Lovely Substitute Bride



"I just saw her in the hotel car. He didn't need to save money to this extent, right? Did you sell off your home in order to come to the Y Nation to participate in the awards ceremony? "    


"Hahaha!" That's right, that must be it. "    


Luan Zhi originally thought that Elder Ling's attitude might have changed towards her, but it was obvious that she had underestimated the jealousy of these people!    


Jealousy has driven them mad!    


Once Elder Ling left, it became their world. Ironic words continuously reached Luan Zhi's ears. No matter where they went, they could be heard clearly.    


Duo Duo pulled Luan Zhi's hand and whispered:    


"Mommy, why don't we go home?"    


However, Luan Zhi didn't want to be scared off by these people at all. She gripped her hands tightly and stood at the corner of the hall, looking at them one by one.    


Remember their faces!    


When Edgar saw that Luan Zhi was surrounded, he became even more pleased with himself. The depression in his heart finally broke out!    


He brought his female companion to Luan Zhi's side. Before he could open his mouth, he heard Luan Zhi's mocking voice.    


"Mr. Edgar really can't get rid of him!"    


He always followed her wherever she went.    


Edgar was no longer angry. He said to Luan Zhi with a smile,    


"Do you think that just knowing a judge would be enough to determine the final outcome? Let me tell you, there are a total of five judges for this year's Golden Tripod Awards! In my opinion, you only have one vote, and that was obtained through some unknown means! "    


Luan Zhi chuckled.    


"Mr. Edgar's imagination is really rich! It's a waste of your talent not to write novels! However, sir, there is a saying in China, 'disaster comes from the mouth'! Be careful of the wind that flicks your tongue! "    


Edgar was once again angered to the point that his face turned green!    


"Mr. Edgar, there's no need to be angry over such a woman. We'll wait for the final result and then we can laugh at her to our heart's content!"    


"You're right!"    


The two sang the same tune and left happily.    


After a while, all the invited guests arrived.    


One by one, western cuisines were served. Everyone sat around the long table, gracefully enjoying the food!    


Duo Duo was learning how to use a knife and a fork just like Luan Zhi. Although she was quick at learning, it still made the surrounding guests laugh and cover their mouths when they saw this scene.    


There were even some people who did not bother to conceal their strength and just laughed heartily. They even ridiculed the two of them as bumpkins!    


Duo Duo asked Luan Zhi quietly.    


"Mommy, what does bumpkin mean?"    


The word did not exist in the French she had learned, and the studious Dodo, who had heard it so many times in the mouths of others, asked doubtfully.    


Luan Zhi's gaze turned cold as she corrected the way they were pinching the forks one by one. Then, she softly said to them:    


"Duo Duo, let's eat our own food and ignore them!"    


Since these people were conceited, why did they need to purposely curry favor with them?    




"Yes," she answered obediently, and began to fight with the steak in her plate.    


Amidst everyone's unremitting ridicule and laughter, Luan Zhi's trip to the banquet quickly came to an end!    


Other than Elder Ling's appearance, Luan Zhi was extremely disgusted with the entire banquet! In the end, they only half-heartedly dealt with the matter and left after a few casual words.    


Luan Zhi left the banquet hall in advance. There were no longer any reporters outside. The night wind was chilly.    


Luan Zhi put on her coat and called Min Ann'ge.    


"Ann'ge, the banquet is over. Have you finished your work?"    


Other people were still talking on Ann'ge's side. They must still be having the video conference, but he immediately turned off the camera and logged off after giving Assistant Cao a few words.    


Immediately rush to the hotel where Luan Zhi was!    


After the banquet ended, the guests all headed out.    


A few guests noticed Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge, who were standing by the side of the road on a flowerbed. They walked over and their breath carried the smell of alcohol.    


"Yo, isn't this our boss' favorite contestant, Miss Luan Zhi? What? Can't get a taxi? "    


"Hahaha!" A taxi! "Why don't we give you some change for a taxi later?"    


As he spoke, he pulled out a few notes!    


Luan Zhi tilted her body slightly to the side, ignoring the people who were already drunk beyond recognition.    


Their chauffeur immediately came over and helped them into the back of the car before leaving in a hurry.    


When Edgar came out, he was with the chairman! There was a large group of people following behind them!    


Seeing Luan Zhi standing at the side, Edgar pointed at her and said loudly to the people behind him,    


"Everyone look, this is our designer, he's actually squatting on the side of the road! Hey, why don't you design your own warm clothing! "Haha!"    


The group of people behind him burst out in laughter!    




This was the biggest joke in the design world!    


There was no such thing as warmth in the fashion industry!    


Because those high-end costumes were all prepared for the nobles, where would there be a chance for them to freeze? He wouldn't even consider the function of keeping the house warm!    


He was mocking Luan Zhi for making Luan Zhi's clothes for the lower class!    


Luan Zhi snorted coldly.    


"Mr. Edgar's eyes are really high on the top! "Don't forget, in this world, 80% of the people here are under the middle class!"    


Edgar was very disapproving! He believed that his works could only be used by the upper class aristocrats. Most people did not have the qualifications to buy his clothes.    


Luan Zhi's ideals were the exact opposite of his!    


There was no difference between being able to appreciate beauty!    


Therefore, the range of clients she dabbled in was very wide!    


The chairman was slightly unhappy. He had already been bribed by Edgar. It was a pity that the chairman couldn't vote, but he could still do something about it!    


"Luan Zhi, if you don't have the strength, it would be best if you don't participate in it without knowing your own limits. You can train for a few more years!" You're still young! There's plenty of opportunities! "    


They actually started to fight for democracy!    


Luan Zhi was adamant:    


"Mr. Chairman, I did not say that my work would be better than anyone else's! It's just that I think everyone should treat other contestants equally! "    


This meaning was very obvious!    


You can't help Edgar like this just because you took the black money! At least do it covertly!    


Edgar was stabbed. His face turned red after being drunk. The veins on his face bulged as he walked to Luan Zhi's side. He was about to grab Luan Zhi's wrist.    


Suddenly, an ear-piercing sound of brakes could be heard!    


A limousine with an extended model suddenly stopped less than a meter away from Luan Zhi and Edgar!    


This car was a very rare brand. The entire car was handmade and could only produce 10 cars per year. The quality was very good! Extreme luxury, a very modern car!    


Although the group of guests were also in and out of luxury goods, they rarely saw this car that only existed in legends with their own eyes.    


"My God! Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Or did I drink too much? "    


Everyone looked at the shiny car coming on stage in such a cool manner. They all clicked their tongues in wonder and leaned forward.    


Edgar also temporarily stopped his hands. He looked at the car that was only a few centimeters away from him, and was trembling in fear!    


"God bless! I almost bumped into it! "    


He really cherished his life. After being frightened like that, he wanted to get angry, but he did not expect to find out the moment he raised his head. The person who could drive such a car was not someone he could afford to offend!    


On the contrary, he should curry favor with another noble!    


He was even richer than the nobles he had interacted with before!    


After all, the nobles were divided into different grades.    


Just when everyone was astonished and puzzled by Luan Zhi's words, a person got out of the car. His long legs were wrapped in a suit and his shirt was unbuttoned two times. The suit outside was also quite expensive and one could faintly see a faint golden light flashing under the reflection of the light!    


The inside of the suit was inlaid with gold wire! The true golden silk threads did not seem vulgar. Instead, they were magnificent and extraordinary!    


Everyone rubbed their eyes when the person's face appeared in front of them.    


Drunk and hazy, they were no longer conscious, but the moment they saw his face, they immediately called out his name!    


"Min Ann'ge!"    


"It's really Min Ann'ge!"    


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