Lovely Substitute Bride



"How is it? Do you love your husband more? "    


"Of course!" Luan Zhi took the initiative to sit on Min Ann'ge's thigh and put her arms around his neck.    


Min Ann'ge, who was still reading the newspaper, placed it on the table. He looked at his wife and said:    


"I love you more and more too! But why can't I get my baby here? Duo Duo is about to get anxious from waiting! "    


Min Ann'ge placed his hand on Luan Zhi's lower abdomen.    


Luan Zhi lightly patted his Demon Claw and said:    


"You must be in a hurry!" Duoduo has been having fun with her little friend lately! You've long forgotten about this matter with your little sister, okay? "    


Seeing that Luan Zhi had revealed the truth, Min Ann'ge no longer used Duoduo as a cover and said:    


"I just want it! Think about it, Duo Duo is so lonely! "    


Luan Zhi stood up from his lap and put the plate into the sink.    


"Don't worry, Duo Duo will have many brothers and sisters in the future!"    


Having children was a piece of cake.    


Most importantly, this really isn't the time to give birth, okay?    


Luan Zhi made up her mind. Not daring to look at Min Ann'ge's resentful eyes again, she picked up her bag and walked out.    


His own Rolls-Royce Gust lights came on when he pressed the button for the car.    


A small, wretched man jumped out from the side of the car. Perhaps he was frightened by the sudden lights.    


"Who are you?" Luan Zhi asked cautiously.    


The man did not dare to stay any longer. He turned around and ran!    


His clothes were dirty, with a lot of black gasoline stains. His hair was also covered in dust, especially the area on his back, which was all dirt on the ground.    


"Hey!" What do you do? " Luan Zhi felt slightly uneasy in her heart as she called out loudly.    


Min Ann'ge heard the sound and walked out. He happened to see the man's back running away in a panic. He asked:    


"What's wrong?"    


Luan Zhi turned her head and said with uncertainty,    


"I don't know, I just came out and saw him get up from the ground in a panic and run away. I didn't answer. "    


Min Ann'ge frowned as he watched the man's back until he disappeared around the corner.    


Luan Zhi looked around her beloved car a few times, but didn't find any trace of a scrape. She guessed:    


"Could it be that the homeless people are warming up here?"    


Now that the weather had started to get cold, there would be a lot of little animals sleeping under the car, and she had to check them every time she drove to keep them out of the way.    


"But we're in a villa area, so normal homeless people can't come in, right?" Min Ann'ge said.    


He also went up to inspect the car, but he could not find any damage. He could only say:    


"How about this, you go to work first. I'll go to the security office to ask around and check on the surveillance cameras."    


Luan Zhi said:    


"Alright! If you find anything, just let me know. "    


He raised his hand and looked at his watch.    


"Oh no, there's no time!" I have an important meeting this morning, so I'll be leaving first! "    


Min Ann'ge saw her quickly open the car door and get in. He went over to help her fasten her seat belt and gave her a kiss on the cheek.    


"Slow down! Be careful! "    


Luan Zhi snappily glanced at the big pervert and said:    


"Alright, I'll be going first! Don't forget to lock the door behind you later! "    


Min Ann'ge waved his hand. Luan Zhi rolled down the window, said goodbye to Min Ann'ge, then drove away slowly.    


After Luan Zhi left his sight, Min Ann'ge entered the villa and called the security department using his internal phone.    


"I just found a person sneaking around at the villa's entrance. Can you help me switch to the surveillance cameras to see what he's doing?"    


The security department's phone all had a caller ID. This was another high-end villa area. Normal people couldn't afford it, so these security guards were very familiar with the owner of each villa.    


He knew it was Min Ann'ge, so he agreed immediately.    


"But we can't call it out right away, it will take some time. Mr Min, do you think we should call it out for you now or not?" the security chief asked respectfully.    


Min Ann'ge was very uneasy. As it was related to Luan Zhi, he immediately said:    


"Bring it out now! "Hurry up!"    


