Lovely Substitute Bride



So it was the first time.    


Ji Yuqing's mood suddenly jumped up. He felt that the bow she tied up wasn't that ugly anymore.    




Min Xinduo packed her things on the table, closed the medicine kit and slung it over her shoulder. She stood up and prepared to leave.    


"Aren't you going to compensate me?"    


Ji Yuqing said coldly, he did not intend to let her go so easily.    


"I know that I was the one who hurt you, but it was you who made the mistake first. I'm not an idiot, I know how to counterattack." "Don't do that again, I won't do anything to you."    


Min Xinduo said angrily.    


She was kind enough to help him bandage it, how could he bear to compensate her?    


As a man, he was not generous at all!    


"That kind of thing? Is that right? "    


Ji Yuqing grabbed her medical kit and pulled her back onto the sofa. Then he quickly kissed her lips.    




When Min Xinduo reacted and wanted to resist, Ji Yuqing had already sat up straight and looked at her like a gentleman, as if nothing had happened.    


"Are you scolding me for being shameless again? "If you can't even accept this, how can you still be my, Ji Yuqing's, woman?"    


Ji Yuqing leaned on the back of the sofa and smiled at Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo glared at him and said angrily:    


"When did I say I wanted to be your woman? Please don't be so narcissistic all the time! "    


"Then am I wrong? When you knew that I had a lot of women who came to your place on their own accord, you didn't get jealous? "    


Ji Yuqing smiled mockingly.    


Wasn't this woman deceiving him so that she could cling to him?    


He could give her the chance.    


In any case, he had the initiative. Once he was tired of playing with this imposter, he would kick her away!    


This was the only result of deceiving him!    


Ji Yuqing convinced himself and made up his mind. He stood up and said:    


"Don't forget, we haven't caught Yuan Tianlee. If he wants to do it to you and your family again, what a terrible thing it will be! "    


He was right!    


At first, Yuan Tianlee only wanted to ask for money, so he kept coaxing his grandparents to be nice to his parents in order to gain more trust after getting rid of Min Xinduo.    


However, now that the plan had failed, it would inevitably become desperate and fight to the death!    


"You better think carefully, he's in the dark, you guys are in the light! It's impossible to guard against it! "    


Ji Yuqing's words were like a hammer that struck Min Xinduo's heart, causing her struggling body to gradually soften.    




He was completely right!    


If it wasn't for Ji Yuqing, Yuan Tianlee would have succeeded long ago!    


"You know it too, my Blood Night is extremely famous in the entire world! If you want to capture someone, it will be an easy task! "    


Ji Yuqing was threatening Min Xinduo.    


However, Min Xinduo had no retort.    


She was also worried that the nightmare would repeat itself. Her parents were still sleeping soundly and the two elders were nowhere to be found, so she was left without any help!    


Min Xinduo's eyes flickered. Many thoughts flew through her mind, but she didn't say anything for a long time.    


Then he heard Ji Yuqing's bewitching voice beside his ear:    


"As long as you agree to be my woman, I will definitely find him and hand him over to you!"    


She followed her earlobes and sniffed the sweet fragrance that emanated from her body. Her long, pure white neck and delicate, small, and exquisite collarbone slipped inch by inch towards Min Xinduo's chest.    


"No, it won't. Don't try to lie to me! "    


Min Xinduo was about to open her mouth and agree, but then a thought suddenly flashed through her mind.    


Why did he have to do this to himself?    


[You clearly lied to me, do you still want to continue playing around with me?]    


No, not as he wished!    


Min Xinduo suddenly stood up, walked quickly to the door and said harshly:    


"Open the door." Otherwise I'll scream. "    


This dormitory was completely filled with people. It was currently night time for self-study. If she were to shout loudly, it would definitely attract others' attention.    


She was sure he wouldn't mind so many people's opinions.    


Ji Yuqing was stunned, the confident smile on his face froze.    


Min Xinduo knew she made the right bet!    


"One day you will come back and beg me!"    


Ji Yuqing finally opened the door. A spell like sound entered Min Xinduo's ears, leaving her with no way out!    


Min Xinduo took the medical kit back to the infirmary and ran back to her dormitory.    


Seeing that she had finally returned, Faang Yuanyuan hurriedly stepped forward and said with worry,    


"Duoduo, are you alright? Ji Yuqing didn't do anything to you, right? "    


Min Xinduo shook her head with a bitter smile.    


