Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Xinduo felt bored, so she swaggered over to his side. She turned her head to see that his face was covered with the mask again.    


"Hey, why do you always wear this mask? Is it because it's too ugly? "    


Min Xinduo sat on the edge of the low wall, facing the other side.    


The man let out a low and muffled laugh.    




Suddenly, there was silence. It seemed that after considering for a while, a voice came again:    


"Even my family abandoned me."    


His voice was very soft and was carried away by the wind, but Min Xinduo, who was sitting beside him, could hear every word clearly.    


Min Xinduo's heart trembled. She didn't know how to open her mouth to calm him down, so she couldn't say anything for a long time.    


The two of them were both blowing the night wind, each with their own thoughts!    


"What's your name?"    


Min Xinduo broke the silence and asked.    


Having seen so many things, he had no idea what his name was. He didn't even know what to call him to begin with.    


"Name?" The man paused before speaking again:    


"It's just a code name."    


Min Xinduo did not want him to continue to be so depressed, so she suggested with a smile:    


"Then I'll call you 'Yin Mian' from now on!"    


"Yin Mian? I suddenly feel sorry for your family's kittens and puppies.    


Yin Mian seemed to have a hint of a smile in his voice as he actually learned how to tease Min Xinduo to get her name.    


Min Xinduo pouted.    


"This is called 'easy to understand,' alright?" "This is the only way to survive!"    


Yin Mian laughed:    


"Support? As long as I don't want to die, no one can kill me. "    


Even Min Xinduo was surprised by the confidence in her tone.    


Min Xinduo was about to speak again when she saw Yin Mian stand up and bow his head slightly.    


"Do you know who was the person who tried to kill you all this time?"    


"The black shadow?"    


Min Xinduo repeated.    


Even she could not understand why such a person would suddenly appear and want her to die!    


Yin Mian raised his hand and pointed.    


Min Xinduo looked in the direction he pointed. It was a tall building, and beside him was the City People's Hospital.    


"You mean?"    


Min Xinduo wasn't sure if she was right.    


Yin Mian nodded.    


"He's in the hospital right now!"    


"Hospital!" "Jiawen!"    


Min Xinduo suddenly remembered that the injured Lee Jiawen was hospitalized in the People's Hospital.    


The black shadow definitely harbored hatred in its heart and wanted to harm Lee Jiawen.    


Thinking of this, Min Xinduo didn't have time to say anything else to Yin Mian as she turned around and ran down the stairs.    


Min Xinduo, in her pajamas and slippers, was running around the campus.    


With the school gates locked, she didn't have time to call the old gatekeeper to open the gates, so she simply flipped over the gates.    


Anyway, this wasn't the first time she did this kind of thing!    


There were only a few people on the street late at night. There were only a few taxis passing by.    


She finally managed to stop one of the cars and urged the driver to hurry towards the People's Hospital.    


The driver must have gotten used to the passengers rushing towards the hospital late at night. He comforted her softly, saying something about "everyone has their own orders".    


Min Xinduo wasn't in the mood to listen. All she could think about was Lee Jiawen's safety.    


He didn't even bring his phone because he was in a hurry.    


The People's Hospital was silent!    


Only the incandescent lights made the corridor and walls pale.    


Min Xinduo rushed to the elevator. The elevator opened and a person came out, but she didn't have the time to look at him closely. When she got in the elevator, just as the elevator door was about to close, she saw that the person who went out was Yuan Tianlee.    


He waved at Min Xinduo, and the smile on his face was horrifying!    


Min Xinduo didn't have any time to think as the elevator door closed and headed towards Lee Jiawen's fifth floor.    


"Don't let anything happen to him! "Please don't!"    


Lee Jiawen was about the same age as her. Although he was just her bodyguard, she had never treated him as one.    


Ding dong!    


The elevator stopped on the fifth floor. Min Xinduo got out and rushed to the advanced ward Lee Jiawen was in.    


In the ward, with the light on, a man stood with his back to the door.    


"Who are you?"    


Min Xinduo questioned loudly.    


The person at the sickbed turned around, but it caused Min Xinduo to jump in fright!    


She had never thought that the person who had been wanting to kill her all this time would actually be this person!    


