Lovely Substitute Bride



Duo Duo opened her eyes and indeed, the scenery around her was rapidly retreating. It really did look like the flying Peter Pan!    


Duo Duo also extended her hands in response to the scene, her mouth crying out, "Mummy, look, Duo Duo is flying, flying, oh!"    


Min Ann'ge brought her to a place where there were few people, so that Duo Duo could experience the feeling of Peter Pan's flight!    


However, behind the bushes in the corner, the man that was hidden was precisely the young man who had appeared at the ticket checking office in the garden at the very beginning! Right now, he was already stripped of his Disney work uniform and had instead changed into casual attire.    


Holding onto his collar, he leaned in and said, "The target is in a sparsely populated area, excluding the possibility of equipping weapons! "We'll go capture him now!"    


The moment he said that, the plainclothes men who were surrounding Min Ann'ge had already been taught a lesson and professionally threw Min Ann'ge onto the ground.    


Fortunately, it was a patch of grass, so he wasn't injured! Furthermore, Duo Duo had already been handed over to Luan Zhi.    


Seeing that Min Ann'ge was restrained, the man hiding behind the bushes jumped out and rushed over to buckle a pair of handcuffs on Min Ann'ge's wrists! And said:    


"You have the right to remain silent! But everything you say will become evidence! "    


Seeing this sudden scene, both Luan Zhi and Duo Duo were dumbfounded! This was especially so for Luan Zhi. She had practically gone through all the thoughts in her mind.    


Did Min Ann'ge do something against the law?    


That's not right! Min Ann'ge was someone who knew very well that he would never do something that went against the law! Then someone was deliberately framing him!    


Without thinking too much, Luan Zhi rushed up and grabbed the policeman's clothes, using all her strength to pull him away from Min Ann'ge. Duo Duo also helped him and yelled:    


"What are you doing? Why my dad? Bad guy! Let go of Daddy. "    


Unfortunately, both of them were women and children, so it was all in vain!    


The policeman took out a certificate from his pocket and waved it in front of Luan Zhi. "I am a policeman! If we get in the way of the office again, we'll arrest them with you. "    


"But my husband didn't do anything. Why did you arrest him?" Luan Zhi tried her best to calm down and explain.    


"Hubby? Your acting is really good! "Forget it, bring them back to the police station to record their statements." The man waved his hand and the two twisted Min Ann'ge and followed him out.    


Luan Zhi hurried to say, "I know how to leave by myself." He picked up Duo Duo and followed the rest of them out of Disneyland.    


When they arrived at the police station, Min Ann'ge was still handcuffed. However, at least he could sit with Luan Zhi and Duo Duo.    


"Do you know why they arrested you?" Luan Zhi asked.    


Min Ann'ge shook his head and said, "But when we entered the garden, I saw the young man leading the group. I thought he was a staff member of Disney, so I gave him a few extra glances. I didn't expect …"    


At this moment, the young man walked over. He had already changed into his police uniform. The nameplate on his chest said "Wei Niu"!    


Although Wei Niu was still young, he was already a junior leader of the police department. This arrest was carried out together with another officer of the same level.    


But they had all taken the prisoner back to the police station, and still no one else had returned.    


Wei Niu turned to the police officer who was involved in the arrest and asked, "Is Old Li still not back yet?"    


The "Old Li" that he spoke of was exactly the same level as him, the old policeman who had conducted the arrest together with him!    


The officer who was questioned replied, "Brother Niu, Brother Li hasn't come back yet!" Why don't I call him and ask him to come back? "    


"Go, go!" Wei Niu continued impatiently, "Although he's an old cop for twenty years, he's no use at all. No wonder he was only promoted to the position of team leader!"    


Wei Niu had only recently entered the police station. Since he graduated from a famous police academy, he took on the role of a team leader the moment he arrived! It was equivalent to Old Li's position!    


This time, the two teams, in order to apprehend a suspect in a serial murder case, had decided to cooperate with the higher-ups in handling the case!    


He didn't expect Old Li to be so good at cheating! He had taken his own people with him, yet they had been able to hide away all this while! He still hasn't come back yet.    


