Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Xinduo ran out to see Ji Yuqing with one hand on his thigh, blood flowing out between his fingers.    


Ji Yuqing was injured!    


Min Xinduo wiped the blood off her face with the sleeve of her pajamas in a flurry. No matter what she did, she could not wipe it clean. Her voice also started to tremble.    


"What should we do? I can't stop the bleeding! "    


Tom pulled her away, and together with Jerry, he helped Ji Yuqing up, picked him up, and quickly ran towards the hotel.    


Almost everyone in the hotel was awake. One of the parents was a doctor, but he had no tools and simply bandaged the wound.    


"Send him to the hospital!"    


If such a wound couldn't stop the bleeding, then there was a high chance that it would be irreparable!    


The person in charge of the training camp panicked and quickly shouted:    


"I, I'll go drive!"    


Then he rushed out.    


Yuan Tianlee suddenly appeared in the crowd and looked at Ji Yuqing with a cold smile.    


Min Xinduo rushed forward, grabbed him by the collar, and said in a flustered and exasperated tone:    


"It's you!" You hurt him! You murderer! "    


Yuan Tianlee threw up his hands.    


"Cousin, what are you talking about? I just found out he was hurt. "    


Tom sternly said from the side:    


"You weren't in your room just now. Where did you go?"    


Yuan Tianlee was suddenly enlightened. He patted his head and said:    


"Just now, I went to the hotel's public bathroom to use the toilet. The toilet in my room is blocked! "    




Min Xinduo could only say this.    


The horn outside sounded and the car arrived.    


Jerry and Tom helped Ji Yuqing up, and Min Xinduo followed.    


The nearest town was called Meng Yang Town. There was a small hospital there, and fortunately, someone was still on duty. He stopped Ji Yuqing from bleeding and bandaged his wounds. It was almost daybreak!    


Ji Yuqing laid on the bed and regained his consciousness. Seeing Min Xinduo who was drowsy beside the bed, the corner of his mouth slightly curled up and his hand slightly moved.    


Min Xinduo immediately woke up.    


"How are you?"    


she asked with concern. She reached out and tested his forehead.    


Ji Yuqing smiled as he watched her busy herself with hot water.    


"When did you change your personality? "Is it you yourself?"    


Min Xinduo glanced at him when she heard his words, then sat back down in her chair.    


"I didn't expect the murderer to be so powerful! Even you and Jerry cannot subdue him! "    


Min Xinduo knew that Jerry was an Interpol officer, and judging from last night, his skills were pretty good.    


Ji Yuqing pursed his lips and said:    


"His injuries are not light either! He estimated that it would take at least half a month to recover. Unfortunately, he was allowed to run! "    


Tom walked in. The scar on his face was somewhat hideous. He sat on the chair, crossed his legs, and said with a smile:    


"He can't escape! As soon as you guys ran out, I'll go to Yuan Tianlee's room and check. It's almost certain that the culprit is Yuan Tianlee! "    


"It's as I expected!"    


Ji Yuqing nodded and was about to struggle out of the bed.    


Min Xinduo quickly repressed him.    


"What are you doing? Be careful not to split the wound! "    


Ji Yuqing waved his hand and stood up with shaky steps. He instructed Tom:    


"Call Xiao Qi and the others over here tonight. Surround the area and don't let Yuan Tianlee escape."    


In addition to Yuan Tianlee, they also had to get information about Johnson from his mouth.    


Tom comforted her:    


"I have already made the arrangements! If you're worried, I'll personally take someone to search the mountain tomorrow. You take care of your wounds first! "    


Ji Yuqing and Lili stayed in the hospital in Mon Yang for the time being, and Tom and Jerry, with their Blood Night men, surrounded the entire mountain where the field was being trained.    


However, after searching again and again, he still couldn't find Yuan Tianlee!    


That hotel had also been searched thoroughly. Other than Yuan Tianlee, everyone else was still there.    


"Has he already run away?"    


However, after a night's time, their group had quickly sealed off the important path out of the mountain. There wasn't even a shadow of them.    


Ji Yuqing muttered to himself as he sat on the sickbed and received a call from Tom.    


Min Xinduo had just come back from outside with two large bags in her hands. She placed them on the side of Ji Yuqing's bed and said:    


"Here is a bag of toiletries, and another bag of food. The doctor said that you can only eat liquid food now, so I'll make you some porridge later. "    


There was only one restaurant in the town, and there was no porridge at all.    


Ji Yuqing raised his eyebrows and said doubtfully:    


"You can cook?"    


Young miss Qian Jin, do you know how to cook too?    


