Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Xinduo secretly looked at Lee Jiawen and said:    


"Jiawen, you should quickly sit down!" You're not the same person as you were before, you're still injured! "    


Lee Jiawen shook his head and stubbornly continued standing.    


"Are you going to make me rough? "Uh, I mean, if you don't sit down, I'll forcefully push you down!"    


Min Xinduo only said half of her sentence when she saw Ji Yuqing raise his eyebrows and quickly explained.    


Lee Jiawen hesitated for a moment before finally sitting down on the sofa. However, he still kept his upper body upright and remained alert at all times.    


Min Xinduo intentionally sat beside him and lowered her head to look at him.    


"Jiawen, did I really give you that school bag?"    


She had no impression of him at all!    


Lee Jiawen looked at Ji Yuqing, who was sitting opposite to him and was also looking at him. Obviously, he was very concerned about the answer!    


Lee Jiawen nodded and replied.    


"Yes. Miss, you lost your memory, so you don't know. When we first met, you gave me your bag and the sugar inside it! "    


He felt weird, he just wanted to tell the truth. The more detailed he said, the more Ji Yuqing frowned, and he was in a better mood!    


Min Xinduo scratched her head.    


"Ah, yes? "Then you really …"    


She originally wanted to ask, was what Liu Yiyi said true? Lee Jiawen really likes her?    


Since she was young, there had never been a boy who had expressed his feelings to her! It was only because she was too naughty, that she didn't have Faang Yuanyuan's gentleness, and that she didn't have Chen Jiaqi's facade as well.    


Oh, no, there was one!    


Chen Feifann!    


However, she really couldn't like Chen Feifann!    


"Miss, please don't mind what Liu Yiyi said. It's just one-sided!"    


When she mentioned Liu Yiyi, Min Xinduo suddenly remembered that she didn't know how she was and hurriedly asked Ji Yuqing:    


"Where's Liu Yiyi?"    


"Xiao Qi is watching!" What do you want to do with her? "    


In Ji Yuqing's opinion, he definitely couldn't let Liu Yiyi off that easily! But he respected Min Xinduo. After all, she was the real victim!    


Min Xinduo's delicate eyebrows creased. She bit her lips and muttered:    


"After all, she is my classmate, and besides, I am fine with it. I think we should teach her a lesson and let her go! "    


"Miss, give her to the police! This is letting her off too easily! "    


Lee Jiawen knew that Min Xinduo was kind-hearted, but for her safety, he wasn't willing to let Liu Yiyi off lightly.    


Min Xinduo's frown deepened. She looked at Lee Jiawen and shook her head.    


"There's no need! She was only a student, and she was soon going to take the college entrance exam! If she goes to jail now, her life will be ruined! "    


Although Liu Yiyi's family background was not bad, it was nothing compared to hers!    


Besides, Min Xinduo's father had a deep relationship with the head of the Public Security Office.    


Ji Yuqing looked at Lee Jiawen contemptuously, stood up and said:    


"I know what to do."    


He then walked out of the villa.    


A moment later, Ji Yuqing returned with Xiao Qi dragging Liu Yiyi, whose face was covered in blood.    


Min Xinduo rushed up to him.    


"Is this what you meant by a small lesson?"    


A cross was cut on Liu Yiyi's forehead, and fresh blood dripped from it, making her originally delicate face even more terrifying!    


Ji Yuqing crossed his arms and slightly raised his chin:    


"This can already be considered light! Didn't she think she had a face that could charm people? There will be no more after that. "    


Min Xinduo shook her head in disbelief as she looked at Liu Yiyi, whose eyes were covered in blood and tears.    


Ji Yuqing turned to Liu Yiyi and asked coldly,    


"Liu Yiyi, what do you think about this lesson? Is it too serious? "    


As he spoke, he bent his body closer to Liu Yiyi on the ground, his eyes looking at Min Xinduo.    


Liu Yiyi's hands were tied as she shook her head in panic.    


"No no, it's not serious, it's not serious at all!"    


She flinched in fear.    


Ji Yuqing smiled and said with pride:    


"Oh? Then, don't you have a short memory? "I think it's better to make a few more cuts on your body. When you see those marks in the future, you will think that you should never provoke someone you shouldn't have!"    


Xiao Qi pulled out a sharp dagger and was about to land on Liu Yiyi's body.    


