Lovely Substitute Bride



Not long after, a little boy came over with a plate of food.    


He carefully placed the dishes on Luan Zhi's table, looked at the flowers, and walked into the kitchen.    


Dodo looked at the boy curiously.    


Children always paid more attention to their peers!    


When the little boy came out from the back room carrying the dishes for the second time, Duo Duo took the initiative to speak to him:    


"Little big brother, what's your name?"    


Seeing such a good-looking girl talking to him, the little boy did not dare to reply. He quickly ran into the kitchen but did not appear again.    


When the Lady Boss finished cooking all the dishes, Luan Zhi asked,    


"Big sister, your child seems very shy!"    


The Lady Boss's face was full of smiles. He was definitely looking at the pretty little girl and did not dare to say anything. My child has always been a coward. Don't mind it! "    


With that, he followed the little boy.    


Only then did Luan Zhi pick up her chopsticks. The few dishes in front of her were common dishes. They looked simple, but the moment she took a sip, she discovered something different.    


"How's the taste?" Min Ann'ge had already guessed that she would be the first to go, so he smiled.    


"Delicious!" It's a completely different feeling. "    


The ingredients were simple and the method was also simple. Instead, it showed the taste of the food to the greatest extent.    


Hearing this, Duo Duo also curiously took a bite.    


The vegetables that he didn't like to eat actually didn't taste bitter at all.    


"Delicious!" Her eyes were shining as she spoke excitedly.    


Min Ann'ge laughed. If you like, we can come back again. "    


There were fewer customers in the store, and the owner of the store had also cooked some food. He ate at a table and chatted as if he was home.    


By the time he finished his meal, the sky had already darkened.    


The winter night had arrived very early, and the yellow street lamps had already lit up on both sides of the street.    


Because it was winter, the pedestrians on the street wore thick down jackets and hats. Many masks and earmuffs went up together, revealing only a pair of eyes!    


Therefore, even Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi, who were tightly wrapped up, were not recognized!    


On the other hand, Duo Duo was chirping along the way, counting the ice sculptures by the roadside, happily calling out:    


"Mommy, this is a bird! That's an elephant! "Wow, who made these little animals?"    


Luan Zhi looked and saw that the ice sculpture was indeed extraordinary. It was transparent and reflected colorful lights inside. It was beautifully displayed on the grass by the roadside.    


Passers-by or stopped to watch, or take photos!    


Luan Zhi was also interested and suggested:    


"Let's take a photo too!"    


Duo Duo's first response was:    


"Alright, alright, Duoduo is going to bid!"    


Since the two of them had already agreed, Min Ann'ge became a strong worker that asked passersby to help him take photos.    


The man heard Min Ann'ge's familiar voice and said:    


"Hey, your voice sounds like that celebrity!"    


However, he was only casually mentioning it. He didn't really think that he could meet a famous celebrity on the way! Wasn't all the famous celebrities flocking to and fro? How could he walk on the streets in the middle of winter?    


This could not be considered a bustling area!    


The passerby helped to take a few photos and left while mumbling!    


Because he discovered that Luan Zhi's voice sounded like it belonged to a person who had recently gone viral in a gossip story!    


He shook his head and left.    


Luan Zhi and Duo Duo, on the other hand, looked at the photos excitedly. The two women compared which one looked better and sent it over to Mei Shanshan and Luan Shen.    


The temperature dropped very quickly at night. Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi brought Duo Duo home soon!    


Over the next few days, Luan Zhi calmed down a lot when she saw the rumors on the internet. According to Min Ann'ge, there weren't many people who were threatening to block his company's entrance, just seven or eight people. All of them stood alone downstairs with a pitiful look!    


The bodyguards around Min Ann'ge were tall and big. They walked in front of those thin and weak people holding the banner, and they were so scared that those people didn't dare to make a sound!    


Only after Min Ann'ge's group left did they start shouting slogans again!    


There weren't many people watching from the surroundings. After watching for a while and seeing that there was no point, they all dispersed!    


