Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge smiled and did not stop. His mood suddenly became better and even started humming a song!    


"Mommy, mommy, Duo Duo, put it on!"    


Duo Duo hopped to Luan Zhi's side, turned around proudly, and said happily:    


"Mommy, is Duoduo good-looking?"    


"Not good." Luan Zhi said.    


Duo Duo's little face instantly collapsed.    


Luan Zhi quickly smiled and hugged her. She kissed her little face and said:    


"I'm lying to you!" "Idiot, Duo Duo is the most beautiful child!"    


Duo Duo's emotions came and went quickly. When she heard this, she immediately raised her head, and with a big smile on her delicate face, she kissed Luan Zhi's face.    


Min Ann'ge had already started the car and waved to the two of them.    


"Get in! We're going to have a meeting with Duo Duo! "    


Today, Min Ann'ge specially chose a low-key business car. There was a small open space in front of the spacious seat for Duo Duo to play with.    


On a small table, there was a small vase and a beautiful red rose that was about to drip. The interior of the carriage was filled with fragrance.    


The glass was specially chosen to reflect the mercury glass. From the outside, the interior of the car could not be seen at all. It had a very good privacy! Min Ann'ge bought this when he was dating Luan Zhi. Min Ann'ge was very satisfied with its safety!    


Instead of letting the driver drive, Min Ann'ge sat in the driver's seat. After starting up the autopilot, Min Ann'ge didn't have to constantly focus on driving. Instead, he could occasionally talk to Luan Zhi and Duo Duo.    


Along the way, Duo Duo told her best friend and praised Yuan Yuan's mother again and again. Even Luan Zhi couldn't help but ask,    


"Duo Duo, is the round Mummy so good?"    


Duo Duo nodded and said, "Of course! When we get to school, Mommy will know! However, in Duo Duo's heart, Mommy is still the best! "    


"Little brat!" Luan Zhi pointed at the tiny noses as she pampered them.    


It was unknown who this child had learned the art of glib tongue from! After she had said those flattering words, she no longer had the vulgarity of flattery. Instead, it made people feel very comfortable!    


"Exactly! In Daddy's heart, Mommy is the best in the world! " Min Ann'ge turned around and said with a smile.    


This time, Luan Zhi finally understood who Duo Duo inherited her great eloquence from! She laughed and got into a fight with Duo Duo.    


The car's stability was very good, or rather, it should be said that Min Ann'ge's driving skills were very good! The journey was very smooth, not moving at all. Even the vase on the small table didn't splash any water.    


The car finally stopped in front of the school.    


Before she got out of the car, Luan Zhi had already heard the chatter outside. She hurriedly turned her head to look outside.    


At the school entrance, a red carpet had already been laid out. Beside the red carpet, there were many people. There were adults and children, but they were all in high spirits!    


She was dressed very grandly and there were even some people wearing long skirts against the cold, as if they were participating in a beauty contest!    


That scene was filled with colorful flowers! A battle of attractiveness!    


"Will the parents of this school be so grand? And a red carpet! " Luan Zhi said.    


Duo Duo also leaned against the window and looked out. With her sharp eyes, she noticed the short Jiaqi standing in front of the crowd and hurriedly shouted:    


"Mommy, it's Jiaqi! Why is she standing here and not entering? "    


This was also the first time Luan Zhi had met the little companion she spoke of — Jiaqi. She frowned as she looked at him and said,    


"Aren't you being too enthusiastic!?" They seemed to be holding something in their hands. "Uh, Ann'ge?"    


Ye Zichen looked at Min Ann'ge with raised eyebrows and asked:    


"Your fan meetup?"    


Min Ann'ge also realized the seriousness of the situation and said:    


"How did they know I was going to attend Dodo's parents' meeting? It seems like you've already been prepared. You've already prepared your name plates! "    


Luan Zhi saw through her timid voice, so she asked,    


"Duo Duo …"    


Before she could say anything else, Duo Duo had already admitted it all!    


It turned out that after knowing Min Ann'ge would come last night, Duo Duo had secretly called her little friend and impatiently told them the good news!    


But she only told one child!    


"What a sin!" In just a single night, the news has spread like wildfire. So many people have come! " Luan Zhi looked at the expectant fans, unsure of what to do.    


