Lovely Substitute Bride



"Edgar, did you really hire someone to assassinate Luan Zhi?"    


Edgar naturally denied it immediately.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge looked at each other. What they saw in each other's eyes was clear understanding and confidence!    


Min Ann'ge thought of the scene backstage, that man with a scar on his chin!    


When she thought of his words, she whispered into Luan Zhi's ear,    


"Let's believe that man for now!"    


Luan Zhi nodded. Although she didn't know who that man was and how he appeared here, he seemed so sure that she had got hold of Edgar's evidence.    


Edgar was still trying to save Elder Ling and the people below the stage:    


"I swear to God, I really didn't buy a killer! I have no idea what she was talking about. "    


Luan Zhi nodded to the staff at the side. The staff pressed a button and the curtains were drawn to the sides.    


It revealed the white wall behind him. It was completely empty!    


Just when the people on the stage were at a loss and Edgar was completely oblivious to the situation, he heard a voice:    


"Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am your favorite killer!"    


The only sound that could be heard in the hall was the man's voice!    


Edgar heard the sound and looked around in panic. His heart sank!    


However, he could not find where the sound came from.    


The white wall was suddenly projected onto the screen, revealing a messy table. On top of the table was a makeup mirror as well as some random things.    


It was obvious that this was a backstage scene!    


A young man walked in from one end of the screen. He had an evil smile on his face and a scar on his chin that was very obvious!    


He walked into the screen and leaned against the table. Raising his head, he first greeted the camera, then raised his phone and said:    


"I'm the killer Mr. Edgar hired at a high price!"    


Jerry, who had appeared at the entrance to the hall at some point in time, looked at the scene on the opposite wall and muttered:    




Ann Yan, who followed behind her, also recognized that the man in the picture was the Tom that they had been chasing after! He immediately turned to look at Jerry, only to see that she bit her lower lip and angrily punched the wall.    


This valiant woman!    


How terrifying!    


Ann Yan clicked his tongue in wonder, glad that he wasn't that pitiful wall!    


The people below the stage did not notice the arrival of the International Criminal Police Organization. All of their gazes were focused on the stage. Some of them even pointed towards the stage.    


Seeing their reaction, Edgar suddenly turned around and saw that on the white wall, the Blood Night Assassin he had seen a few hours ago was talking to everyone with a smile.    


"I have a recording of Edgar on my phone. He was the one who asked me to kill Luan Zhi before the ceremony! However, as everyone saw, Luan Zhi was still standing right in front of you. Our Blood Night has always had principles, good people never touch! For a well-liked killer like me, of course I have to abide by the rules! "    


Edgar's heart was beating rapidly. He turned his head and shouted to the people below the stage:    


"No, everything he said is false! I don't know this man! slander! "    


However, everyone looked at him suspiciously, no longer believing his words!    


Edgar's shout did not stop the man from talking.    


"I will broadcast this audio recording later! As for me, I won't be accompanying you! Mr. Killer is very busy! Remember, my name is Tom! "    


The man placed the phone on the table and left the screen!    


The audio footage was broadcast.    


Just from listening to the beginning, Edgar recognized it as the recording of his meeting with the killer in private two hours ago!    


He didn't expect the assassin to be prepared at that time!    


He tried his best to stop everyone from listening to the audio, but it was useless! Everyone could hear him very clearly, and the look in their eyes became more and more hateful!    


Jerry and her Criminal Police teammate quickly crossed the hall and ran towards the backstage.    


"He must still be backstage! It was a live broadcast! Quick, we must catch this arrogant fellow! "    


Jerry said calmly.    


"Wait, all of you, hurry up and seal off this hall. No, seal off the entire International Arts Center, don't let anyone go! I'll go backstage. "    


Jerry said to Ann Yan and the others.    


The people behind her nodded and left in different directions.    


Jerry opened the door to the backstage and walked in.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge, who were listening to the audio clip, smiled even more!    


It seemed like their bet was correct!    


This man called "Tom" actually had proof! And, he was actually an assassin from Blood Night!    


Watching Edgar on the side, gradually going crazy, he covered his ears with both of his hands desperately, trying to stop the sound from entering his ears!    


He was just lying to himself!    


He couldn't hear it. Could it be that other people were deaf too?    


Upon seeing Tom on the screen, the people below the stage all cried out in a low voice.    


"Uncle Tom!"    


Then, he quickly covered his mouth with his hands and looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to him before he heaved a sigh of relief!    


Uncle Tom had said before that he didn't want others to know that they knew each other.    


It turned out that Uncle Tom was actually a powerful assassin! Furthermore, he was a very good killer!    


But what was a killer?    


Duo Duo tilted her head and didn't dare to ask anyone else. She only pondered in her heart.    


In the backstage, Jerry scanned through the room but didn't find anyone. However, he immediately saw the messy table and the phone on the table.    


His phone was still playing audio.    


"Damn it!"    


He couldn't have already run away, right?    


It had only been a minute, how did he disappear so quickly?    


"Damn Tom, don't let me catch you!"    


Jerry didn't give up and searched one place at a time to find people. He opened all those big boxes, but there was no trace of Tom at all.    


She was standing with her hands on her hips, looking around at the small backstage, her mind racing as she tried to think of his escape route.    


Suddenly, a pair of hands reached out from the side and grabbed her arm, pulling her inside.    


The place where the hand had extended was a pile of acting costumes. Between the gaps of the fluffy princess' skirt, there was a person hidden!    


Jerry opened his mouth to scream, but his mouth was blocked by something!    


Her eyes widened, and she saw that Tom was smiling at her from just a few feet away.    


And his lips, on his own!    


Damn it!    


Jerry cursed in his heart!    


Struggling with all his might, he tried to push him away with his hands and feet, but he couldn't do it. His limbs were all locked up by Tom!    


The two of them were in a very strange position!    


Jerry was on top of Tom, and Tom's hands and feet were wrapped tightly around her, just like an octopus wrapped around its prey!    


Four lips pressed together, just touching.    


But it made Jerry blush!    


Tom's attitude made her extremely angry!    


This person was too arrogant!    


As a mouse who should be hiding everywhere, how dare he tease a cat here? Did she really think of her as a sick cat?    


Tom felt good. The touch of his lips was soft and hot, like kissing a cloud. There was a delicate fragrance lingering around her nose. It was the smell of her perfume!    


It was a very familiar smell!    


Tom greedily wanted more, with a smile in his eyes as he met Jerry's eyes. Looking at the obvious anger in her eyes, he felt that she was very charming now!    


Suddenly, a sharp pain came from his tongue!    


Tom quickly left Jerry's lips and called out in a low voice,    


"You little wild cat, you really know how to bite!"    


"Hmph, I can even do more than that! Do you want to try? "    


Jerry gasped for air. She had forgotten to breathe when she had stopped talking to Tom, and her eyes were full of anger.    


Her little face was red from holding her breath, and with her red hair, it made her look even more dazzling!    


"Hehe, what's more excessive? "You mean?"    


Saying that, Tom's gaze fell on Jerry.    


Tom nodded with satisfaction.    


That's right!    


He had given her everything he couldn't bear to drink, so he didn't waste it!    


Jerry saw that wherever he looked, he wanted to use his hands to protect himself, but he couldn't do anything. He was held down by Tom right behind him!    


Jerry smashed his head towards Tom and cursed:    


"Shut up!"    


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