Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge's eyebrows twitched as he stood up. He walked to the side and beckoned to Duo Duo, who quickly ran over.    


"Duo Duo is sleeping in this bedroom!"    


Min Ann'ge pointed to the door beside them.    


The sunlight shone through the large glass window. The white gauze curtain fluttered in the breeze. It looked like a dream!    


The room was mainly pink, with many animated figures drawn on the walls. They were all familiar with each other!    


The only flaw was probably the small princess bed in the middle of the room!    


Duo Duo pouted and said:    


"Daddy, this bed is so small, why are there three people sleeping on it?"    


Min Ann'ge raised his eyebrows.    


"Who said we have to sleep three people? If Duo Duo sleeps alone, it would be just right! "    


As he said that, Min Ann'ge even carried Duo Duo onto the bed. It was indeed very suitable!    


The princess bed and the pink decorations had sunk deep into the bed, just like a noble little princess!    


Duo Duo thought for a bit and felt somewhat unhappy.    


"But Duo Duo wants to sleep with Mommy and Daddy! Let them bring two more big beds! "    


This room could accommodate three beds!    


However, Min Ann'ge said sincerely:    


"Duoduo, do you know how many children in this world don't sleep in beds? There were also several people squeezed together on the same bed! So, don't waste it! Do you know? "    


Duo Duo seemed to have understood something. Only Luan Zhi, who was standing at the door, felt that Min Ann'ge had become more and more scheming. Clearly, he did not want Duo Duo to disturb their two people's world!    


He was even finding excuses with dignity!    


I have truly wronged him!    


That was true. When they were at home, although Duo Duo had her own small bedroom, she would often climb into their big bed in the middle of the night and say that she was afraid to sleep alone at night!    


It wasn't easy for him to come out to play, so Min Ann'ge naturally seized the opportunity!    


Min Ann'ge opened the closet in his bedroom, and each of his eyes immediately lit up!    


"Wa, pink rabbit!"    


The one lying inside the huge wardrobe was precisely Duoduo's favorite — Pink Bunnies!    


Luan Zhi curled her lips at the side. Min Ann'ge had really put in a lot of effort. In order to divert Duo Duo's attention, he had already prepared her heart!    


Seeing that Duo Duo jumped off the bed to hug the rabbit, Min Ann'ge gave Luan Zhi a flirtatious look!    


The few of them had dinner at home before boarding the helicopter. It was already getting dark when they settled down in the suite, leaving behind only some afterglow.    


The bedrooms were over ten meters away, it was Min Ann'ge's and Luan Zhi's bedroom!    


Luan Zhi was standing by the window, looking at the setting sun on the horizon, which dyed the seawater red and made it sparkle, lighting up Luan Zhi's eyes.    


Min Ann'ge walked over from behind and hugged Luan Zhi's waist from behind. He rested his head on her shoulder, smelling the faintly discernible fragrance in her hair and took a deep breath.    


"So beautiful!"    


Luan Zhi sighed.    


"I'm not as beautiful as you!"    


The Queen moved slowly, with a long whistle, from the high seas to State Y.    


Early in the morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone into the luxurious presidential suite, Luan Zhi woke up slowly. Min Ann'ge was still sleeping beside her.    


Looking at Min Ann'ge, Luan Zhi couldn't help but reach out her hand to trace his facial features with her fingertips.    


It slid past his thick black eyebrows, clear eyelashes, and a high nose bridge, lingering on his sexy thin lips.    


Min Ann'ge's lips moved twice as he muttered.    


Luan Zhi jumped in fright. She thought he had woken up, so she quickly retracted her hand and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep!    


After waiting for a while, he did not see any movement from Min Ann'ge's side. His eyes quietly opened a slit and secretly looked at him. Seeing that he was still sleeping, he finally felt relieved!    


So it was just sleep talk!    


Luan Zhi was about to sit up when Min Ann'ge reached out his hand and pulled her into his embrace.    


The breathing at the back of his neck was still uniform, showing no signs of waking up.    


Luan Zhi's heart ached. She must be tired after all this time!    


