Lovely Substitute Bride



"After you finish these questions, I'll let them leave."    




Min Xinduo confirmed.    


Ji Yuqing nodded.    


He looked at the two human shields by the door once again. They were motionless and had no intention of moving!    


He could only move to Ji Yuqing's side slowly and stand by the open book where his finger was.    


"Sit down!"    


Ji Yuqing spoke again.    


"I'm not your dog! I don't need your command! "    


Min Xinduo said angrily.    


His commanding tone was very much like that of a pug!    


What did he take her for?    


"Is that so? Sometimes people are not even as good as dogs! "    


At least, the dog wouldn't lie to him!    


Ji Yuqing let out a cold snort. His hands clenched the book tightly. The paper had been crumpled into a ball and was about to be torn off.    


"That's true! At the very least, dogs are very obedient and would not act recklessly! "    


Min Xinduo also agreed with his words. She saved the book from his hands, smoothing the wrinkles as she muttered:    


"Ridiculous!" How did this book offend you? "    


Before he finished his sentence, he was pulled by Ji Yuqing into his embrace.    


"You! Let go of me! "    


Min Xinduo was extremely embarrassed as she looked at the two men standing by the door.    


Some people looked at him in such a shameless manner. They really didn't know how to make such a shameless person like him!    


Ji Yuqing glanced at the corner of his eyes and shouted to the two bodyguards:    


"Turn around."    


The two bodyguards in black turned around mechanically and closed the door behind them.    


"Alright, no one will disturb us now!" Are you satisfied? "    


Ji Yuqing looked at Min Xinduo teasingly and raised his hand to touch her smooth and delicate chin.    


Min Xinduo slapped his hand with force, right on the back of his hand. The sound was very loud, and her own palm also began to tingle.    


She quickly retracted her hand and frowned as she swung it.    


"What exactly are you made of? Your skin is that thick? "    


Ji Yuqing raised his eyebrows slightly and pulled her hand over. His fingers brushed against her palm and his ice-cold fingertips instantly brought the pain away.    


The back of his hand was burning no better than hers, but he acted as if nothing had happened.    


Min Xinduo could not help but curse silently. What kind of monster was this?    


He was so cold and merciless that he even lost his sense of pain?    


He had even forgotten that he was sitting on his chest.    


Only when Ji Yuqing's other hand bracelet was around her waist did she suddenly jump up, jump two steps away, and vigilantly say:    


"Don't touch me again! "Otherwise, I will immediately jump out of this window!"    


On the other side of the wall opposite the door, there was a glass window. It was tightly shut, but it could still be considered an escape route!    


Min Xinduo couldn't help but laugh bitterly. Since when was he as terrifying as a demon in her eyes?    


She had always prided herself on being brave. How could she be so easily restrained?    


"Oh? Then jump! This is the second floor, and he won't die! At most you'll break your leg, and then you'll probably be more honest. "    


Ji Yuqing said mercilessly.    


Min Xinduo's hand that was about to open the window suddenly stopped. She abruptly pushed the window open and turned around, glaring at him.    


"Even if you want to scram, I don't want to stay by your side for even a second longer!"    


Turning around to look outside the window, he saw a beautiful figure standing under a large tree not too far away.    


That person was standing behind a tree. He didn't hide anything when he saw the window open. He directly stepped out from behind the tree trunk and smiled provocatively at Min Xinduo.    


Qin Duo'er!    


Min Xinduo gritted her teeth as she shouted out this name in her heart.    


It was truly a lingering spirit!    


Being as low as Ji Yuqing was disgusting!    


If she had to choose, she would rather turn around and face Ji Yuqing, the cold-faced devil, than to face Qin Duo'er, who had a hidden dagger in her smile!    


Clapping her hands, Min Xinduo went back to the sofa and picked up the book from the broken glass on the floor. She then walked to the table beside the window and bent over it to read the questions.    


"Have you learned your lesson? If you had been like this earlier, you wouldn't have wasted your time! "    


Ji Yuqing coldly snorted, kicked away the broken glass at his feet and stood up.    


"Don't come over! I'll leave after I solve the questions! "    


Min Xinduo said without raising her head.    


Ji Yuqing's footsteps paused for a moment before he walked towards her again.    


"I never had to listen to anyone, only to others. You are no exception! "    


However, Min Xinduo merely snorted coldly in her heart and didn't raise her head to pay attention to him. She only wanted to finish the question as soon as possible. She would be able to solve such a simple question very soon.    


