Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Xinduo was shocked. Then, she comforted him:    


"Didn't Ji Yuqing stop pestering me? Don't worry, he won't dare do anything to me anymore. "I have my guard up."    


Yin Mian shook his head.    


"He's not the one who wants to kill you!"    




Min Xinduo exclaimed while covering her mouth.    


For the past few days, she had always thought that Ji Yuqing was a murderous demon, but Yin Mian had never lied to her!    


"But, I saw with my own eyes that Ji Yuqing wanted to take advantage of Jiawen again! It can't be wrong! "    


"What did you see him use to kill Lee Jiawen?"    


Yin Mian asked.    


Min Xinduo carefully searched her memories and slowly said,    


"When I arrived at the hospital, I saw him standing next to Jiawen. Jiawen had already lost a lot of blood. His hands are also covered with blood. "    


"Are you sure the blood on his hand belongs to your classmate?"    


"If it isn't his, who else could it be?"    


Min Xinduo didn't know how to react at the moment, so she was led by Yin Mian.    


"Maybe he fought with the real murderer when he arrived, and the blood on his hands is the murderer's!"    


Yin Mian analyzed, this was not impossible.    


However, Min Xinduo had been prejudiced against Ji Yuqing and thought that he was not a good person. Now that she saw that scene, she was sure that Ji Yuqing was the culprit.    


However, things were not as simple as she thought.    


Yin Mian continued:    


"Earlier today, my men saw a black shadow on a hill in the western suburbs, but it was later thrown off."    


"Western suburbs? "What time?"    


"Around 10 PM."    


Yin Mian answered.    


What he didn't say was that when his men reported, he quickly rushed over and intercepted the black shadow. However, after fighting for a while, they still didn't know the difference and each fled with injuries.    


Right now, his waist was still faintly aching, and the ointment was slightly cold, but it did not completely remove the pain.    


"Ten o'clock. At that time, it should have been Ji Yuqing and the other two girls watching a movie together. I'll ask Xiaomei and Xiao Lee tomorrow and they'll know if he has any alibi. "    


Yin Mian's pupils shrank as he nodded.    


Min Xinduo secretly rejoiced in her heart as she said happily,    


"You sent someone to help me investigate?"    


It was great to have such a mysterious person to help him at any time!    


In Min Xinduo's eyes, Yin Mian's image became bigger. She didn't even care about his looks, nor did she care about his age.    


Quietly approaching, Min Xinduo boldly poked Yin Mian's waist and said:    


"Why are you so good to me?"    


The shyness of her youngest daughter was seldom seen on her face.    


What he got instead was Yin Mian sucking in a breath of cold air.    


Cold sweat broke out all over his body, washing away the ointment around his wound. The sweat contained salt, which made the wound even more painful!    


"Ah!" "Don't touch it!    


Min Xinduo shouted:    


"What's the matter with you?"    


Yin Mian slowly rolled up his clothes, revealing the hideous wound on his waist.    


"This is?" Was it Shadow who hurt you? "    


Min Xinduo covered her mouth with both hands as she looked at the ten-foot-long wound with astonishment. Blood was flowing out of the wound, slightly reflecting the moonlight.    


"He's not much better either!"    


Yin Mian said. He and Black Shadow were on par with each other. Every time they fought, there would be some new injuries added on the bodies of the other two. He was already used to it!    


"Let me help you stop the bleeding! This won't do. "    


Min Xinduo's heart trembled when she saw this. She wanted to extend her hand, but she was afraid that he would move and hurt her.    


Yin Mian said without a care.    


"It's fine, I'll go back and get some medicine."    


As he spoke, he was about to put down his clothes.    


Min Xinduo held his hand, feeling that his palm was very cold, but she didn't think about that. Instead, she lowered her head and carefully examined the wound under the moonlight.    


After looking for a long time, he finally had no choice but to put his clothes down carefully.    


Yin Mian saw that her expression was still ugly and for the first time, he comforted her:    


"It's really nothing! I've had more serious injuries than this, and I've survived them. "Don't worry!"    


With that, he stood up and without saying his goodbyes, jumped down from the rooftop.    


Min Xinduo's serious expression didn't relax at all as she watched him drift away in the wind. After a long while, she raised her finger and sniffed the smell of the stain. Her tightly knitted brows never relaxed.    