"Ji Yuqing!"    


Min Xinduo's face was filled with disbelief!    


Although Ji Yuqing didn't give her a good feeling and always did a lot of things that she didn't like, she never thought that Ji Yuqing would want her life!    


Ji Yuqing had a strange expression on his face. He was a bit lost. He raised his hand and tried to pull Min Xinduo away. However, the blood on his hand made Min Xinduo's pupils contract.    


Min Xinduo could no longer be bothered with him still standing by the sickbed. She rushed over and yelled:    


"Jiawen!" Wake up! "    


Lee Jiawen laid in a pool of blood with his eyes closed. He did not react at all to Min Xinduo's screaming!    


"It's you!" You killed him! Do you still want to kill me? Come on! No one will stop you now! "Kill me!"    


Tears could be seen in Min Xinduo's eyes, but most of them were filled with anger.    


She glared at Ji Yuqing angrily and walked towards him, step by step.    


The usually strong Ji Yuqing was forced to retreat until his back was against the hard wall.    


"I didn't!"    


"Then what is this? Don't tell me this blood has nothing to do with you! "    


Min Xinduo snapped. She grabbed his bloodied right hand with both of her hands and raised it in front of Ji Yuqing.    


Ji Yuqing's eyes widened as he became speechless for a moment.    


The sound of hurried footsteps came from the corridor. The doctor and nurse had heard the commotion and came to check on it.    


Ji Yuqing held Min Xinduo's waist behind her back, and the two of them had already changed their positions.    


He lowered his head slightly, his breath spraying onto Min Xinduo's face as he said,    


"I'll explain it to you another day."    


He let go of Min Xinduo and quickly ran out of the ward. When he brushed past the doctors who had rushed over, he said in a soft voice,    


"Prepare for cardiac resuscitation and epinephrine."    


The leading doctor stopped and wanted to ask a few questions, but he saw Ji Yuqing quickly walk away and disappear.    


When the doctors and nurses arrived, Min Xinduo was crying as she held Lee Jiawen's body. When she saw that the doctor had arrived, she quickly said,    


"Doctor, please save him!"    


Seeing the pool of blood on the bed, the doctor who was used to life and death, could not help but sigh. He no longer held any hope in his heart and it was only because of Min Xinduo that he went up for routine examination.    


"There's hope! Prepare for heart recovery!"    


A nurse had already pushed up the equipment, even the adrenaline was ready.    


With the help of the doctor, Lee Jiawen came back from hell!    


After changing another ward, Min Xinduo accompanied Lee Jiawen to his bed.    


He had just had an operation that had stitched up the wound on his chest. The bleeding had stopped, but he was still unconscious.    


Min Xinduo was lying on the bed, her shoulders shaking slightly.    


Ji Yuqing, who came out of the hospital, quickly returned to his villa.    


"Yo, our hero is back! How about it? "How many injuries did you suffer today?"    


Tom's teasing voice sounded when he saw Ji Yuqing walk into the hall.    


Ji Yuqing's hands were still stained with blood, but he looked to be in a good mental state, yet didn't seem to be injured.    


He fell heavily onto the sofa. He closed his eyes and frowned slightly, as if he was suffering a great pain.    


Tom slowly walked to his side and said:    


"Hey!" What's the matter with you? "    


Ji Yuqing didn't open his eyes, but opened his mouth.    


"She thinks I'm the killer!"    


Tom knew that there was no one but Min Xinduo to whom he referred.    


"Do you really think that this girl is the little girl you're looking for? I mean, since she doesn't have the bell as a keepsake and she doesn't have any memories, it's very likely that it's just a fake. "    


Tom sat down on the sofa and said to Ji Yuqing with rare seriousness.    


Ji Yuqing suddenly opened his eyes and his hawk-like gaze landed on Tom.    


"Are you questioning my judgment? Don't forget, Tom, that I haven't made a single mistake over the years. That's why our organization has never been caught by Interpol! "    


Yes, if not for Ji Yuqing, they would have taken many precautions in advance. With Tom's impulsive and reckless personality, they would have been caught long ago.    


"God is helping us! Even the old man knows that we kill bad people. We never kill innocent people. God is protecting us! "    


Tom was stubborn.    


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