In preparation for the Golden Cauldron Awards, she spent her days and nights in the design room, ignoring him and Duo. Every day, it was Min Ann'ge who picked her up and taught her lessons!    


When Luan Zhi fell asleep, he would bring her a thermal lunch box to Luan Zhi's design room to deliver her food! The next day he got up early and made breakfast for the family.    


She was in the design room discussing the redraft when she turned around to find that he was already asleep on the sofa!    


After that, in order to prepare to go to State Y, he must have arranged a lot of things!    


He didn't tell Luan Zhi that he had done all of this behind his back. However, Luan Zhi knew it clearly in her heart.    


Take this cruise ship for example. That day, in order to pick them up, they circled to the high seas closest to them and stayed there for two hours. They waited until Luan Zhi and her men boarded the ship before sailing towards their destination.    


Not to mention the fact that there were many people on the ship, just the manpower and resources spent on the two hours was a huge expense! Even though Min Ann'ge is one of the investors, there is still a certain degree of difficulty to be able to do it.    


Luan Zhi slept quietly with him for a while longer. It was hard for her to fall asleep!    


She had a special constitution. Every time she woke up in the morning, if she didn't have any sleep, the tears would invade her eyes!    


This was just a physical reaction, not because he was sad.    


Luan Zhi gently lifted Min Ann'ge's arm and slid out through the gap.    


Standing beside the bed, he gave Min Ann'ge a light kiss on his forehead. Unexpectedly, he heard the sound of flowers!    




Duo Duo, who had just woken up, stood at the door of Luan Zhi's bedroom, holding a pink rabbit and wearing a cute nightgown.    




Luan Zhi made a silent gesture towards her, then pointed at Min Ann'ge, who was still sleeping soundly.    


Duoduo quickly covered her mouth, but her eyes were half-curved in a smile.    


Luan Zhi tiptoed over to him and turned around to check that he was still awake. She then closed the bedroom door and brought him to the living room.    


"Mommy, why isn't Daddy awake yet?"    


Duo Duo said to Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi helped her comb her hair and said to her:    


"Daddy is exhausted. Let us let daddy sleep for a while. Mommy, can you take Duo Duo to eat breakfast?"    


Duo Duo nodded obediently. Yesterday, she had already seen some fish in the sea when she was on the plane, so she said:    


"Mommy, can those flowers eat big fish?"    


Luan Zhi nodded.    


After washing up and changing into a new set of clothes, he took her hand and led her down to the dining hall.    


The cruise ship had five different styles of restaurants, including Chinese and Western cuisine, as well as some of the more entertaining ones.    


Luan Zhi brought Duo Duo down the road, did not find where the Chinese cafeteria.    


A man was standing on the deck in front of them, his back facing them. He had his hands on the side of the boat, leisurely watching the sunrise. He took out a cigar from his chest and was about to light it.    


Luan Zhi walked over and asked subconsciously in Chinese:    


"Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Chinese restaurant?"    


The man turned around when he heard the noise. It was a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He laughed out loud when he saw Luan Zhi standing in front of him with a face full of shame.    


Then, he spoke to his companion in French:    


"Darling, look, there's a Chinese here!"    


Luan Zhi was asking for directions in Chinese before she could see the man clearly. She was hesitating to ask him again when she heard his voice.    


His tone was haughty, as though he was using Luan Zhi as a rarity and was calling out to his comrades to come over.    


A blonde woman in a bikini was lying on the beach chair over there. Upon hearing the man's words, she hurriedly straightened her body, took off her sunglasses, and walked towards him with cat like steps.    


The woman also said with interest:    


"Oh? Hans, this is rare! "    


Luan Zhi curled her lips in annoyance at the two's attitude of not putting her in their eyes. She did not want to pay any attention to them as she walked around them, holding onto Duo Duo as she continued to walk forward.    


The two people behind him burst out into laughter!    


Finally, they found a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was already filled with people.    


Luan Zhi found a quiet corner and ordered a few dishes. They were common dishes in China, but the taste was many times better and the price was outrageously expensive!    


However, on this cruise ship, except for the casino, everything else was accounted for. They only needed to report the room number and settle their accounts when they disembarked.    


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