Yin Mian left Min Xinduo and went to the top of another tall building. He looked back at the small figure in the distance. He touched his chest and muttered:    


"Is this the feeling of being worried?"    


His heart was beating!    


With a smile, he took the clothes handed to him by a subordinate and took off the custom-made flying suit that he was wearing. His muscular body was exposed to the wind and his two subordinates quickly lowered their heads.    


He calmly walked to a box at the side, took off the silver mask, and put it inside. After putting on his clothes, he instructed the subordinate beside him:    


"Let's go!"    


The top of the tall building regained its tranquility!    


The clamor of the city continued.    


The next day, Min Xinduo intentionally found Xiaomei and Xiao Lee after class. The two of them were walking out of the school's minimart with a piece of ice cream in their hands. They were happily eating and talking.    


"Come here!"    


Min Xinduo stood in front of the two of them and held their hands. Before they could resist, she had already pulled them to a secluded place.    


Lil Mei shook off her hand and said with a high-pitched voice,    


"Aiyo, I was wondering who it was! What's wrong, little devil? "    


Min Xinduo, who was used to being naughty in school, was often chased around by the Dean of Education, but she never got tired of it.    


But the students didn't know why she was always able to escape danger, so they called her Little Devil, but only in private.    


The two of them looked at Min Xinduo and said:    


"What is it? You specifically asked us to come here, could it be that you want us to give you a few nice words in front of Ji Yuqing? "    


Ever since the two of them were selected by Ji Yuqing, they started to act arrogantly among the girls. There were also a lot of girls who paid attention to them and wanted to take this opportunity to get close to Ji Yuqing.    


However, the two of them were not idiots. Although they talked back and forth, they never gave them the slightest chance.    


Min Xinduo snickered in her heart. It was really 'the other party's honey, my arsenic'!    


He didn't care about her disdainful expression and asked on his own.    


"Last night at ten. Where were you?"    


Xiao Lee smiled and said:    


"Yo, you want to find out where we are? Could it be that he wanted to bump into Ji Yuqing on the way? "Then you are completely wrong!"    


Min Xinduo could not stand it any longer. Unable to contain her anger, she blurted out:    


"Answer whatever I ask." Did the teacher not teach you not to answer irrelevant questions? "    


Little Mei's chest was heaving up and down. Although this little devil was very mischievous, his grades in school were one of the top, causing teachers to have a whole new level of respect for him.    


How infuriating!    


She shouted in a low voice:    


"You think you're the only one with a backer? If you dare to touch us, we'll immediately tell Ji Yuqing and guarantee that you'll turn into a pig's head tomorrow! "    


When they went out to play together, they saw Ji Yuqing beat up a tough guy until all his teeth fell out.    


Min Xinduo did not get angry and instead laughed.    


"Oh? Do you only know how to rely on men? If you have the ability, go up on your own! I would like to see who will turn into a pig head. "    


Little Mei's right hand was grabbed by Min Xinduo. She quickly pressed the ice cream in her left hand against Min Xinduo's face.    


However, her little trick had long been seen through by Min Xinduo. Min Xinduo nimbly turned her head to the side to avoid the attack while grabbing her left hand with the back of her hand!    


Min Xinduo pinched both of her hands together and whispered into her ear with a smile,    


"Now look, who is most likely to turn into a pig head?"    


It only took a few breaths to subdue one of them. Min Xinduo looked at Xiao Lee complacently.    


Xiao Lee was a bit timid. Seeing that her sister had been captured, she stood on the spot, not daring to move. She said:    


"Don't mess around! Student Ji Yuqing will be coming over soon, if he sees it. "    


Min Xinduo turned her head to look at her and snorted.    


"Ji Yuqing? You can't count on it. "    


Before she came, she had already let Chen Jiaqi lead her fans to surround Ji Yuqing. She was probably still worrying about how to break out of the siege!    


Xiao Lee shrank back, not daring to look Min Xinduo in the eye as she lowered her head to look at the ground.    


Min Xinduo squeezed hard, causing Xiaomei to scream.    


Min Xinduo asked.    


"Who wants to turn into a pig head first?"    


Little Mei quickly shouted:    


"No, no!"    


If they became pig heads, Ji Yuqing would definitely not see them again.    


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