"Fortunately, I didn't get off!" Min Ann'ge said.    


Fortunately, their car was very low-key today, and those fans didn't seem to have noticed their arrival.    


However, he could not stay here for long! It was better to escape as soon as possible!    


Min Ann'ge looked around and finally found a small door on the side of the school gate. There was an old man sitting in front of that door, basking in the sunlight.    


It was as if none of this could attract his attention!    


A small wooden board next to him had two words written on it — STOP!    


Behind him was a parking lot, right next to the school. Walk through that small door and you will be able to enter the school.    


"Sit tight!" Min Ann'ge said and cancelled his self-driving. He then steered the car towards the natural safe haven.    


Luan Zhi also saw where they were going. Although it wasn't far from the school's main entrance, there weren't many people. If she walked a little faster, she probably wouldn't attract too much attention.    


And that was all they could do for now!    


After parking the car under the guidance of the old man, Min Ann'ge observed that no one was paying attention to him and said:    


"Let's go!"    


He picked up Duo Duo and walked toward the small door.    


Luan Zhi followed closely behind.    


The old gatekeeper opened his eyes and saw Duo Duo. Clearly, he knew her and said,    


"Little guy, you're here for a meeting?"    


Duo Duo smiled and said, "Greetings, Grandfather! We're here for a meeting. "Shh, lower your voice, Grandpa. Don't let those aunties see us."    


That old man was very amiable. Even though he did not recognize Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi, Duo Duo's little face had already been settled. She said with a smile,    


"Hurry up and enter!"    


Only after the three of them entered did they heave a sigh of relief!    


"That was close!" Luan Zhi said as she paid attention to the commotion over there. Under the lead of Duo Duo, they walked towards her classroom.    


This place seemed to be where the bicycle was parked. He saw a fat woman with the bicycle locked in place and a little girl standing beside her.    


Walking beside the two of them, Duo Duo instantly recognized the little girl and happily shouted:    


"Yuan Yuan!"    


Yuan Yuan replied and looked at Duo Duo, and immediately shouted happily:    


"Hello, Duo Duo!"    


"Hello! Hello Auntie! " Duo Duo greeted the fat aunt behind Yuan Yuan and said:    


"Yuan Yuan, Auntie, this is my dad and Mommy! My father is handsome, isn't he? "    


Duo Duo would never forget the admiration she had when Yuan Yuan mentioned her father. Although she didn't say it, Duo Duo only knew that Yuan Yuan also liked her father a lot!    


Yuan Yuan raised his head and looked at the pair of uncles and aunties in front of him.    


"Duoduo's mommy is even more beautiful!"    


Luan Zhi liked this little girl even more! Giving Min Ann'ge a smug look, he took the initiative to extend his hand and said to the woman behind Yuan Yuan,    


"Hello! You must be Yuan Yuan's mother! I am Doe's mother. "    


Yuan Yuan didn't put on any makeup, but the smile on her face was very intimate. She sincerely reached out her hand to shake Luan Zhi's hand and said:    


"Hello! Yuan Yuan and Duo has always had a good relationship, so there's no need to be polite! "    


Duo Duo and Yuan Yuan had already held hands and whispered what belonged to them! Min Ann'ge's infatuation collapsed in front of his friendship!    


Min Ann'ge was somewhat helpless towards being ignored, but he was truly happy for Duoduo who had a good friend. As for the lady in front of him, although she wasn't that good-looking, she definitely had a good heart!    


Besides, Duo Duo wouldn't misjudge him!    


A child seemed to have the innate ability to sense good and bad people. Holding a baby, one didn't even need to talk. With just an expression, the baby would be able to give a completely different reaction whether it cried or laughed.    


Luan Zhi and Yuan Yuan's mother walked together, talking about their daughter's interesting story. For a short distance, Luan Zhi hated meeting each other for being late!    


Duo Duo was even better than Yuan Yuan! They kept on whispering.    


Only Min Ann'ge was ignored!    


Min Ann'ge looked towards the school gate in the distance. Those people didn't know that the person they were waiting for was already behind them! Shaking his head with a slight headache, he turned around and walked into the classroom with Luan Zhi.    


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