Lovely Substitute Bride



"Do you see that woman in front of you, Duo Duo?"    


Luan Zhi looked up abruptly and asked, "Where?"    


Following the direction Min Ann'ge pointed, Luan Zhi saw two children standing beside an adult. She immediately recognized that the one wearing a white dress was Duo Duo!    


"Duo Duo!"    


Luan Zhi threw Min Ann'ge aside and ran to the door. She didn't even have time to pick up the coat that she was wearing off her shoulders.    


Min Ann'ge also ran behind Luan Zhi.    


When Duo Duo, who heard Luan Zhi's voice, saw Mommy and Daddy running towards him, she was beyond happy. She also ran towards them, crying out:    


"Mommy, Daddy!"    


Luan Zhi pulled Duo Duo into her embrace, and the tears that had started to gradually subside once again flowed out. She couldn't suppress them no matter how hard she tried. Her mind was blank as she tightly hugged Duo Duo's small body.    


Duo Duo was also obediently lying on Luan Zhi's shoulder. She patted Luan Zhi's back with her small hand and said,    


"Mommy be good! Not crying, not crying, Duo Duo is here! "    


Min Ann'ge also let out a sigh of relief. He thanked Teacher Apple who had followed him and said,    


"Thank you, teacher!" Duo Duo was a mischievous child, always running around! Her mother and I are going crazy! "    


The teacher blushed. This was the first time his idol had looked at him directly, and he was still talking to him!    


"It's all right. As a child, everyone is like this! " Teacher Apple said.    


Yuan Yuan smiled shyly at the side.    


Luan Zhi was completely focused on the little girl, Duo Duo. She had forgotten to thank her teacher, so she carried Duo Duo out of the school. It wasn't until they were in the car that she felt better.    


"Duo Duo, you scared mother to death! "Where the hell have you been?" Luan Zhi said angrily, with a lingering fear in her heart.    


Duo Duo knew that it was because she was running around that she had to worry her mother as well. She held Luan Zhi's cheek with her small mouth and said,    


"Mommy, Doe be good! No more running around! Yuan Yuan and I will go out together to send off her mother! "    


"Yuan Yuan's mother?" Luan Zhi said. In her mind's eye, she saw that fat woman in the shed when she first entered the school. Although her clothes weren't very new, they were still washed very cleanly.    


Duo Duo nodded and said, "Duo Duo's mom still has to go to work, so we'll send her off together! Mommy, don't be angry with Duoduo, okay? "    


"Good!" "You little rascal!" Luan Zhi pointed at the tip of her nose.    


Min Ann'ge was about to start the car and leave when he suddenly remembered that the more than a hundred bodyguards he called were still looking for people in the school! He quickly gave the leader a call.    


Only then did Luan Zhi and Duo Duo leave.    


"This time, thanks to Duo Duo's teacher, I've always been standing at the school gate with her, waiting for her." Min Ann'ge said casually.    


Luan Zhi exclaimed, giving Min Ann'ge a fright. He hurriedly asked what was going on.    


"I haven't thanked teacher yet! That was too exciting! "Aiya!" Luan Zhi said in frustration.    


"I've already thanked you! He gave her an autograph. It's fine now! I knew you could only see them when you were excited! " Min Ann'ge said it confidently, and even had a hint of hesitation.    


"Mommy is a fan! Duo Duo loves Mommy! " She kissed Luan Zhi on the cheek.    


"What about Dad?" Min Ann'ge pointed at his face as he drove.    


Duo Duo giggled as she offered her a kiss as well.    


Duo Duo's first meeting with the elders was too worrisome!    


Min Ann'ge had also experienced the power of those middle-aged fans up close. However, when he looked at the photos on his phone, the bright smiles of the red flowers on her chest made him feel like everything was worth it!    


In the following days, Duo Duo went to school every day as usual. Luan Zhi would work in the design room every day, and when it was almost time, she would personally go to pick Duo up and bring her out to play, or seriously accompany her in doing her homework!    


As for Min Ann'ge, he had recently been working on the company's affairs! Listening to Assistant Cao finish reporting about the recent work, China Art Corporation's market value increased by a few more points, and nodded with a smile.    


Min Ann'ge tapped his index finger on the mahogany table. The paper placed in front of him was the top-secret document that Lulu sold him.    


After a long while, Min Ann'ge finally opened his mouth and said:    


"Luan Feixian has been pretty quiet recently!"    


