Lovely Substitute Bride



On the way back to the company, Luan Zhi couldn't help but call Min Ann'ge and tell him about this.    


Min Ann'ge guessed:    


"Could it be that Jiang Guowei planned this?"    


Luan Zhi agreed and said:    


"I guess so. The moment Jiang Guowei arrived, he rushed to the underground parking lot with the reporters! He hadn't even seen the owner of the car, and he still knew that there were injured people! If it wasn't arranged by him, then it should be something that he is capable of calculating! "    


Min Ann'ge muttered:    


"I won't rule out the reason why he wanted to disgrace his own reputation by taking all of you out for the sake of his promotion! I think there's a seventy percent chance that he was the one who designed it. So sinister! "    


Luan Zhi also agreed. Min Ann'ge also reminded Luan Zhi:    


"If we don't succeed this time, I estimate that he will design it a second time!" If there was one, there was two! You must be careful! "    


"I know!"    


The two of them talked about some work matters before hanging up the phone.    


As Min Ann'ge expected, a few days later, something happened in the building again!    


This time, there was a problem with the water used by the residents!    


Luan Zhi traced to the water plant, only to find that the water plant did not do a good filtering problem, after another contract signed, the water plant continued to provide high-quality water.    


Following that, there was another problem with the electricity side of the situation. There would be a power outage every few days! Many residents began to complain.    


As Luan Zhi comforted the crowd, she sent someone to contact the power plant. Soon, the electricity supply was restored to its normal state!    


Logically speaking, these problems should not appear in this bustling business district or this high-end residential area for residents. However, one after another, these problems appeared in the past two days, and some people even began to question the reliability of the Luan Building!    


Seeing that they couldn't let the rumors spread any longer, Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge finally agreed to hold a press conference on this day to clarify everything!    


The press conference was specifically set up on the second floor of the sales department of the Luan Building. Luan Zhi sat in the main seat.    


Luan Zhi didn't refuse these people's participation. Although she suspected Jiang Guowei and had a bad impression of these reporters, she didn't deliberately avoid them. Instead, she gave priority to those reporters to ask questions.    


"May I ask Miss Luan, why did you come back to help us after leaving the Luan? "From what we know, you don't have a good relationship with Luan Feixian, the CEO of the company!"    


The reporter was the first to raise a more acute question.    


Under these circumstances, Luan Zhi couldn't reveal her real reason, which made people doubt her intentions!    


Min Ann'ge stood in the private room and looked at the calm and composed Luan Zhi through the slightly open door. At the same time, he spoke into the walkie-talkie to the bodyguards around the venue.    


The bodyguards immediately turned to look at the reporter, but they did not push him down on the spot.    


The reporter felt several sharp gazes falling on him, as though they were about to be swallowed alive! He almost lost his balance, and the microphone in his hand kept sliding down.    


Luan Zhi smiled and said:    


"Since you know about my past conflict with him, you should know about the competition that we had against this building! I have put a lot of effort into this building and hope to be able to provide a high-quality community for all of you. However, seeing that everyone is not satisfied with the building recently, I feel heartache, so I took the initiative to tame it, hoping to correct my mistake! After a period of unremitting efforts, the condition of the building has improved a lot. "    


Luan Zhi looked at the reporter who asked the question. With a warm smile on her face, she asked:    


"Do you have any other questions?"    


The reporter couldn't wait to sit down and quickly said:    


"No …." "Gone …"    


Luan Zhi nodded. Seeing another person raise his hand, she asked him a question. The female reporter said:    


"But in the past few days, the Luan Tower has encountered a lot of problems. How would Miss Luan explain this?"    


Luan Zhi smiled calmly and said,    


"That is the main purpose of this press conference! Since I took over the building again, all the problems have been solved. Think about it. When is the problem happening again? "    


The reporters below the stage looked at each other and started discussing amongst themselves.    


Someone then said:    


"It seems like it was a problem when the mayor said that he would set an example here!"    


Someone immediately retorted:    


"No, no. The mayor said that this building will be the same as before. The price is high, and the service is not good!"    