Min Xinduo didn't look like her at all!    


Min Xinduo was about to leave when she heard his words. With her hands on her waist, she turned around and viciously said:    


"If you dislike it, then don't eat it! I will starve you to death! "    


Even though Min Xinduo said that, she still went out and went to the hospital's kitchen to make him some porridge.    


After an hour, a bowl of carrot, meat, and rice porridge was served in front of Ji Yuqing.    


Ji Yuqing was very picky with his food. He usually ate his own food, or else the organization's special, advanced chef cooked his own food.    


Ji Yuqing looked at the bowl of black porridge in front of him and asked Min Xinduo.    


"What's wrong? "Why not?"    


Min Xinduo urged, pushing the spoon into his hand.    


Ji Yuqing had to bite the bullet and eat a spoonful. It wasn't really bad, but it was still far from delicious. At the very least, it was far worse than Ji Yuqing's cooking skills.    


"How did the rice porridge turn black?"    


Ji Yuqing mumbled as he ate.    


Min Xinduo, who was supervising from the side with her arms crossed, quickly asked,    


"What did you say?"    


Ji Yuqing was currently injured, so he didn't mind. He quickly finished the bowl of porridge and handed it to Min Xinduo.    


"Nothing! "Thank you!"    


"You even said thank you!?" "How strange!"    


Min Xinduo didn't let him off as she muttered to herself.    


The two of them stayed in Meng Yang Town for five whole days. Ji Yuqing's wound had scabbed over and his body had lost a lot of weight.    


Min Xinduo deserved the credit!    


After five days of interaction, their relationship had improved quite a bit.    


In the end, Tom and Jerry still couldn't catch Yuan Tianlee. They had no choice but to release everyone in the training camp and prepare to return to Clear Water City.    


When he came here, he was on a bus. Now that he had returned, he was sitting in a luxurious MPV.    


Min Xinduo finished looking at the decorations in the car. She looked at Ji Yuqing, who was resting beside her, and said softly,    


"These people are your subordinates?"    


Judging from their attitude towards Ji Yuqing, it was obvious that they were rather petty.    


There were several men who were much older than he was.    


Ji Yuqing also accepted it calmly.    


"Yes." What? Are you interested? You can't think that I'm very powerful and that you admire me very much, right? "    


Ji Yuqing opened his eyes, with the corners of his eyes full of ridicule.    


"You wish! I am advising you not to engage in any illegal activities, or else there will be plenty of prison food for you to eat in the future! "    


Min Xinduo rolled her eyes and turned to look outside the window.    


The scenery on both sides of the car quickly receded, and her thoughts returned to the time when she was in the wretched taxi.    


"You care about me?"    


Ji Yuqing suddenly sat next to her and asked while lowering his head.    


"I, I didn't!"    


Min Xinduo gently pushed his chest aside and crawled to the other side.    


The back row was very spacious and was more than enough for two people.    


However, Ji Yuqing always stuck close to her.    


"Ai, back at Clear Water City, I won't be able to eat your congee. What a pity!"    


Even though Ji Yuqing said so, Min Xinduo knew he was hoping for nothing!    


Every time he brought the bowl of porridge to him, he frowned slightly. Although he had eaten it all, his increasingly thin jaw betrayed him.    


"If you want to eat it, isn't it simple? "Just say it, if you want to eat a few jins, you can eat a few jins!"    


Min Xinduo crossed her arms, draped the blanket over her body, and closed her eyes to take a nap.    


Ji Yuqing smiled and didn't say anything else.    


When they returned to Clear Water City, the first thing they did was to send Min Xinduo home.    


However, when they were at Min Xinduo's home, they accidentally met someone who shouldn't be here!    


"Yuan Tianlee!" Why are you still here? "    


When Min Xinduo got off the car, she saw Yuan Tianlee standing next to the housekeeper, Uncle Fu, who came to welcome her.    


Yuan Tianlee smiled and said:    


"Cousin, where am I?"    


Min Xinduo looked at him hatefully. She planned to confess everything to her father and mother. She didn't believe that he could coax her grandfather and grandmother, and even her father's mother!    


Ji Yuqing, who was sitting in the car, frowned the moment he saw Yuan Tianlee!    


He had indeed escaped ahead of time!    


Min Xinduo strode into the villa. Uncle Fu stopped her with an anxious expression.    


"Uncle Fu, what are you doing? Is Daddy's Mommy home? "    


Uncle Fu's aged face was filled with guilt as he said:    


"Miss, the master and the wife are both ill! I can't get up from my bed right now! "    


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