Lovely Substitute Bride



The two sides of the street were filled with delicacies. From here, the fragrance wafted into Wen Tiantian's nose, making her feel hungry.    


The fragrant honey roast meat, the stewed meat, the smooth Rice Noodle Roll, the steaming Soup Dumplings, the unique stinky tofu …    




How long had it been since Wen Tiantian had eaten these things?    


Her eyes lit up as she kept looking around, unable to make up her mind.    


After searching for a while, he finally locked onto the last eatery.    


Ji Jingchen was a typical carnivore, so other foods were a bit overkill, but this was still the best time for him.    


"Let's go eat that."    


Wen Tiantian raised her finger and walked over with Ji Jingchen.    


When they got closer, they realized that the store was bustling with business. Long queues were formed inside and out.    


Wen Tiantian was about to walk in when she was hit by someone in front.    


Ji Jingchen stretched out his hand and quickly supported his opponent.    


"Are you alright?"    


"I'm fine."    


Wen Tiantian shook her head and tiptoed to look inside.    


There were quite a few people gathered around the store, making it extremely crowded.    


Ji Jingchen frowned. Worried that Wen Tiantian would be hit again, he opened up his temples and placed a line of protection around her. The moment the crowd rushed over, he immediately brought Wen Tiantian away.    


There were no less than thirty people around him, and all of them squeezed forward.    


Not long later, Ji Jingchen's forehead was covered in sweat.    


Wen Tiantian's line of sight was completely focused on the delicacies in front of her, and she did not notice the situation behind her.    


When they finally got to the front and ordered dinner, Wen Tiantian turned around and saw that Ji Jingchen looked to be in a rather sorry state.    


Her white shirt was a mess, and her shoes had been stepped on countless times. There were footprints everywhere, and her forehead was covered with sweat.    


"Why are you …"    


Wen Tiantian's eyes widened as she turned her head to look at the crowded crowd behind her.    


No wonder she was so successful earlier, she didn't bump into anyone, it was all Ji Jingchen protecting her from behind.    


"Sorry, if I didn't insist on eating this, I wouldn't …"    


Before she finished, Ji Jingchen suddenly reached out to stop her.    


"Let's go, we finally got in. Of course we have to try the taste of this store."    


Wen Tiantian nodded and said seriously, "I've been here before. You'll definitely like it."    


There just happened to be a vacant seat in the store. The two of them chose the signboard, roasted meat, and sat down.    


Compared to the restaurant that Ji Jingchen used to take her to, this one was simple and crude.    


There was a simple shed over his head, a folding table, and chairs made of plastic for ten dollars a chair.    


It was very short, Ji Jingchen was tall and leggy, and when he sat down, there was practically nowhere for him to place his legs. It was a bit awkward sitting there.    


In next to no time, two shop assistants brought up the tools needed for roasting meat.    


This was a self-service barbecue with all the tools available.    


To most people, it was a facade, but in the eyes of people like Ji Jingchen, it had turned into a look of bewilderment.    


He stared at the marinated meat on the table, motionless.    


Upon seeing this, Wen Tiantian brought the clip over.    


"Let me do it."    


She skillfully oiled and spread the meat on the grill.    


The charcoal underneath was bright red, and very soon, the oil in the meat was roasted out. With a sizzling sound, the meat was ready to be eaten.    


Wait for the meat to change color, brush with dipping, and put into Ji Jingchen's bowl.    


"Taste it."    


Ji Jingchen's eyebrows never relaxed from the moment he entered.    


Only after hearing Wen Tiantian's words did he pick up the chopsticks and taste them.    


He tried to chew with his skeptical gaze.    


After tasting the wonderful taste in the meat, Ji Jingchen's actions gradually sped up.    


"How is it?" Wen Tiantian looked at him expectantly.    


It was Ji Jingchen's first time eating such delicious food. It was much better than what he had imagined and it was amazing.    


Was there such a long line at the door?    


"It's delicious."    


Upon hearing his reply, Wen Tiantian's eyes shone with a bright light.    


She was worried that Ji Jingchen would not like it, but now she was relieved.    


He felt a surge of joy in his heart. Just as he was thinking this, the clip in his hand was taken by someone else.    


Wen Tiantian looked up and saw that Ji Jingchen had rolled up his sleeves and was ready to roast the meat.    


"I'll do it, you eat first."    


As he spoke, he mimicked Wen Tiantian's actions just now. He brushed the oil on the meat, then spread it on the meat slices and dipped them in the sauce.    


However, even though the steps were the same, the finished product was vastly different.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the charred meat on her plate, hesitated for a second, then picked it up and put it in her mouth.    


"How is it?"    


"Ugh …"    


Wen Tiantian considered her words.    


How to describe this complex flavor?    


Roasted for too long, too much sauce, a little salty, no taste of barbecue...    


Although Ji Jingchen had written some before for her, it was still the first time for barbecue.    


"That's right." Wen Tiantian commented mildly.    


Ji Jingchen's interest was piqued, so he consecutively put more than ten pieces on the grill.    


Wen Tiantian looked at him bitterly. She wanted to do it herself, but seeing that Ji Jingchen was in such a good mood, she could only swallow the speculation on the tip of her tongue.    


Every time she finished roasting a piece, she would personally deliver it to Wen Tiantian's bowl to look at her.    


Wen Tiantian could only bite the bullet and swallow her saliva.    


Fortunately, Ji Jingchen's learning ability was amazing. After the first few times of being poisoned, the final product could already be tasted.    


Wen Tiantian ate merrily, feeding herself and eating alone.    


When the other customers saw them, they couldn't help but complain to their boyfriend.    


"Bake it for me as well. Learn from others."    


Hearing this voice, Wen Tiantian's face turned red, and she felt that she was full, so she took the clip.    


"Let me do it, aren't you hungry as well?"    


Ji Jingchen did not refuse. He raised his chopsticks and waited at the side as if he was looking forward to it.    


Every time Wen Tiantian finished roasting, the meat on the plate would be swept away.    


During this time, he even added more food before he finally ate his fill.    


When the waiter came to pay the bill, Wen Tiantian looked outside and saw that there were still many people waiting outside.    


The waiter kept looking at Ji Jingchen, his face slightly flushed. He counted on the notebook and then said, "Sir, it's a total of two hundred yuan."    


Ji Jingchen nodded. He didn't expect the items here to be so cheap. He took out a credit card from his wallet.    


The waiter was stunned.    


"Sir, we can't swipe our cards here."    


Ji Jingchen put it back and took out the black card.    


The waiter was holding the card in his hand with a helpless look on his face.    


This was the Infinite Black Card sold by the world's limited number of people. She had only seen it once in her life, but …    


"Sir, the black card..." "I can't either."    


Who would come and eat a supper with a black card?    


Let the company that issued the black card know, what do they think?    


Hearing that, Ji Jingchen frowned. He looked through his wallet but didn't find any cash.    


Sensing that something was wrong, Wen Tiantian turned around.    


"What's wrong?"    


The clerk said, "Miss, you can't swipe your card here. Do you have any cash?"    


"Cash, yes."    


Wen Tiantian took out her wallet and fished around. Her movements suddenly became stiff as she slowly took out 153 yuan from the wallet …    


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