Lovely Substitute Bride



Jerry smiled strangely, looked at Ji Yuqing who had a face as calm as water, imitated Black Bear's tone and said:    


"Why hasn't Tor, that little girl, shown up for so long? Did he run off to find the adonis again? "Qin Duo'er, tell me, why did Black Bear call you so intimate?"    


Qin Duo'er shook her head and whined.    


Jerry ripped the adhesive tape off her mouth and said:    


"What do you have to say? "Hurry up and speak." "I don't want Tom and I to tell Ji Yuqing that we wronged you!"    


This kind of thing happened more than once!    


The hairs on Qin Duo'er's mouth were all ripped off as she endured the pain and said:    


"Brother Yuqing, believe me, I just happened to see Black Bear once before. It has nothing to do with him!"    


"Still need to quibble!"    


Jerry used his hand to pat her cheek, staining her palm full of high-end foundation. He rubbed it on Qin Duo'er's body in disdain before continuing.    


"I was wondering why the address you gave me was so accurate. We found it not long after we got off the plane. Now I know, you and Black Bear are together! "    


"No, I'm not!"    


Qin Duo'er screamed, her eyes flustered, not knowing where to put them, not knowing who to beg for more trust.    


Jerry shouted:    


"Speak, did you reveal our plan to Black Bear?"    


"I didn't!"    


"No?" How did the black bear know we were there? And then they surrounded us all? If we didn't bring enough supplies, we probably wouldn't even be able to last long until reinforcements arrived. "    


Jerry looked at Ji Yuqing. The anger on his face was obvious. He pointed at Qin Duo'er and said,    


"It's her! Tom and I were almost killed by the black bear! We already knew that she wasn't the Duo you were looking for, but because she was trapped, we couldn't send you a message at all. "    


Ji Yuqing's cold face looked straight at Qin Duo'er. His slightly narrowed eyes were about to freeze her. He slowly opened his mouth and asked.    


"You're not Duoduo?"    


Qin Duo'er was at a loss for words. She raised her head and wanted to explain, but before she could say anything, she heard Jerry say,    


"Black Bear has already been brought here by us, what else is there to doubt? You can ask Black Bear yourself! "    


Xiao Qi had already followed Jerry's instructions, brought in the tied up Black Bear and threw it on the ground.    


Ji Yuqing lowered his eyelids and looked down at him. A storm gathered in the depths of his eyes as he coldly said:    


"Black Bear, after fighting for so many years, have you ever thought of this day?"    


Black Bear was a big and stout foreign man. The sideburns on his face grew crazily, covering up half of his face.    


Only his sunken eyes showed a crazy light. He spat on the ground and shouted:    


"Since we're going to die anyway, you guys can go now!"    


"Look at who she is!"    


Tom walked over, twisted the bear's head, and looked at Qin Duo'er on the sofa.    


"It's you!" You betrayed me! Bitch! "    


Black Bear cried out angrily and struggled to get up. A string of dirty words came out of his mouth and landed on Qin Duo'er's body.    


Ji Yuqing sneered. He raised his hand and gestured to Xiao Qi:    


"Throw them into the interrogation room."    


After Black Bear was dragged away, Ji Yuqing looked towards Qin Duo'er.    


At this moment, she no longer shouted that she was wronged. Instead, her head was lowered and her shoulders were constantly shaking. Finally, she abruptly raised her head and angrily looked at Ji Yuqing as she said:    


"Yes, I am a member of Black Bear Group, but I have never done anything to betray you!" Although I am not Duoduo, but I have always loved you, for you, I have given up my body and mind. And the result? "You were captivated by Min Xinduo!"    


It was almost a shout.    


Qin Duo'er gradually descended into madness as she raised her head and laughed out loud.    


"Hahaha, what a pity! It was just a bell, yet it took advantage of Min Xinduo's parents' lie to make you believe me! You seem to like her very much. Alas, the real Duoduo has left you now! I'm afraid you won't be able to find her in this lifetime! "    


Ji Yuqing clenched his fists and tried his best to restrain his anger. He stared at Qin Duo'er like she was his prey.    


"How dare you!"    


