Lovely Substitute Bride



Not a single part of Soong Yaru's body was undamaged. She had all been through Jiang Guowei's punches and kicks. How could a weak girl like her be able to control the increasingly irritable man?    


"Women are weak, but mothers are strong! Are you going to watch your man persecute your biological daughter, or are you going to be so weak for the rest of your life and allow that man to do whatever he wants? "    


Min Ann'ge also knew that Soong Yaru was a traditional woman and it was unlikely for her to defy her husband. For her, her husband was her heaven.    


However, Luan Zhi was her own daughter! How could she just stand by and watch?    


"After Duoduo was born, Zhi was stronger and more protective than before. "I think you're thousands of times worse than Zhi!"    


Min Ann'ge bluntly gave his evaluation.    


Soong Yaru remained silent. Her knuckles that she gripped tightly had turned white, but she still didn't feel any pain.    


Min Ann'ge stood up, pressed a few red notes under the coffee cup on the table and left.    


Only Soong Yaru was still sitting there with her head lowered, her shoulders slightly hunched.    


After returning home at night, Min Ann'ge looked at his wife who was busy cleaning up the house. He suddenly felt sorry for her and went up to her from behind, hugging her waist and burying his head in her neck.    


"What is it?"    


Luan Zhi asked with a smile as she stopped shaking off the bed sheets.    


Min Ann'ge didn't say anything. He just continued hugging her, feeling the throbbing in her neck. After a while, he said in a muffled voice:    


"I missed you."    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she felt that Min Ann'ge was like a child who couldn't get his hands on candy, acting spoiled towards her. She reached out and touched his palm, which was in front of his lower abdomen.    


"Idiot, I've always been here! To be able to see her everyday, what was there to think about? "Idiot!"    


Min Ann'ge chuckled, but for once, he did not refute her.    


"But I do miss you. What should I do?"    


"Then tie me to you! I was there when you went to the company, and I sat around when you were busy. When you eat, I'll eat all the dishes you don't like! "    


Min Ann'ge raised his eyebrows and smiled, "You don't like to eat more than me! celery, carrots, onions... "    


"Stop, stop, stop!" If you continue, I won't be able to eat anything! "    


Min Ann'ge said with a serious expression:    


"No!" You also have a lot to eat! "Favorite beef, fish, sweet and sour pork, salted chicken wings, and chicken mouth water …"    


"Uh, am I a pig? "So many delicious foods!"    


"You are a pig, a pig that only belongs to me! I'll make you fatter. "    


While saying that, Min Ann'ge pinched Luan Zhi's body and said something like, "I'm too skinny."    


Luan Zhi felt the flesh on her waist, which had obviously increased a lot, and said in a speechless manner,    


"Recently when you cook every day, I've gained a lot of weight! How could he be thin? If this goes on, we won't be able to wear the sample clothes from the design room! "    


The designer girl used herself as the model when she modified her clothes. Recently, when she was wearing those new clothes, she felt a bit tight. Even the people in the design room noticed it.    


"If you aren't fat, how can you give Duo Duo a sister?"    


Min Ann'ge's chuckle sounded in her ears. Just when Luan Zhi thought he was going to take advantage of her again, he hugged her waist again and buried his face in her hair without saying a word.    


"What happened to you today? What's the matter? "    


Luan Zhi felt Min Ann'ge was very strange today, so she asked him directly.    


Min Ann'ge took a deep breath and asked:    


"Zhi, are you happy now?"    


"Of course! I have you and Duoduo, our little family is very happy! "Dad, mom, and dad are very nice to me too, even though I'm not their biological child …"    


Seeing that she had already talked about this point, Min Ann'ge followed her words and asked:    


"Don't you want to find the mother who gave birth to you?"    


Luan Zhi smiled faintly.    


"I feel that even though someone else gave me my life, she doesn't want me, so why should I look for her? It's enough for me to have parents that love me! "    


Luan Zhi had never held a shred of hope, nor did she want to know who it was that had been so ruthless, given her life, and then abandoned her!    


After having Duo Duo, she could completely understand a mother's sense of mission! If he really had to abandon her, then it must be because he had no other choice!    


Luan Zhi didn't want to label the people and matters of the past as non-interference. This was a decision her birth mother had made!    


