Lovely Substitute Bride



The next day, Luan Zhi sent her to school as usual.    


When she got off the car, she saw the surrounding aunties, who had sent their children to school together with them, pointing at her. Undisguised discussion rang out.    


"It's her! It's her!"    


"Oh? He looks pretty good! "Right here …"    


"If not, then I can't accept a pretty daughter-in-law!"    


The old men and women gathered together. In order to pass the time, they naturally wouldn't miss any news.    


Duo Duo looked up and said, "Mommy, those grandparents are too bad. Mommy, don't listen to them! Mommy is the best Mommy in the world! "    


Luan Zhi crouched down. She had not expected Duoduo to know how to comfort someone so quickly.    


"Duo Duo, Mommy is not afraid! As long as Duoduo is good and obedient in school and not bullied by others, Mommy will be very happy! "    


Duo Duo nodded her head, clenching her little fists tightly.    


Seeing Duo Duo bounce and jump towards the classroom, along the way meeting Yuan Yuan, the two little girls held hands and ran into the classroom together.    


Luan Zhi turned around, ignored the surrounding people's pointing fingers, got into the car and drove away.    


These two days, Min Ann'ge told her not to go to the design room for the time being. She clicked on the web page out of boredom and was shocked by the sudden appearance of a picture!    


The picture of the auto ejection window was the day of the press conference when Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge were standing on the stage to confront Jiang Guowei!    


At the eye-catching position of the photo, there were several large words:    


"Famous artiste and his wife fabricated a truth and framed a certain city's mayor. They were exposed in public!"    


Luan Zhi saw the fake smile on Jiang Guowei's face and the cold expression of Fann Leeming who was standing behind them.    


She wanted to quickly close the window, but the moment she closed the button, it would open once again. It would constantly refresh, filling up the entire screen!    


"There are so many pitfalls in this commercial!"    


It was clearly an "X". Others might mistake it for closing, but it was actually just clicking on the link to this picture and successfully jumping into the designer's trap.    


Luan Zhi looked at the information that appeared on her web page. It was all a scolding aimed at Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge!    


"A famous celebrity would actually do such a thing?"    


"I told you there's a problem with Luan Zhi. Mayor Jiang is such a nice person, how could he do those things? She must be crazy! "    


"How generous is Mayor Jiang! Even so, I have already expressed my forgiveness to Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge. If it were me, I would have met with them in court long ago! "    


"Exactly! Justice will not be late! We have to protect Mayor Jiang's reputation! "    


Occasionally, there would be one or two posts that would question Jiang Guowei, but they would immediately be deleted or collectively besieged, saying that Luan Zhi's people were washing the clean for her!    


"Cleansing white? Do I need to? "    


Luan Zhi cursed as she watched, her vital energy and blood surging.    


These keyboard heroes were fighting like the wind for the chance to display their eloquence even before they figured out the truth!    


There was actually someone who had set up Mayor Jiang's guards! He spoke with confidence and displayed the many good deeds that Jiang Guowei had done for the people in the past!    


He was praised again!    


Unknowingly, Luan Zhi was mesmerized by what she saw and curiously added into a group of people. They were all filled with Jiang Guowei's so-called "iron dust" and they were all asked to shout out slogans the moment they entered the group!    


What "Luan Zhi is a big slut, framing someone to frame her for their crime", what "Min Ann'ge is not a good person either, a pretty boy"!    


In short, Luan Zhi had to quietly endure it all. She wanted to see what they were going to do, but she didn't believe it. Jiang Guowei was just acting like a dog, so it was obvious that he wasn't a good person.    


If she was asked to shout the slogan, she would shout it. In any case, she refuted it back in her heart. It's not like it was real!    


In less than an hour, the number of people in the group increased from a few dozen to 500. Then, it immediately opened a second group and continued to send cordial greetings to Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge!    


Luan Zhi almost wanted to laugh. Could it be that these people were all people?    


He was actually deceived!    


Even until the sky turned dark, Luan Zhi was still enjoying herself. She was initially angry, but in the end, she actually felt humorous! I'll just treat it as a joke.    