Wei Niu sat at the table beside Luan Zhi and the other two and lit up a cigarette to take a drag.    


"There are children here! Officer Wei. " Min Ann'ge said.    


Wei Niu spat out a circle with his eyes and looked over fiercely. "Child?" "It's not like he's your child. The people who are with you are also a group of people who have committed common offenses."    


Min Ann'ge couldn't hold it in anymore, he stood up and said, "Officer, may I ask, what crime have I committed?"    


"Yo, you're still pretending? You're not the one who did the latest serial killer? " Wei Niu said.    


Seeing that Min Ann'ge was about to speak again, Wei Niu interrupted him and said, "Don't argue anymore! We have all the evidence and everything. You did it. "If I catch you, I'll directly bring you to justice."    


"Photos? Are you sure? "I don't think you've got the wrong person, Officer!" Min Ann'ge said.    


What was wrong with Wei Niu when he heard this?    


Ever since he came to this police station, it had always been him who said 'one'. No one dared to say another 'two'! This prisoner said he caught the wrong person?    


"Kid, why aren't you admitting your wrongs! "It seems like you won't cry until you've seen the coffin!" Just as Wei Niu was about to give the order, the police officer from a moment ago ran over with a flustered expression and said:    


"Brother Niu, Brother Li said he's heading back!" "Moreover …"    


"And what? Males, don't be such a bitch! " Wei Niu shouted.    


The policeman said with a crying face, "Besides, Brother Li said he caught the criminal …" There was no sound from behind.    


Wei Niu's eyes widened as he loudly said, "Does he mean that I caught the wrong person?" Hmph, who does he think he is! "    


"Is that so? Brother Wei, aren't we colleagues? " An aged voice sounded at the entrance of the police station.    


It was Officer Li. Two policemen behind her were holding a prisoner.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge looked closely. That prisoner did indeed have 50% resemblance to them, but his temperament was on a completely different level!    


"Old Li, what do you mean? I am the real murderer! " Wei Niu said.    


"Brother Wei, don't be anxious!" "Take a closer look at this picture." In Old Li's hands, there was a picture. The person on it was the criminal, Yu Hong Hai, who was in charge of this arrest!    


Officer Li pointed at the person in the photo and said, "Look at the person in the photo, he has a very small red mole on his left ear. Although he is wearing a mask and hat and looks very similar to the suspect, he doesn't have this red dot. On the other hand, I don't only have a red mole. On the way here, he has already admitted to the fact that he committed a crime, and his colleagues all heard about it with their own ears. "    


Saying this, the two policemen behind him quickly replied, "Indeed, the prisoner has already pleaded guilty!"    


"I already said that this police officer captured the wrong person!" Min Ann'ge said as he looked straight at Wei Niu, who was still sitting on the chair.    


Officer Li looked at Min Ann'ge, who was still handcuffed. He quickly walked forward and helped him open the handcuffs while apologetically saying,    


"Sorry, brother!"    


Wei Niu was still mumbling on the side, "It's still broad daylight. He's wearing a mask that conceals his identity. Who wouldn't be suspicious if they looked at him?"    


"So it's still my fault, Officer Wei?" Min Ann'ge said in an unfriendly tone.    


Wei Niu curled his lips in disdain, "Then that can't be …"    


Officer Li persuaded, "Brother Wei, this is clearly your fault. Just admit your wrongs …"    


Unexpectedly, Wei Niu's expression turned serious, and his tone became even more unyielding, "I admit my wrongs? When did it become your turn to command me? "    


"Wei Niu!" Don't you dare give me face! "In the past, when I thought you were too young, I let you win. Don't think that this police station is a place where you can rule by yourself!"    


The two began to talk each other out.    


Min Ann'ge had already stood beside Luan Zhi, holding Duo Duo as they watched this farce.    


At that moment, Luan Zhi's phone suddenly rang. For some reason, Luan Zhi's heart suddenly panicked. She took out her phone and saw that it was her father, Luan Shen, on the line.    


"Zhi, ah, quickly come to the hospital. Your mother, she …"    


Luan Zhi didn't hear the rest of the words clearly because she had already slammed her phone onto the ground and hung up.    


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