"Yes, yes! "Mr Min, wait a moment, I'll send it to your mansion when you transfer it out later."    


After hanging up the phone, Min Ann'ge waited for a while. Sure enough, the security chief hurried over with a folder in his hand.    


After entering Min Ann'ge's villa, the security captain was at a loss as to whether to stand or sit.    


Min Ann'ge ignored him and asked him to sit aside. Then, he inserted the USB he had brought with him into the interface of the TV.    


A man appeared on the TV screen. Looking at the color and style of his clothes, it was exactly the same sneaky man that Min Ann'ge saw just now.    


The man walked over to Luan Zhi's car and looked around. When he found that no one was around, he took out a wrench and a lift.    


"What is this?" Min Ann'ge said.    


The security chief asked, "Are you a car repairman?"    


The two of them continued to look down and saw the man get into Luan Zhi's car. After a while, he took something out of the car and threw it on the side of the road.    


Only when Luan Zhi appeared next to him did he run away in fright.    


Min Ann'ge's heart raced. Without saying anything else, he immediately ran out and searched for something on the grass outside the mansion.    


Soon he picked up a strangely shaped object from the ground and held it up to the sunlight.    


"This is?" Brake! This is bad! "    


Min Ann'ge didn't even have time to say a word to the head of the security team. He went straight to his car and quickly started the car to chase after Luan Zhi.    


Rolls-Royce Gust, Luan Zhi's favorite car, was the car she drove to work in.    


The most attractive thing to Luan Zhi was the excellent air suspension system of this model, which could ensure the safety of passengers.    


For example, passengers in the back seat sometimes get up to pick up things from the front row of the passenger seat or the passenger seat, and the weight of the back seat changes. At this point, a good air suspension system will function, transmitting this phenomenon to the central control system through sensors, thereby giving the command to restore the balance of the vehicle.    


In short, it was very stable!    


Luan Zhi did not like those flashy sports cars, but she was very keen on these practical models.    


The price of the Rolls-Royce Gust wasn't that high, but it had been used by Luan Zhi for five or six years and hadn't been changed.    


It could be said to be Luan Zhi's favorite car!    


The morning air was fresh, and Luan Zhi had her window slightly open, humming along with the car stereo.    


Recently, both the company and the design office have been developing steadily, and no one has come up with any new moves to stop her. Luan Zhi is in a very good mood!    


Min Ann'ge, who was chasing after her, was sweating anxiously! As he drove, he dialed Luan Zhi's number, but couldn't get through for a long time.    


"Don't let anything happen to him! Zhi! "Please don't!"    


On the way from home to Luan Zhi's company, they would cross a large river!    


This river was called Fragrant River, not because it was that fragrant, but rather because the people that lived on the banks of the river long ago were all wealthy and wealthy. The young ladies would apply the scented powder every day, and stroke their lips, dumping the rouge and water powder they used into the river.    


The more people there were, the more they would put on their makeup in the morning and remove it in the evening. The river was covered with a layer of fragrant oil, which was why it was named Xiangjiang.    


The bridge over the Xiangjiang River was the Xiangjiang River Bridge!    


Xiangjiang River was no less than a thousand meters wide, and the bridge over Xiangjiang River was a thousand meters long. It had been more than 20 years, but the bridge still stood tall and unyielding.    


Luan Zhi was speeding along the Xiangjiang River Bridge when she heard the sound of a car honking! It even sounded several times.    


Luan Zhi was very confident in her driving skills. She thought that someone was trying to overtake her, so she slowed down and looked in the rearview mirror.    


Not far behind her, a bright yellow Lamborghini was approaching her car.    


Luan Zhi slightly moved the car to the right, intending to give the car enough space to go first.    


However, when the car caught up to Luan Zhi, she heard a very unpleasant voice.    


"Hey, my dear cousin! What about the car? " It was Luan Feixian's voice.    


Luan Zhi turned her head slightly and saw Luan Feixian's smiling face.    


Beside him was Luan Fei'ann, who was driving a car.    


The two of them were inseparable like ghosts!    


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