Terrified beyond belief, Liu Yiyi loudly shouted:    


"No!" I'll listen to you! "    


"Shut up!" If you disturb your Aunt and Uncle's rest, your sin will be even greater! "    


Ji Yuqing shouted.    


Liu Yiyi immediately covered her mouth and sobbed softly:    


"I don't dare, I won't harm Min Xinduo anymore!" "Let me go!"    


"Let you go? "Then when you go home and your parents ask, how do you answer?"    


Ji Yuqing was a kind and gentle person, just like a big bad wolf that cheated Little Red Riding Hood.    


Liu Yiyi's eyes moved as she lowered her head like she was holding on to her lifesaver and guaranteed:    


"I didn't see the way out and accidentally fell! My parents won't pursue it. Let me go, let me go! "    


She didn't want to die yet, she had so many youths waiting for her!    


Ji Yuqing nodded. He had already achieved his goal. He waved his hand and asked Xiao Qi to bring Liu Yiyi down and let her go.    


Xiao Qi stuffed Liu Yiyi into the car and drove her to a remote alley. After pushing her out, the car left in a cloud of dust.    


Liu Yiyi cried as she held onto the wall and stood up. When passersby saw her face covered in blood, they purposely walked away from her. No one came forward to help.    


Covering her face with her hands, Liu Yiyi ran home. She hadn't left her house for many days.    


Min Xinduo was still unable to understand Ji Yuqing's punishment. She sat on the sofa and looked at him angrily.    


He truly deserved to be the head of the assassination organization!    


Ji Yuqing smiled and didn't say anything else.    


Lee Jiawen felt that he was unnecessary as he watched the atmosphere between the two of them.    


A loud roar came from outside the villa. It was the sound of a propeller!    


"Tom's back."    


Ji Yuqing said indifferently, his gaze never moved away from Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo ran out in a hurry and saw a helicopter slowly descending from the empty space in the garden.    


Before the propeller could stop completely, a staggering figure descended.    


"Grandmother! "Grandfather!"    


Min Xinduo yelled as she rushed up and helped the two of them off the plane.    


Seeing that the two of them were just a little tired and didn't have any injuries, Min Xinduo finally felt relieved and hurriedly helped them back to their homes.    


"Grandmother, you've suffered!"    


Min Xinduo said guiltily.    


Grandma looked older and even her voice was weak. She said,    


"Oh, it's not your fault! It's all because we were blind and had misjudged him! "    


Grandfather who was at the side also sighed and said,    


"I have never made any mistakes in my life, even luring wolves into my room when I'm old. It's really useless! "    


Min Xinduo quickly advised,    


"Grandfather, what are you talking about? It was Yuan Tianlee that was too insidious! Fortunately, none of us are in any danger. Don't worry, we've already chased him away! "    


After this incident, my grandparents were a bit listless, their spirits were not as strong as before, and they rarely went out to travel again.    


"I'll go get Mommy and Daddy. They were poisoned by Yuan Tianlee, but the poison has been cleared."    


Min Xinduo called her parents over.    


The whole family finally reunited, sighing endlessly at Yuan Tianlee's actions.    


It was late in the morning, and Min Xinduo left Ji Yuqing for dinner.    


Luan Zhi smiled as she looked at Ji Yuqing.    


"To express my gratitude, I have a few paintings with me. I'll give them to you!" "But I can't move it all by myself, so I'll have to trouble you to come with me to my studio!"    


Luan Zhi's words did not tolerate rejection. Moreover, Min Xinduo was still standing on the side clapping and cheering,    


"Ji Yuqing, you really earned it!" My mum's painting is something that many people don't want! "    


Ji Yuqing forced out a smile and followed behind Luan Zhi towards the art studio on the second floor.    


As soon as she entered the studio, Luan Zhi went straight to the point.    


"I know you're the child of Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen, but I hope you won't disturb our family in the future."    


Ji Yuqing tensed up. He knew that she must have something to say, so she specially called him over. But what he didn't expect was that the moment she opened her mouth, she would say such a thing!    


Those two names were both familiar and unfamiliar to him!    


Smiling bitterly, Ji Yuqing replied:    


"Can you tell me why? "As far as I know, I have an engagement with Duo Duo."    


Although he didn't want to admit that she was the child of those two, Min Xinduo was different from them. She gave him more than a little hope in his dark life!    


Ever since she appeared, his entire world had become colorful!    


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