Lovely Substitute Bride



"How is it?"    


Luan Shen asked.    


Min Ann'ge said,    


"They were kidnapped, the other side offered a price of 50 million."    


"Let alone 50 million, even 50 billion has to be paid!"    


Min Ann'ge finally swept away his previous dejection. He stood up and looked at the rising sun as if he was shaking off the dust on his armor, and said:    


"I'll arrange it!"    


In less than an hour, Assistant Cao appeared at Min Ann'ge's home with several large black handbags.    


Luan Shen, Mei Shanshan, and Min Ann'ge were also here to discuss the countermeasures!    


Min Ann'ge said slowly:    


"It won't be that simple!"    


Luan Shen said,    


"Since they asked me to prepare the money and send it over, my daughter and my good granddaughter's safety is the most important! "Money doesn't matter!"    


Min Ann'ge said,    


"I'm not heartbroken about the money! That person's voice just now was obviously disguised. He was afraid that we would recognize his voice, so it should be someone he knows! "    


"What?" "We know each other. When did you and Zhi become enemies?"    


Luan Shen asked.    


Min Ann'ge thought about it again and again, but there was only one person, so he said:    


"Jiang Guowei!"    


"Jiang Guowei?"    


Ever since they bumped into Soong Yaru at the door of Luan Zhi's villa, they always felt very familiar with each other when they went back. Thus, after checking up on them, they understood the identities of Soong Yaru and Jiang Guowei!    


The two of them did not know how they managed to provoke the mayor. If they did, it would be a little tricky. Those were people with authority. Once they did, they could easily capsize!    


"Only him!"    


Min Ann'ge said.    


Thinking about the truth that Haozi told him, he was even more certain about Jiang Guowei's guess.    


"Then what should we do?" My poor Zhi... "Duoduo is so small …"    


Mei Shanshan said, her eyes already swollen into a walnut.    


The three of them had no idea what to do. With fifty million in cash in front of them, they didn't know what to do!    


A splitting headache...    


Luan Zhi tried her best to resist the pain on her forehead as she opened her eyes. The intense light made her eyes hurt and she squinted her eyes as she looked over.    


It was an abandoned building! On the concrete floor, there were tools that had accumulated a lot of dust. The steel bars of the support wall were exposed.    


The four walls were still unfinished. The wind blew through the hall, making it biting cold!    


Luan Zhi shivered as she felt her hands tied behind her back. She struggled, but there was no sign of her hands loosening.    


She lay on the ground, her face smeared with dust. Because her mouth was taped shut, she could only breathe through her nose. Her heavy breath landed on the ground, stirring up some of the dust.    


After Luan Zhi's eyes got used to the light, she looked around.    


Right now, it was probably just dawn, so his thoughts returned to last night's private banquet.    


At that time, she just got off the stage and ran to the quiet bathroom to call Min Ann'ge. She didn't expect to get so much information that she lost them all. Right at that moment, her head hurt and she fell to the ground.    


Before she was completely unconscious, she saw several men in waiter's overalls, covering her with a sack.    


Where is this place?    


Luan Zhi frowned as she thought about it. Just as she was lost in her thoughts, she heard a familiar voice coming from beside her feet.    


She tried her best to lift up her upper body to look over, but Luan Zhi cried out!    


At her feet, Duo Duo was lying there. Her eyes were closed, and beads of sweat were already seeping out from her forehead. Her small face was flushed red.    


Her little body was bare except for her pajamas, and her feet were bare in the cold morning air.    


"Mmm …" "Mmm mmm …"    


Luan Zhi struggled desperately to sit up, but couldn't do so with her hands behind her back. Thus, she turned around and used her hands to slowly support herself on the ground as she moved closer to Duo Duo.    


Just a little more and Luan Zhi would be able to touch Duo Duo soon!    


"Bitch!" "You better behave!"    


A middle-aged man with a moustache rushed over from the elevator. He fiercely kicked Luan Zhi twice in the stomach. He shouted while he kicked:    


"I told you not to listen! You forced this, you forced this! "    


Luan Zhi broke out in a cold sweat from the pain.    


The man's curses were loud and echoed in this spacious area.    


Duo Duo was awakened by the sound and slowly opened her eyes!    