What he meant was, he didn't do anything to Duo Duo and Luan Zhi in the dark either. If this was in the past, he would almost think that he had changed!    


However, this was obviously impossible!    


"That guy has been giving me a headache lately!" Assistant Cao said in disdain.    


Then, he told Luan Feixian about the recent situation.    


A while ago, Luan Feixian's company did not receive any business. Without business, there would naturally be no source of income! Luan Feixian, who was sitting in the middle of nowhere, felt uneasy.    


However, when he personally went to meet up with a client, the other party was extremely disdainful. They were also contemptuous of his proposal.    


The company's stocks plummeted!    


He had no choice but to turn to the Luan Group for help, requesting for an allocation of funds to go about their business. After all, it would take a lot of money to run such a large company!    


Ever since Luan Fei'ann had become a vegetable, Fourth Master Luan, who had never paid much attention to Luan Feixian, had also become more considerate towards him. He immediately allocated several hundred million yuan to Luan Fei'ann without a second word.    


At that time, Luan Feixian was very proud of himself when he received the allocation.    


However, the good news did not last long. Within a few days, he had spent all of his hundreds of millions!    


Because of this, Fourth Master Luan became furious and threatened not to help him anymore. He almost swung his walking stick to hit someone! If Luan Feixian's wheelchair wasn't so good, he would have been hit several times already!    


After Luan Feixian came back, someone gave him a bad idea! [That is perfect!]    


"Oh? He's going to the bank to borrow money? " Min Ann'ge laughed. He had become a little respectful towards this weirdo, Luan Feixian!    


The idea of a loan was quite unique!    


Assistant Cao pushed his glasses and said, "Yes!"    


Min Ann'ge crooked his index finger at Assistant Cao and whispered after he got closer:    


"How about this, you help me go …"    


Assistant Cao accepted the order and left. He was extremely impressed by Min Ann'ge's decision! At the same time, he felt a trace of sympathy for Luan Feixian! If he were to fall in love with this terrifying man, Min Ann'ge, his life would be filled with endless nightmares!    


When he got home at night, Min Ann'ge was in a very good mood. Luan Zhi asked him but didn't say anything. He waited until Luan Zhi fell asleep before pulling her into the room of the family cinema.    


"What happened? So happy! " Luan Zhi said while wiping her hair.    


"I'll let you know in a while."    


Min Ann'ge picked up the remote control and a shadow was projected on the white curtain, sitting alone in an office.    


Luan Zhi did not know this person and asked:    


"This is?"    


"The manager of the bank."    


"Oh." Luan Zhi turned around and was about to leave, thinking this was just a video of Min Ann'ge and his customers negotiating.    


However, he was stopped by Min Ann'ge and sat on the sofa. Min Ann'ge said:    


"Don't be impatient, keep reading."    


Seeing that he was so happy, Luan Zhi did not want to disappoint him, so she started to watch the video.    


Not long after, a familiar figure appeared on the screen! Seeing him sitting on the wheelchair, Luan Zhi immediately shouted,    


"Luan Feixian!"    


Min Ann'ge nodded in approval and said:    


"Yes, that's him."    


"What's he doing at the bank?" Luan Zhi asked. With Luan Family, going to the bank was not strange, but thinking about Min Ann'ge's current appearance, she knew it was definitely not that simple.    


Min Ann'ge explained: "The situation with Luan isn't good. This morning, I knew that he was going to the bank to make a loan, so I got someone to find the bank manager he made an appointment with and installed a camera in his office."    


Luan Zhi said with a puzzled expression.    




How was this possible?    


No matter how stupid a person was, if he were to take over her company, he wouldn't be so short of money! Plus, there was also Fourth Master Luan, the person who doted on his grandson!    


"Anything is possible. With his abilities, no matter how good the company is, it will collapse."    


In the screen, Luan Feixian started to act very arrogantly as he said to the people pushing the wheelchair behind him:    


"Is this the manager you made an appointment with? Didn't you say that it's the general manager of this branch? "    


The bank manager at the other end of the table sneered when he saw this.    


"Since Young Master Luan looks down on me, then I will not disturb you! Please go out, I want to work! "    


The person on the wheelchair became anxious. He didn't even want his face anymore and had just made an appointment with the manager to manage the loan. How could he just leave like that? He quickly bent down and whispered into Luan Feixian's ear.    


"President Luan, at this moment, at that time, let's endure for now!"    


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