Lovely Substitute Bride



"Grandpa Ling, this uncle is bad!"    


Elder Ling's gloomy expression changed. He lowered his head to look at Duo Duo and asked:    


"Duo Duo, why did you say that he was bad?"    


According to her previous description, this chairman shouldn't have said too much during the banquet. At most, he would have only allowed others to mock Luan Zhi.    


This was the best way for a superior to know how to protect his own life and at the same time strike a blow at the thorn in his side!    


Although Elder Ling knew, he was curious how this little girl saw that he wasn't good!    


However, Duo Duo could only say:    


"It's not good anyway!"    


In fact, she couldn't say why she didn't feel good either. She could only use her feelings to say those words.    


Elder Ling smiled and touched her little head. Looking at the two braids on her head, he was quite satisfied with his method. He took out a bag of snacks from somewhere and secretly stuffed it into her hands.    


When Duo Duo saw this, she was so happy that she cried out:    


"Thank you, Grandpa Ling!"    


Elder Ling liked her very much too when he saw her so happy. He patted her head lovingly.    


Ever since he picked her up from the hotel in the morning, he had taken her around the city center for a day of fun. Her occasional witty remarks had always surprised him, and he was already deeply captivated by her!    


The seats in the hall were almost filled as the staff coordinated with each other. Finally, they checked the names on the list, only Luan Zhi was not there!    


Ten minutes before eight, a limousine pulled up steadily in front of the International Arts Center.    


The ones who got out of the car were Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge!    


"It's all your fault! "If you want to try on clothes, you have to …"    


Luan Zhi looked at Min Ann'ge reproachfully. When she saw his mocking gaze, her face turned red again. She quickly turned around, grabbed her skirt and jumped off the car. Then, she ran towards the ceremony hall.    


Thinking about the scene at the hotel, she felt her heart beating rapidly and could not help but curse Min Ann'ge for being a big pervert!    


The International Arts Centre was already surrounded by reporters. They thought that with all the guests present, no one would come again. The reporters began packing up their belongings and prepared to leave. They would only rush back after the ceremony ended.    


He didn't expect to see a silver figure sprinting over from the other side of the red carpet. Taking a closer look, it was a beautiful woman from the East.    


Luan Zhi ignored him and just raised her hand to block the dazzling light.    


She was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes. Although it wasn't too high, she suddenly lost her balance while in a hurry. She looked like she was about to fall to the ground.    


A powerful arm suddenly stretched out from behind her and firmly held her arm.    


Luan Zhi felt that her body that was leaning back had found support. She steadied her feet and turned around to see that it was Min Ann'ge who had arrived in time.    


The two of them glanced at each other in tacit understanding while Luan Zhi glared at him resentfully.    


Min Ann'ge chuckled in a low voice. He bent down and picked up Luan Zhi.    




The surroundings were filled with exclamations!    


The spotlight was aimed at the two of them, flickering non-stop.    


Luan Zhi, who was silently cursing Min Ann'ge, suddenly felt the world spinning around her. She looked carefully and saw that she was already in Min Ann'ge's arms.    


"Put me down!"    


Luan Zhi said in a low voice.    


There were so many reporters around who wanted to perform such intimate actions on the spot. Although they were husband and wife, no one else knew about it!    


Although the relationship between the two had already spread far and wide in China, Min Ann'ge was now abroad. With the successful first flight of the Queen a while ago, some of the media already knew of his existence.    


However, his wife and family were still unknown!    


With this incident, tomorrow's newspaper will surely be full of gossip!    


She had already thought about the title!    


"The female designer of the billionaire Red Carpet Princess is about to receive the hostess of Queen!"    


"Candidate designer of the Golden Cauldron Awards has climbed up to the Wealthy Class, interacting passionately in front of the ceremony hall!"    


Wait a minute! This kind of explosive news will be spread more and more by the reporters!    


Min Ann'ge felt that she was in a hurry and knew what was bothering her, so he whispered:    


"Don't move!"    


Then, he turned around to the reporter beside him and said:    


"Hello! Let me introduce you, this is my wife, named Luan Zhi! "Please take care of me!"    


Min Ann'ge, who never bothered to explain, unexpectedly said to the dumbfounded reporter for the first time.    