Faang Yuanyuan muttered to herself:    


"I saw Teacher Loong Bo bringing you and Ji Yuqing away. She even said that Ji Yuqing was giving you supplementary lessons at night, but she just wouldn't let me pass. It's good that you're fine! "    


"What can I do for you? You think too much! "Alright, I'm tired. Sleep!"    


Min Xinduo smiled as she comforted Faang Yuanyuan.    


Lying on the bed, Min Xinduo couldn't fall asleep at all. Her mind was constantly thinking about what Ji Yuqing had said.    


Yuan Tianlee was a real nuisance!    


Min Xinduo finally fell asleep, but in her dreams, she saw Ji Yuqing's aloof and aloof expression. She lowered her head to look at her and said with pity,    


"As long as you agree, I'll satisfy you."    


In the dream, Min Xinduo tried to run, but she could not escape from him.    


"Duo Duo, wake up!" Duo Duo, it's time for your class! "    


Faang Yuanyuan leaned over and shook Min Xinduo. She had slept too deeply, and her hair was sticking to her face. She was mumbling nonstop.    


Min Xinduo finally woke up. After seeing that the person in front of her was Faang Yuanyuan, she smiled and covered half her face with the blanket. She said:    


"Yuan Yuan, what's wrong?"    


Faang Yuanyuan sighed as she held her forehead.    


"My lady, it's almost eight o'clock. Wake up!"    




Min Xinduo was shocked. She raised her wrist. The time displayed on her watch was indeed close to eight o'clock. There were only five minutes before the bell for class was due to ring.    


She got out of bed in a hurry, brushing her teeth as she waved Faang Yuanyuan away.    


Faang Yuanyuan shook the soy milk in her hand and said,    


"I'll help you bring breakfast to the classroom. Slow down!"    


"Woo woo!"    


Min Xinduo nodded gratefully, her mouth full of toothpaste.    


Quickly changing her clothes, she rushed to the classroom and casually grabbed her hair with her hand.    


Fortunately, her hair had been well maintained and was so supple that she didn't even need a comb, thus avoiding the embarrassment of going to class while staring at a chicken coop.    


Breathing heavily, he climbed up the stairs. The bell had just rang!    


"Crap! Crap!"    


Min Xinduo lamented in her heart as she dashed towards the classroom.    




Min Xinduo mounted on a wall and was about to fall backwards, but was stopped by a hand.    


"Thank you …" "Ji Yuqing!"    


Min Xinduo was about to thank him, but she realized that the person in front of her was Ji Yuqing. The fear and awkwardness on her face were even more obvious.    


The ringing continued!    


"Let me go, there's no time!"    


Min Xinduo struggled to retract her hand, but was pulled closer and closer by Ji Yuqing.    


Ji Yuqing's cold eyes had a hint of ridicule in them as his cold voice announced:    


"I'll give you a week to think it over!"    


Min Xinduo let go of her hands in a daze and took the lead to walk towards the classroom.    


Min Xinduo quickly followed him, knowing that the one week he was talking about was to let her decide whether or not to agree to his request.    


Be his woman?    


Hehe, did she become an idiot?    


Min Xinduo thought subconsciously as she stepped into the classroom.    


Qin Duo'er was chatting happily with the other girls when she saw the two enter the classroom one after the other. The smile on her face gradually faded.    


The class continued on!    


During class, Lee Jiawen received a note from an unfamiliar girl in the next class. On it, it was written:    


Pu * * y! He didn't even dare to fight for his love!    


The signature was Qin Duo'er's.    


Lee Jiawen crushed the note and threw it into the trash can in front of the unfamiliar girl.    


After the girl vividly repeated Lee Jiawen's performance to Qin Duo'er, her face contorted for a split-second before it returned to a graceful smile.    


Min Xinduo was taking notes from Faang Yuanyuan to finish the previous week's homework.    


Having taken a week off, she had left behind a lot of homework.    


At that moment, exclamations could be heard coming from outside the classroom!    


"Wow, who are these people? "It's not easy to provoke at a glance!"    


"Why do they carry so much furniture? This is not a residential area, where are we moving to? "    


"Look, they're heading to the office!"    


Min Xinduo's heart stirred and she hurriedly ran out.    


He saw more than a dozen black-clothed men, they were no different than Ji Yuqing's men yesterday. They were carrying all kinds of luxurious and expensive furniture, and were walking in line towards an office.    


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