Qin Duo'er, who was standing outside the window, could clearly hear the conversation in the room. She was secretly pleased that Ji Yuqing finally let it go and was no longer obsessed with this woman.    


The window was tightly shut, and only a vague shadow could be seen. That tall and thin shadow, if it wasn't Ji Yuqing, then who else could it be?    


Qin Duo'er took a few steps closer to the window when she heard someone call out:    


"What are you doing?"    


Turning his head, he saw that it was a boy with an ordinary face but a very resolute expression.    


"Oh, it's Lee Jiawen!" You followed me? "    


Qin Duo'er said with an enchanting smile.    


Lee Jiawen was surprised and immediately asked:    


"How do you know me?"    


He and Min Xinduo were not in the same class, and Qin Duo'er had only been in it for a few days.    


He couldn't remember ever having interacted with her before. This was the first time!    


Qin Duo'er chuckled softly.    


"How could I not know him? I really sympathize with you, Lee Jiawen. What is the feeling of being treated as a brother by your beloved woman? "    


She had thoroughly understood everything before she had come. She was determined to win this battle!    


Min Xinduo, who was in the room, clearly heard Qin Duo'er's voice and stopped answering the question.    


Ji Yuqing's eyes narrowed as he looked at Min Xinduo, who was stunned. His originally good mood suddenly disappeared. He became agitated and couldn't help but want to throw the two people outside the window far away.    


Lee Jiawen slightly frowned, but he soon felt relieved. He looked at her unmoved and said:    


"This has nothing to do with you."    


Qin Duo'er's smile widened. She suddenly tiptoed to Lee Jiawen's ear and said in a low voice:    


"Of course it has something to do with me. Ji Yuqing is mine! How about we work together? "    


Lee Jiawen quickly took a few steps to the right and carefully stared at her.    


Her target was Ji Yuqing, this was something the entire class knew!    


But she said she wanted to cooperate?    


Lee Jiawen shook his head in suspicion and said:    


"I don't care what your goal is, hurry up and leave this place. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite."    


He knew that the person in the window was none other than Min Xinduo!    


She was eavesdropping!    


This was something Lee Jiawen, as a bodyguard, couldn't tolerate.    


Moreover, Miss seemed to treat Ji Yuqing differently!    


Since that was the case, he might as well help her. In any case, he was just a bodyguard, and was not worthy to be the young miss!    


Qin Duo'er's smile froze on her face. Lee Jiawen was serious. If she didn't leave immediately, he would definitely drag her out.    


Therefore, she walked hatefully to Lee Jiawen's side, leaving behind the words "waste" before leaving on her high heels.    


Lee Jiawen stared blankly at the window. After confirming that Qin Duo'er had gone far away, he left.    


"Hmph, your dog is really loyal!"    


Ji Yuqing said coldly.    


Min Xinduo slammed the pen in her hand onto the table and said angrily:    


"Is there something wrong with your eyes or is there something wrong with your head? What? Can't tell if it's a man or a dog? "    


She wouldn't allow anyone to insult Lee Jiawen like this. He was her playmate from a young age.    


But her reaction infuriated Ji Yuqing once again.    


Ji Yuqing pulled her to the window, held her tightly in his arms, and said fiercely:    


"I am sick, an incurable disease."    


Then he fixed her face and tried to kiss her.    


He hated people who said he was sick the most in his life. This was his taboo!    


Min Xinduo snickered. How could she fall at the same place twice? She lifted her leg, bent her knees, and mercilessly smashed into the bottom part of his body.    


Unprepared, Ji Yuqing released Min Xinduo from the pain, allowing her to escape.    


Min Xinduo looked at Ji Yuqing, who had bloodshot eyes and a face as ferocious as a devil's, and suddenly felt that he was a stranger!    


"How dare you …"    


Ji Yuqing's voice was filled with pain. This was the first time he experienced such intense pain, and he had no choice but to reevaluate this woman!    


Did she really have no feelings for him?    


To be so ruthless!    


Min Xinduo ran to the door, pulled it open, and said to the two people outside,    


"Quick, Ji Yuqing is injured!"    


The two hulks saw Ji Yuqing squatting on the ground with a painful expression and immediately went forward to help him up.    


Ji Yuqing said angrily:    


"He's running away!"    


When he looked back, Min Xinduo was long gone.    


Only after a long time did Ji Yuqing's pain gradually lessen. Not only physically, but also internally.    


He sat in the single apartment the school had given him, staring blankly at the ceiling.    


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