Qin Duo'er felt like she had fallen into an icehouse when she heard the words he had just uttered, almost squeezed out from the gaps between her teeth.    


Her face was already covered in tears. She looked sadly at Ji Yuqing and let out a snort. Finally, she said:    


"I am bold! If you don't have the guts, how could you have infiltrated Black Bear's organisation for so many years? If he didn't have the guts, how could he have stopped eating for a week just to convince my dad? I'm afraid you don't know? The woman you've always been worried about, Min Xinduo, is already pregnant! "    




Jerry's eyes widened as he looked at Qin Duo'er in disbelief. He ran up to her and shook her shoulders as he asked.    


"Duo Duo is pregnant? You're lying again, aren't you? "    


Qin Duo'er sneered.    


"Now that things have come to this, what else do I have to hide? I sent someone to follow her, she fainted at someone else's wedding, I feel strange, of course I have to care about her body! After all, she promised me to leave you.    


"Is she really pregnant? Whose is it? "    


Jerry squeezed Qin Duo'er's shoulders forcefully, almost crushing her shoulders.    


Ji Yuqing didn't even do anything, he just powerlessly sank deep into the sofa. His heart suddenly felt dull pain, making him almost unable to breathe as he breathed heavily.    


Seeing Ji Yuqing's reaction, Qin Duo'er felt a burst of joy in her heart as she continued:    


"You have to ask him!"    


Jerry turned around and looked at Ji Yuqing.    


"It's you?" Why are you doing this? You don't like Duo Duo, yet you want to force her like this? "    


Jerry roared.    


She could almost imagine how heartbroken Min Xinduo would be when she found out she was pregnant.    


As a woman, she definitely didn't want to hand over her most precious item to a man who didn't like her!    


Tom quickly went forward and hugged the excited Jerry to prevent her from crazily beating Ji Yuqing.    


"Kid, you're really wrong about this!"    


Even Tom said so.    


Ji Yuqing had almost lost his hearing. The three people in front of him looked at him with different expressions, especially Qin Duo'er's proud and disappointed expression.    


He couldn't even hear what her red lips were saying.    


"She has my child …"    


Ji Yuqing muttered. Suddenly, his body slanted and he completely lost consciousness, falling onto the sofa.    


This illness was extremely violent!    


Ji Yuqing lay in a coma for a week before waking up. Even Zhang's mother stayed with him all night, afraid that he would wake up without anyone.    


"Little guy, you can't go on like this." Why don't we take him to the hospital? "    


Tom's voice came to Ji Yuqing's ears on the bed.    


Jerry looked at Ji Yuqing from the side. His initial anger had somewhat dissipated, but he still felt indignant for Min Xinduo. He said in a bad mood,    


"He deserves it! Who told him to do this to Duo Duo? Even God will punish him! "    


Zhang's mother walked in just in time, holding a bowl of dark medicinal juice in both hands.    


These few days, he had already used all the western medicine, but he didn't wake up. They could only force him to drink some of the medicinal juice, hoping that it would be effective.    


Zhang's mother lowered her head, just in time to see Ji Yuqing's fingers move as she shouted in surprise:    


"Mr Ji woke up!"    


Tom and Jerry quickly surrounded him.    


Ji Yuqing, who was on the bed, finally opened his eyes slowly. Three faces appeared in front of him, and he quickly recalled the last scene before he fainted.    


He opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice:    


"Duo Duo …"    


Tom patted the back of his hand.    


"You're already like this, why are you still thinking about Duo Duo?"    


However, Jerry said snappily:    


"You're not worthy of mentioning Duo Duo's name!"    


Ji Yuqing's heart ached. The word Min Xinduo had become his taboo. If he said it now, even he himself would feel that it had been tainted!    


"It's my fault, I misunderstood Duo Duo! I believe in the words of others! "    


"Who are you showing pity to now? Duo Duo couldn't see it. "    


Jerry held his hands and rolled his eyes. He didn't intend to let Ji Yuqing go just like that, even though his body had been getting weaker and weaker over the past week.    


However, when she thought about how she couldn't even contact Duo Duo right now, she couldn't get over Ji Yuqing's actions.    


Ji Yuqing's temple jumped as he slumped on the pillow.    


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