When Min Ann'ge came out from work, those guys were listless, like saplings that had been thirsty for a few days. They hung their heads in the corner and used their feet to draw circles on the ground.    


Min Ann'ge couldn't bear to see it any longer!    


He randomly took a video and gave it to Luan Zhi to bring home, which could be considered as teasing her to be happy!    


However, after returning at night, the group was still extremely noisy! There was no sign of that cowardly look from earlier in the day, but there was a huge difference!    


When public opinion was boiling, Jiang Guowei even stood up to accept a reporter's interview. He kindly stated that he would not mind Luan Zhi's nonsense, and even advised the reporters to report more positive things!    


After this hype, Jiang Guowei acted so magnanimously to forgive his enemy and act as an example to others. He was also praised by a large number of media outlets and the public!    


In contrast, even Luan Zhi felt that it was normal to be misled if one did not know the truth!    


Look at how well they do it!    


In the office of the CEO of China Art Film and Television Company, Assistant Cao was standing in front of Min Ann'ge. Reiss was also anxiously waiting outside the door.    


In Reiss's hand, he held a piece of information. Compared to the previous piece of evidence, this one contained a lot more photos and the latest evidence!    


Assistant Cao was fighting for Min Ann'ge's opinion as he said:    


"President Min, I have already made the arrangements as per your previous instructions. It will be effective very soon! All the companies under the China Art and the media will actively cooperate, which will soon overturn all the deductions of those netizens! However, if you want to bring down Jiang Guowei, I suggest you consider it. Let Mrs. Min reopen the evidence. "    


Min Ann'ge raised his head from the folder, looked at Assistant Cao and said,    


"Let's talk about reopening the press conference later!" The most important public opinion right now must be put down within a day. Otherwise, tell the Minister of Public Information to f * * k off! "    


As the Minister of Propaganda, he needed to receive all the media information on the outside, including advertising and media entertainment!    


After being silent for so many days, it was time to pack up after watching Jiang Guowei's clowns act out for so long!    


When he thought back to every night when he returned home, Luan Zhi would bring the latest internet news to him and tell him who he found in that group today, and what kind of parade they had prepared. Luan Zhi had lived a happy life for several days, acting like a small person who was following the group silently.    


Anyway, none of this could affect their lives. Min Ann'ge's career would not be so easily affected by a few small characters.    


However, he couldn't let things develop any further!    


As far as he knew, the higher-ups were already paying attention to this and seemed to be interested in Jiang Guowei's deeds!    


"Give them another fire!" I'll help Jiang Guowei! "    


Min Ann'ge said to Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi listened to his plan, nodded, and said unhappily,    


"Since they're going to expose it so quickly, then there won't be that many people cursing and fighting every day!"    


"You seem to be very disappointed?"    


Min Ann'ge looked at Luan Zhi in amusement.    


Was she addicted to it?    


Luan Zhi giggled, grabbed one of his arms, and said:    


"I was just bored, so I had some fun!"    


Min Ann'ge said,    


"Good boy!" If you want to play in the future, find something else. This matter is more or less done! "    


Luan Zhi nodded.    


Min Ann'ge used a trumpet to speak for the first time in the group:    


"I'm not targeting anyone, I mean, everyone here is trash!"    


This sentence instantly exploded in front of everyone in the group!    


Back then, the audit was very strict. Those people wanted to establish a unified group, and unity was their most important characteristic!    


They were all on the same side before, scolding Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge every day!    


Suddenly, someone pointed the gun at them and many people jumped out.    


"Who are you? Who are you scolding? "    


"Who passed the examination? Stand out and kick him too! "    


"Shameless!" Have you forgotten how Jiang Guowei helped us? "    


Min Ann'ge looked at the comments coldly and only replied with one sentence -- "I am Min Ann'ge."    


With that said, everyone immediately quietened down.    


Who didn't know Min Ann'ge's identity?    


However, how could such a grand character appear here?    


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