Turning her head lazily, she saw that Luan Zhi was being kicked. Duo Duo was so scared that she started to sob. As she cried, she said,    


"Don't hit Mommy, Mommy's in pain, don't!"    


Duo Duo's crying was even more painful. She choked on her sobs and was gasping for breath, on the verge of losing it.    


"Enough, stop hitting me!" This is fifty million! "    


A slightly younger voice sounded!    


From behind a wall, a man with a pale face and no beard came out and looked at the man with a smile!    


Only then did the moustache man stop. He fiercely spat on the ground, walked to a small table on the other side and sat down.    


He opened the two plastic bags on the table and grabbed a small bun from within. He threw it into his mouth. It was so hot that his mouth was crooked and his tongue was sticking out. Then, he swallowed it whole.    


The man walked to Luan Zhi's side, squatted down, and said:    


"Be a bit more honest, or else I can't guarantee that my friend won't hit you again!"    


The man with the moustache was eating at the table while shouting,    


"Ol 'Three, come over and eat while it's hot. Who cares what that bitch's doing!"    


Only then did the man named Ol 'Three sit over. However, he wasn't as rude as the man with the moustache. Instead, he used a pair of chopsticks to slowly eat the steamed buns with a mouthful of soup.    


Luan Zhi stared at the two of them, certain that she had never seen them before! They just said fifty million? Could it be for money?    


Dodo was still crying by the side.    


Luan Zhi was extremely anxious. She wanted to speak up, but her mouth was tightly sealed. She didn't dare to move recklessly, so when she saw that Third Bro was rather gentle, she looked at him pleadingly.    


Ol 'Three was very calm as it ate slowly.    


On the other hand, the hot-tempered moustache man was the first to make a move as he cursed:    


"This is so annoying!" Let me plug her mouth, too. "    


Then he walked over to Duo Duo.    


Luan Zhi screamed in terror. It seemed like Duo Duo had a fever, and her nose might even be blocked. What if she sealed her mouth again? What if she found that she couldn't breathe?    


However, she could only whimper now.    


Seeing this, Ol 'Three said indifferently:    


"Forget it!"    


The moustached man seemed to listen to this Third Bro's words very well, snorting as he sat back down at the table and continued to eat.    


The third brother said to Luan Zhi,    


"If you promise not to scream, I'll tear open your seal and let you fool the child!"    


Luan Zhi nodded in agreement.    


"Hey, Ol 'Three, there's no need to be so polite with her, no matter what, she's someone who's going to die …"    


"Shut up!"    


Ol 'Three suddenly stopped the moustache man and glared at him before walking over to Luan Zhi's side.    


But in her heart, Luan Zhi was shocked! Were these two people not planning to let them go after receiving the money?    


They were going to tear the tickets!    


There was a sharp pain on her mouth and Luan Zhi's tape was torn off.    


Ol 'Three walked over to Duo Duo and grabbed her with one hand. Although she looked very thin, the strength in her hand was not small.    


"What are you doing?"    


Luan Zhi shouted.    


She was worried that Ol 'Three was trying to harm Duo Duo, so she quickly opened her mouth to stop him.    


The third brother didn't say anything, but the flower in his hand was already exhausted, but it still struggled as it cried out:    


"No, Mommy, Mommy!"    


Ol 'Three carried Duo Duo to Luan Zhi's side, and then threw her all the way to Luan Zhi's side. It was only after patting her hands that it returned to the table to continue its breakfast.    


Seeing Luan Zhi's face, Duo Duo cried out:    


"Mommy, bad guy! "It hurts!"    


Luan Zhi nervously asked,    


"Where does it hurt? Tell Mommy. "    


Duo Duo couldn't tell where the pain came from as she moaned and fell asleep in a daze.    


Luan Zhi pressed her forehead against hers as she shouted:    


"I have a fever!"    


No wonder her face was abnormally red! It would be strange if he didn't catch a cold after lying in the cold winter night for an entire night!    


"Why did you do this to her? She's still a child! "    


Luan Zhi whispered.    


The moustache man wiped his lips with his sleeve and said:    


"I don't care if it's a child or not! The boss can tie up whoever he wants! "    


Ol 'Three suddenly threw the half-full bowl of soup to the ground and shouted,    


"Don't say anything in the future! It was more than enough! If it wasn't for my aunt begging me, would I have brought you along? "    


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