    


His grandfather, who was standing at the side, said with a smile:    


Of course it's our darling granddaughter who is the most obedient! "Don't go back to school tonight. Get your grandma to cook something for you!"    


Grandmother's cooking skills weren't bad. Min Xinduo loved eating the dishes she cooked since she was young.    


Min Xinduo nodded happily as she tried her best to ignore Yuan Tianlee's weird eyes.    


Min Xinduo returned to school the next day as her final exam was about to begin.    


On the campus, they bumped into Ji Yuqing.    


He parked the car and walked slowly towards Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo wanted to avoid him, but was stopped by a few trees.    


"Are you that afraid of me?"    


Ji Yuqing asked. His eyebrows were slightly raised and his pretty eyes were squinted. He was emitting a dangerous aura.    


Min Xinduo was so angry that she looked at him directly.    


"Murderer, can I not be afraid?"    


"I said it wasn't me!"    


Ji Yuqing tried to defend himself.    


He had already sent people out to look for evidence. Once they found it, they would immediately be able to tell her the truth.    


But now, no matter what he said, she wouldn't believe him.    


"That's what murderers say. Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you're a beauty! Others are infatuated with you, but I am not! "    


Min Xinduo glanced at the few girls who were secretly surprised nearby. All of their gazes were focused on this new batch of school grass.    


The campus was already covered with posters and newspapers, with Ji Yuqing's cool appearance and the slogan of his fans on them.    


Ji Yuqing was already the king of the school!    


Min Xinduo walked around him and kept walking forward, but she was blocked by Ji Yuqing once again.    


Ji Yuqing said,    


"Is that what you think of me? A murderer? "    


Min Xinduo looked into his eyes and said solemnly:    




Ji Yuqing never thought that he would be hated by her. Although the organization he founded did take people's lives frequently, even though many people saw him as an executioner, he never cared about it.    


Because he remembered how that little girl, Duo Duo, had comforted him when he was young! She would not despise him. Even if he pushed her away, coaxing her to only meet him at the age of eighteen, she was still very happy.    


The Min Xinduo in front of him didn't look like her at all!    


Perhaps he really was mistaken!    


Ji Yuqing stood blankly on the spot with an expression as cold as ice. He looked at the few shy girls that were walking towards him.    


The girls purposely walked over, nervous and shy at the same time, hoping to get close to him, even if it was just for a glimpse!    


"Hey, you two, are you free tonight?"    


Ji Yuqing parted his lips and stood in front of the two girls.    


The two girls didn't expect the famous Xie Kangji School Grass to take the initiative to talk to them. Moreover, it was an invitation for them. The book in their hands fell to the ground.    


Ji Yuqing bent down to pick it up. The corner of his mouth curled up as he handed it over to the two of them.    


"Thank you!"    


The two of them took the books and were about to run away shyly, but Ji Yuqing stopped them with a hand on the tree trunk.    


"You haven't answered me yet! Let's have a meal tonight! "    


The two girls felt so blissful that they nearly fainted upon being invited by the worshipped celebrities. They hurriedly nodded in agreement.    


Min Xinduo hadn't gone far when she heard the two girls calling out to her. She turned her head to look, but she only saw Ji Yuqing turn around and walk away silently.    


Min Xinduo felt a sudden pressure in her heart, so she shook her head and quickly ran back to the classroom.    


After a few days of drowsy classes, Min Xinduo's mind was not on the textbooks, but due to the coming end of term, she had no choice but to brace herself and study.    


Fortunately, her memory was astonishing, and she was always able to remember all the knowledge points in the shortest amount of time. This point always made Faang Yuanyuan envious.    


Min Xinduo finished her homework and flipped open an extracurricular book.    


Seated beside her, Faang Yuanyuan couldn't help but whisper when she saw that she was reading wuxia novels.    


"Duo Duo, there's only one week left before the final exam. Have you really finished revising?"    


Min Xinduo was still lost in her novel. These past few days had been quite peaceful. Lee Jiawen's injuries were quickly healing, Yuan Tianlee did not do anything else, and the big devil Ji Yuqing also did not continue abducting her.    


Everything seemed to return to the past.    


However, her heart was not at all at ease. She wanted to use novels to temporarily numb herself and prevent her from thinking too much.    


She replied without raising her head:    


"Humph, it's all done. Are you going to copy it?"    


"She's not asking for homework! It's an exam, an exam! I really don't know how your brain works. You can get first place just like that! It really makes one jealous! "    


Chen Jiaqi, who was sitting across from him, said.    


Each time near the end of the review time, the four of them would meet to go to the library, where it was very quiet and suitable for review!    


But today might be different.    


At the table behind them, the two girls were happily discussing something.    


Although Min Xinduo was reading novels with her eyes, her ears had already flown to their side. One of the girls said shyly:    


"I didn't expect our new school grass to be so considerate!"    


"That's right, that's right! Lord Ji Yuqing is really too kind!" How golden and handsome! The restaurant last night was really high-end, but judging from his familiarity, he must have been going there quite often. "    


Another girl chimed in excitedly.    


The person they were talking about was Ji Yuqing!    


"I don't know if tomorrow's amusement park will be fun, but I haven't been there yet!"    


"Me too! "But don't worry, Ji Yuqing brought us these few days, where's the fun one?"    


The two girls whispered among themselves. Their voices were not considered low, as if they were purposely showing off. At least, everyone at the tables to the left and right could hear them!    


Chen Jiaqi curled her lips, rolled her eyes, and said:    


"Some people just overestimate themselves!" "Even if you don't look at yourself, think of a toad eating swan meat!"    


Faang Yuanyuan and Zhang Xinyi both laughed.    


It had always been men eating swan meat as toads, but why was it the opposite now?    


Only Min Xinduo had an ugly expression on her face. She lowered her head even more!    


Chen Jiaqi's vicious mouth's words made the two girls feel awkward. One of them turned around and shouted,    


"Who are you talking about?"    


Chen Jiaqi didn't even turn her head. She held the book with both hands, her eyes were still fixed on the book as she said in a calm and composed manner,    


"Who says it? Who knows!"    




The woman was so angry that she wanted to stand up and watch a great battle unavoidably.    




Ji Yuqing's voice sounded. He walked out from the bookshelves and wore a dark grey shirt. His pants were the same color, but it didn't seem dull at all.    


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