She would carry out the plan for him for the rest of her life!    


Min Ann'ge hugged her and tightened his grip.    


"Ann'ge, if you feel lonely, then there's still me."    


As Luan Zhi said this, her face reddened. Luckily, Min Ann'ge didn't confront her face to face and didn't see her embarrassment.    


However, Min Ann'ge's face was pressed against her neck, and he felt Luan Zhi's cheeks and neck rise a few degrees. It was very warm and comfortable. Hearing her words, he smiled!    


Min Ann'ge used his strength and picked up Luan Zhi. He threw her onto the soft bed and then covered her body. A dubious smell wafted onto Luan Zhi's face.    


Luan Zhi's face was burning! He didn't know where to look!    


After a while, he quickly raised his head and took the initiative to place a light kiss at the corner of Min Ann'ge's mouth.    


Min Ann'ge originally only teased Luan Zhi a little, but this time, he was completely out of his control. He said with a hoarse voice,    


"You asked for it."    


After that, he buried his head into the side of Luan Zhi's neck and began to chew. After that, he buried his head into the side of Luan Zhi's neck and started to bite.    


As for his birth mother, he would put it aside for now!    


As long as Zhi was happy, he was willing to do anything for her!    


Time entered February, in a few days, it will be the Spring Festival!    


On the weekends, Luan Zhi prepared to bring Duo Duo to buy some new clothes. Although there were still some new clothes at home, but the New Year atmosphere had to have a new year atmosphere. Children, they always like new clothes!    


Knowing that she was going shopping with Mommy, Duo Duo quickly said,    


"Mommy, let's call Grandma! Teacher Apple said that all women like to shop! Grandmother is also a woman! "    


Luan Zhi bent down, pinched her cheeks and said:    


"You're the spirit! Mommy will call Grandma in a minute, okay? Hurry up and eat! "    


Min Ann'ge looked at Luan Zhi and Duo Duo who were at the table discussing their plan to go shopping in the city center tomorrow. He felt abandoned and sighed.    




Luan Zhi and Duo Duo didn't notice and continued their discussion.    




This time, Luan Zhi finally noticed, but she pretended not to hear her and continued to talk to Duo Duo.    


Duo Duo's attention was completely focused on the new clothes she was going to buy tomorrow. She even forgot about eating and automatically ignored her father's land!    


Min Ann'ge coughed and deliberately emphasized his tone as he sighed heavily:    




Duo Duo finally heard it and turned around to look at Min Ann'ge with a frown. She asked in a childish voice,    


"Daddy, what's the matter with you? Are the dishes not tasty? Teacher Apple said that children should not be picky about food! Daddy, you need to eat more vegetables! "    


As he said that, he clumsily picked up a piece of vegetables with his chopsticks and wanted to give it to Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge shouted "my dear little cotton-padded jacket" in his heart, and quickly caught it with a big smile on his face.    


"Duo Duo is so obedient!"    


As he ate the dishes, Min Ann'ge praised him while smiling. Soon, he finished eating and said:    


"But Daddy also wants to go shopping with Duo Duo and Mommy tomorrow!"    


Duo Duo pouted and muttered:    


"Only the three of us will be going tomorrow. This is a gathering for women! Daddy, are you going as well? "    


"Ugh …"    


Min Ann'ge was speechless!    


If he answered that he was going, wouldn't that mean that he admitted that he was a woman?    


But who taught her that? It caused him to be unable to get too close to the cotton-padded jacket!    


Luan Zhi snickered from the side, looking extremely pleased with herself like a fox!    


"Duoduo, who told you that this is a gathering for women?"    


Duo Duo looked at Luan Zhi innocently, and said actively before Luan Zhi could open her mouth to stop her:    


"Mommy said it!"    


"Ah, Duo Duo!"    


It was already too late for Luan Zhi to stop him!    


Min Ann'ge raised his eyebrows and looked at Luan Zhi. Seeing that she didn't even have the courage to look him in the eye, he coaxed her:    


"Duo Duo, look, you and Mommy and Grandma are both women. What if we meet bad people? Daddy can protect you! Even if there are no bad people, Daddy can still carry Duoduo around! "    


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