Anyway, he had nothing better to do! Let's see how many flowers these people can make!    


Min Ann'ge finished his work early and went home early. When he stepped through the door, he saw that Luan Zhi's laptop was glowing under the dim sky. It had become the only light source in the dark room!    


Min Ann'ge was so mesmerized by Luan Zhi that he didn't even notice when he entered the door. Thus, he quietly walked behind her.    


A blue fluorescent light shone on Luan Zhi's face. Her long hair fell down from the side of her face, blocking her line of sight.    


Min Ann'ge couldn't see her expression. When he got a few steps closer, he saw Luan Zhi's shoulders shaking and her head drooping. He thought she was crying and immediately ran over to hug her.    


"Eh? Why did you come back so early? "    


Luan Zhi asked when she turned around and saw Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge pulled her cheeks apart and looked carefully. There was not a single tear on her smooth face, nor was there any hint of sadness. He asked:    


"What are you doing?"    


Luan Zhi pointed at the computer screen and said,    


"Look at these people, they are so funny, hahaha! I've really never seen such a funny person! "    


Min Ann'ge bent over to take a look, he was very familiar with that page.    


He didn't need to look carefully to know that this was a forum post that mocked Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge! He had already seen the cynic inside, so he let Luan Zhi rest at home for two days.    


Unexpectedly, Luan Zhi still saw it.    


However, Luan Zhi didn't seem to be angry, but she was happy instead. She was even rubbing her belly, obviously smiling for a long time!    


"What a low laughing point!" "Come here, I'll massage it for you."    


Min Ann'ge said as he waved to Luan Zhi, who then sat down beside him and leaned on him.    


"He's just a keyboard fighter, so there's no need to worry."    


Min Ann'ge said worriedly.    


However, Luan Zhi didn't seem to care at all as she said,    


"I don't see what kind of abilities they have, but they're pretty good at scolding others. They should be the ones to give the awards, just call them 'King of quarrels'!"    


"Arguing with the bastard? This isn't good, right? You have insulted the bastard! "    


Min Ann'ge's serious expression made it seem like the effect was too good!    


Luan Zhi's stomach, which had just begun hurting, started to hurt again.    


"Arguing with the bastard? "Formidable!"    


After laughing for a while, the smile finally disappeared under Min Ann'ge's supervision. However, the message in the group rang!    


Luan Zhi quickly walked in front of the computer while Min Ann'ge followed.    


There was actually someone in the group proposing to form a team to go to Luan Zhi's and Min Ann'ge's company to block them up. In a short period of time, even the banner had already been prepared!    


"You actually entered the group?"    


Min Ann'ge said in surprise.    


He had tried to enter the group today, but those malicious slogans could not be uttered. In less than two minutes, he had been mercilessly kicked out after failing the verification.    


Who would have thought that the person he kicked out of the group was a famous celebrity!    


Ever since Min Ann'ge became famous, he rarely had such a close door. When the news of him being kicked out of the group appeared, he was really confused for a while!    


After getting confused, he got Assistant Cao to buy hundreds of small accounts and added them in like a swarm of bees.    


Luan Zhi was unaware of all of this. She nodded and said excitedly:    


"I want to see how many people are blind! "There's quite a lot, the group of 500 is already full. I wonder how many people are in the second group."    


Black lines appeared on Min Ann'ge's head. He thought to himself that these 500 people were the 400 or so people that he contributed!    


In fact, there were only a few people in the group who were continuously attacking Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge. Those trumpets would occasionally copy the speeches of those people and use the numbers!    


"Sigh, look. They said that they are going to the China Art and Kun Ze city to block people tomorrow. What are you going to do?"    


Luan Zhi asked. It was easy for her to say that the design room wasn't too busy for the time being, and the Kunze City was nearly empty as well. As long as she kept up with the after-sales service, there wouldn't be any problems at all!    


But Min Ann'ge was different!    


Right now, the scale of the China Art Film and Television Company was getting larger and larger, and the number of cooperative projects was also increasing. Min Ann'ge had an inexhaustible amount of official duties every day and was often busy until nightfall before he returned.    


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