He didn't care whether the reporter heard what he said or not. He turned around and walked towards the hall with big strides. His pace was much faster than Luan Zhi's.    


Luan Zhi wrapped her arms around his neck and was slightly touched. He had purposely explained the relationship between the two of them. Was he afraid that tomorrow's reporter's report would ruin her reputation?    


Looking at this man, who seemed cold on the surface but was deep in his heart, Luan Zhi felt a sweetness she had never felt before!    


While Luan Zhi was still in a daze, Min Ann'ge carried her to the hall where the awards ceremony was held. The door was already closed.    


When the two staff members guarding the door saw the two people dressed in luxurious clothing, they didn't wait for Min Ann'ge to speak and immediately opened the door.    


The guests in the hall were already sitting upright, and the lights had already dimmed.    


The moment the door opened, the light from outside shone in, attracting everyone's attention.    


Almost everyone turned to look!    


At the door, Luan Zhi was gently placed on the ground by Min Ann'ge. When she felt everyone's gaze on her, she immediately straightened her body and smiled at the crowd in the hall.    


Her smile caused the broken bricks on her skirt to flash slightly. A soft silver light reflected from her dress, enveloping her surroundings in a layer of faint silver light.    


"So, so beautiful …"    


Some people narrowed their eyes and looked over, but they were still unable to see clearly.    


When Luan Zhi took a few steps forward, the door behind her slammed shut, blocking out the light outside. Only then did everyone in the hall regain their vision.    


Someone exclaimed,    


"Luan Zhi!"    


Just when everyone recognized that one of the two people who entered was Luan Zhi, another person noticed Min Ann'ge, who stood behind her in obscurity!    


An even more high-pitched voice cried out:    


"It's Min Ann'ge!" "Oh my god!"    


More people arrived tonight than at the previous dinner. At that time, only a small part of the crowd didn't know the relationship between Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi when he came to pick her up.    


"Why are they together?"    


"That's not right!" Look, Min Ann'ge has his arm around Luan Zhi's waist, it's so intimate! "    


"You don't know yet, do you? A few days ago, I personally saw Min Ann'ge come to pick up Luan Zhi! "Later on, after a careful inquiry, we found out that the two of them have long since become husband and wife!"    




As everyone was still guessing, they heard a crisp sound of a child!    


"Daddy, Mommy!"    


Little figures ran down the aisle toward the two of them.    


Luan Zhi was still feeling embarrassed. After all, she was late. She didn't know how to explain, but she saw Duo Duo running towards her.    


Without giving it much thought, she quickly crouched down and hugged those tiny bodies!    


Everyone drew a gasp!    


"It's really a husband and wife!" The children are already this old! "    


In a split-second, everyone in the hall knew that Luan Zhi was Min Ann'ge's wife and they also had a cute seven-year-old daughter!    


This news was simply too unexpected!    


A while ago, Min Ann'ge had already been in the limelight!    


Now that Luan Zhi had appeared at the ceremony, everyone's jaws had dropped even more in shock!    


Realizing the situation, Luan Zhi simply hugged Duo Duo and released her. She held one of her hands, while the other was led by Min Ann'ge. The three walked side by side towards the front.    


Elder Ling had already stood up and waved at the two of them!    


Luan Zhi smiled at Elder Ling and walked to his side nervously. She nodded at him and said in a low voice,    


"Elder Ling, I'm sorry, I …"    


Elder Ling waved his hand to stop Luan Zhi from continuing. He pointed at the empty chair beside him and said lovingly:    


"Sit down!"    


Originally, people who were dissatisfied with Luan Zhi's late arrival, after seeing Elder Ling's attitude, they sat down without a care.    


Luan Zhi sat beside Duo Duo, and Duo Duo sat next to Elder Ling.    


The ceremony had yet to begin, so Luan Zhi asked Duo Duo in a low voice:    


"Duo Duo, did you have fun with Grandpa Ling?"    


"Of course I'm happy! Grandpa Ling also bought me delicious things to eat, and this dress, Grandpa Ling also brought me to buy oh! Mommy, look, is it good? "    


Duo Duo pointed at the dress on her body as she spoke.    




Luan Zhi smiled and then smiled apologetically at Elder Ling.    


"Elder Ling, I'm sorry, I've let you spend so much!"    


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