Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge asked in annoyance:    


"Are you alright?"    


Luan Zhi could only smile!    


With his hair completely dry, he made an internal call to notify someone to prepare a pot of ginger soup and bring it up.    


In less than fifteen minutes, Jiang Tang was personally sent to the room by the captain.    


The maid behind the captain put down the ginger soup neatly and placed a small bowl on the bedside, then stood aside and waited for instructions.    


The captain took off his hat, placed one hand on his left breast, bowed slightly, and said in French:    


"Sorry, Mr Min. It's all those people's fault. How do you want to punish them? "    


Clearly, he had heard the whole story from someone else!    


In fact, other than some private spaces, the entire ship was equipped with camouflage cameras. After he heard about it from a sailor, he personally checked the control room for any surveillance equipment.    


Min Ann'ge didn't answer him immediately. Instead, he scooped up a spoonful of ginger soup and blew on it before placing it next to Luan Zhi's mouth.    


Luan Zhi opened her mouth and took a sip. She felt the warmth in her stomach dispersing the cold, both inside and out!    


After drinking the bowl of ginger soup, Luan Zhi shook her head and stopped drinking. She signaled Min Ann'ge to pay attention to the captain who was standing at the side.    


Min Ann'ge put down his bowl, looked at the captain and said:    


"Is this a deliberate arrangement or a coincidence? Find out as soon as you can. And I want details of those people, including a few coins in their pockets. "    




The captain stood at attention, lowering his head as he replied.    


Min Ann'ge waved his hand and the captain left with the maid.    


Luan Zhi revealed a slight smile.    


"There's no need to be so exaggerated!" I just thought I didn't know how to speak French and didn't understand what they were saying. I just said some nasty things! "    


Min Ann'ge asked seriously:    


"What did they say?"    


He would return whatever they said to Luan Zhi, even double it!    


This was the punishment for them!    


Luan Zhi kept quiet and did not dare to continue talking. She rolled her eyes and looked at the breakfast bag on the bed. She said with some pity,    


"I brought you a cold breakfast!"    


However, Min Ann'ge didn't mind at all. He went up to pick up the already cold breakfast, put it in the microwave to heat it up, and then took it out again!    


While watching Luan Zhi to prevent the cold wind from blowing into the blanket, she picked up the breakfast and stuffed it into her mouth.    


"Don't keep looking at me!"    


Luan Zhi said with a coy smile.    


Min Ann'ge said vaguely.    


"Be careful of the cold wind!" Don't move, close your eyes and sleep! "    


Luan Zhi smiled bitterly.    


"Where is the cold wind?" The air conditioner is on so high, it's very warm! "    


However, after Min Ann'ge glared at him, he shut his mouth obediently and closed his eyes.    


He didn't feel sleepy at first, but in order to lie to Min Ann'ge, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in less than a minute!    


Min Ann'ge looked on the side and touched her forehead. It was a little warm, but it should be normal. As long as there was no fever!    


After finishing his breakfast, Min Ann'ge went to Duo Duo's bedroom. Just now, Duo Duo ran in and did not go out.    


Now that he came in and looked, he saw Duo Duo dragging the big pink rabbit and was about to walk out of the bedroom. When she saw Min Ann'ge come in, she quickly said:    


"Daddy, help me bring the pink rabbit to Mommy. As long as the pink rabbit stays by Mommy's side, Mommy won't get sick!"    


Innocent, she had always treated the pink rabbit as a hero! It was also true that for many days and nights, whenever she woke up, she would hug the pink rabbit tightly, feeling that there was nothing to be afraid of anymore!    


Min Ann'ge smiled but didn't refute. Instead, he helped Duo Duo put the pink rabbit next to Luan Zhi's pillow.    


"Mommy won't be sick, will she?"    


Duo Duo tilted her head as she asked.    


In the past, she had been drenched in the rain, but she was also gravely ill. It was so uncomfortable!    


She looked worriedly at Luan Zhi, unwilling to leave her side.    


When Luan Zhi woke up again, the sun had already set!    


Dodo was sitting on the edge of her bed with her hands on her cheeks, whispering to the pink rabbit.    


"Bunny, you have to protect Mommy. You can't let Mommy get sick! If you get sick and want to take medicine, you will suffer greatly! "    


Luan Zhi faintly smiled and changed her voice, pretending to be a pink rabbit as she said:    


"Alright, Duo Duo, don't worry, I'll protect Mommy!"    