Only then did Luan Zhi continue.    


"Yes!" "At that time, I had just taken over the building and went through a major reform without delay. The same day, I lowered the price and cleaned up all the property service personnel. These are all things that the existing residents can testify for me!"    


Then a few people stood up from the side, men, women, old and young, and one of the old men said:    


"I am the first resident of this building! Miss Luan's management is indeed impeccable! "    


"Yeah, I remember that the small problems that happened later were solved as well."    


"Yes, it started from that underground parking lot incident. There were some small problems one after another, but every time, Miss Luan would actively help us solve them. We aren't the kind to be unreasonable, and no one can make any mistakes. As long as we change our plans, we will all accept it!"    


The resident calmly gave his opinion to the reporter's camera lens, which caught Luan Zhi off guard.    


She didn't arrange these people!    


Luan Zhi knew that Min Ann'ge was sitting in the private room behind her. She guessed that Min Ann'ge had done it and turned around to look at the private room. Seeing Min Ann'ge looking at her and smiling lightly made Luan Zhi feel more at ease.    


When the tenant was finished, Luan Zhi continued,    


"I've also invited the owner of the car who had the first problem."    


After saying that, the owner of the car was brought up and said,    


"I was indeed careless in that accident! Later on, Miss Luan also provided a reasonable solution. "    


He didn't say anything else and was led to the private room behind Min Ann'ge.    


The reporters did not notice this point and instead began to clamor with their comments:    


"Could it be that the mayor framed Miss Luan in order to gain merits?"    


Someone echoed:    


"Do you think the power plant and water plant can be commanded by ordinary people?"    


The truth seemed to be right in front of him!    


What these reporters lacked the least was imagination!    


Luan Zhi only guessed and gave the reporters some space to imagine, but they had already completed all the tasks!    


Luan Zhi smiled and waved her hand. The reporters quietened down.    


She said:    


"No matter what, we have successfully solved all the problems that we faced previously. I also hope that if anything unsatisfactory happens in the future, we can let our staff know and we will resolve it for you as soon as possible." Therefore, we have decided to set up such a box at the sales office and the elevator of each building. As long as there is a problem, we will write an anonymous letter inside and deal with it immediately! "    


Luan Zhi's move won the approval of all the reporters. They all nodded their heads and no longer had any problems with it.    


The press conference outside went on smoothly.    


In the room that was separated by a wall, the driver sitting opposite Min Ann'ge was trembling!    


Just now, Min Ann'ge had unintentionally told him a lot of Jiang Guowei's matters, including his plans to run for governor, as well as his intentions towards the Luan Building.    


When the man heard this, he braced himself and said:    


"Big star Min, why did you tell me about this?" I don't know anything about Jiang Guowei! "    


"Oh? Since Jiang Guowei doesn't know it, then the secretary beside him, Zhao Dezhu, should at least know it! "    


The man was sweating like the rain. He didn't expect that Min Ann'ge had already figured it out and didn't dare to hide anything anymore!    


Min Ann'ge nodded and waited for him to finish before saying:    


"Don't worry, your old mother is safe and sound at home! No one can touch her! "    


After saying that, the man started to sob softly. The emotions that he had been suppressing all this time exploded at this moment! He almost kneeled down in front of Min Ann'ge!    


Min Ann'ge did not continue and walked out of the private room.    


At this time, the press conference outside had already ended and the reporters had all dispersed. Only a few sales staff were clearing the table. Luan Zhi was standing by the window with a cup of hot tea.    


Min Ann'ge walked over and said softly:    


"There was no one else who made things difficult for you just now, right!?"    


Luan Zhi turned around and said with a smile:    


"It's good that I don't make things difficult for others. Who dares to make things difficult for me?" What did you talk to the owner about? "How secretive."    


Min Ann'ge pulled her to a sparsely populated booth and said:    


"I found out that this man is indeed a resident of this place, but he just bought his car recently. So I went to the place where he bought the car and checked. Who do you think bought the car for him? "    


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