Luan Zhi's eyes had already opened. Knowing that it was Luan Zhi pretending to be a pink rabbit, she asked anxiously,    


"Mommy, are you feeling bad?"    


With these words, he even reached out a small hand to touch her forehead, trying to feel Luan Zhi's body temperature.    


This was what she had learned to do after seeing Min Ann'ge do this. She actually didn't know how much fever he was in order to be sick.    


However, this small action made Luan Zhi's eyes redden!    


He immediately thought back to when he was young and how Mei Shanshan used to take his body temperature when he was sick and bed. She almost cried when she felt her heart heat up.    


When a person was weak, the first thing they would think of was their mother!    


Even though Luan Zhi had always been strong, she always needed to be protected. When she was young, she was always taken care of by Mei Shanshan when she was weak and sickly!    


This is what a mother is!    


She couldn't help but think of Soong Yaru! I wonder how she is doing now!    


Not long after Luan Zhi woke up, Min Ann'ge hurriedly walked in. He held a few thin pieces of information in his hands, and there were even some photos on them.    


"What did you take?"    


Luan Zhi asked.    


It was like a resume for a job search!    


Min Ann'ge didn't hide anything and put the pieces of paper on the head of the bed. He went up to Luan Zhi and helped her sit up. He reached out his hand to test her forehead and then said,    


"Un, as long as you don't have a fever!"    


Then, he simply said:    


"Here are the information on those people. You don't have to worry, take good care of yourself! "    


Luan Zhi was about to say something else when she heard everyone present a treasure.    


"Mommy, when you're asleep, Duo Duo and Pink Rabbit are always with Mommy! That's why Mommy isn't sick! No need to take bitter medicine, is Mommy happy? "    


Luan Zhi stretched out her arms to hug Duo Duo, leaned close to her and said:    


"Of course Mommy is happy! Thank you, Duo Duo, and the pink rabbit! "    


As he spoke, he gave her a kiss on her small face.    


Duo Duo giggled and also kissed Luan Zhi a few times.    


Min Ann'ge felt that he was being ignored. He wanted to put down Duo Duo and said,    


"Duo Duo, Mommy is hungry. Don't lie in Mommy's arms."    


However, Luan Zhi said:    


"It's all right. I'm fine. "    


"No!" It's dinnertime now and you'll miss lunch. You can't stop eating. I'll call someone to bring dinner to my room! "    


Saying that, Min Ann'ge was about to dial the restaurant's internal line.    


Luan Zhi quickly stopped him.    


"No, let's go to the restaurant! It's always suffocating in the house, and always feels like it's hard to breathe! "    


Min Ann'ge asked nervously.    


"Can't breathe? I'll ask the ship's doctor to come up and have a look. "    


"It's fine!" Just go out and get some fresh air! Hurry up and go, I'm suddenly a little hungry! "    


Luan Zhi urged Min Ann'ge to get off the bed.    


Min Ann'ge quickly pressed her hand down.    


"I'll do it!"    


Then, he went to the side and put on a set of clothes for Luan Zhi.    


"These clothes really keep me warm!"    


Luan Zhi praised as she stood in front of the mirror. Was the fox fur coat going to cover her body?    


Luan Zhi silently cursed, but she still resisted the impulse to take it off!    


Fortunately, the current season was only the beginning of spring and was not very hot. This fox fur coat did not feel cold at all!    


"What do you want to eat? Chinese or Western? "    


Min Ann'ge held Luan Zhi's hand. In his other hand, there were many soft hands.    


Luan Zhi thought about it, but still felt like eating something hot!    


The western cuisine was exquisite, but when it was served, most of it was no longer hot!    


Right now, all she wanted was a bowl of hot noodles to soothe her stomach!    


Min Ann'ge nodded and took the elevator to the Chinese restaurant.    


Luan Zhi was speechless.    


"So it's this close!" It's a good thing we didn't find the right path for so long when we came down for breakfast in the morning. "    


Min Ann'ge frowned.    


"I was involved in the design of this ship, so I know the position of every room. I'll have them make a road map on each road in a moment. "    


In order to prevent Luan Zhi from finding another place, Min Ann'ge decided to end this once and for all!    


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