Lovely Substitute Bride



That Lorris guy must be even stronger than her! Gao Dingdang was a custom-made item of high quality. She was exquisite and pursued luxury goods with no less than a hundred million in assets. She didn't have the ability to customize anything like that.    


Xiang Tai looked carefully at Luan Zhi's back, watching her politely approach the person in charge who came from Loris, wondering what she was doing.    


One by one, the guests arrived and soon filled the room.    


Luan Zhi received each one herself, for a short or a long time. There were people like Xiang Tai, but Luan Zhi was always patient and polite.    


Even though she was the successor of the Luan Group, and the reputation of the Luan Group was not bad internationally, she still treated those leading figures of the fashion world with reverence!    


After all, professionally speaking, he was just a rookie designer. He was on a completely different level from those people, so the more respectful he was, the better!    


However, this did not mean that he had completely lost himself!    


Be respectful and maintain self-esteem, this balance must be well grasped.    


"Haha, little girl, this scene is pretty well arranged!" An old man with a snow-white beard praised as he stepped into the hall.    


"Thank you, Elder Ling, for your praise!" Elder Ling, it's great that you can come! I've always admired you! " Luan Zhi said enthusiastically.    


Elder Ling was a senior figure, a legendary textbook. Not only did he have extraordinary achievements, even the few disciples he brought out with him were able to shake the world of fashion!    


"Well, I think I really got it right this time!" Pointing at the plump rose petals on the wall opposite the elevator, Elder Ling said, "This is a lady of the Tang Dynasty, right? "That's right, using flower petals to make a dress is both beautiful and fragrant. It's really rare!"    


"Elder Ling, your eyes are really sharp! It was indeed the Lady of the Tang Dynasty. Interesting to say, this inspiration came from my six-year-old daughter! "    


"Oh? Is that so? In that case, I must have a good look at this amazing little girl and see exactly what kind of weird things she is! " Elder Ling stroked his beard and laughed so heartily that his eyebrows curved and his eyes curved.    


Luan Zhi couldn't help but start to admire this legendary figure. She quickly invited him into the venue and arranged for him to sit in the front row.    


Min Ann'ge, who was sitting in the shadow at the side, wore a hat and mask. The brim of his hat was pressed down low and his clothes were ordinary. Nobody noticed him at all.    


The fashion industry and the entertainment industry were completely different!    


As a big star, Min Ann'ge was definitely qualified to be the leader of a generation!    


However, not every celebrity could become a fashion spokesperson! Simply put, you are a celebrity. However, your makeup and clothing are all packaged by a professional agency. You don't even have a dime to do with fashion yourself!    


To put it bluntly, the fashion industry was a level above the entertainment industry! The fashion industry's Big Curry people generally despise the entertainment industry's little starlets who seek a job. Their mindset has always been "fashion, you don't understand it, nor are you worthy to understand it"!    


Therefore, it could be said that the celebrities who came tonight had no talent!    


Min Ann'ge sat there from the beginning and no one paid any attention to him. That was because the eyes of those fashion bigshots were not worthy of paying attention to a star.    


Even if they knew that he was Min Ann'ge, they would only look at him a little, but they would not care about him very much.    


However, Min Ann'ge's clothes were for convenience's sake. After all, there were many staff members present other than those who were in high positions.    


Fashion industry of the big coffee always disdains to appear in public, because feel not necessary! Therefore, there wouldn't be too many fans!    


But celebrities were different. They relied on their popularity and their fans to survive! The number of fans was often one of the criteria to evaluate a celebrity's big name.    


Therefore, from the looks of it, Min Ann'ge probably had the upper hand with the number of fans!    


Therefore, in order to avoid any kind of disturbance, it was absolutely necessary to wear the same clothes!    


Min Ann'ge's line of sight was always following his wife. Not at ease, he also came early with Luan Zhi to protect her!    


Luan Zhi was also helpless! It was up to him.    


Duo Duo had also arranged for the nanny and driver to take care of her! The obedient Duo Duo had reached an agreement with Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge to be obedient in exchange for a one day trip to Disney!    


To this little fellow, this was not considered a loss!    


Min Ann'ge, on the other hand, felt sorry for Luan Zhi. Even though she was holding on, her back was sore and her mouth was dry! However, it was impossible for him to just let his subordinates welcome those guests.    


Alas, he could only sacrifice himself tonight to give her a massage!    


Min Ann'ge thought.    


Luan Zhi saw that most of the guests had arrived, and the time was nearing the opening hour of seven o'clock!    


At this time, the sun had just set and the western sky was dyed a brilliant gold! One could clearly see the rays of the afterglow falling on the clouds as if they were real.    


When he looked again later, the cloud had changed shape again!    


The breeze blew gently, and the guests began to talk to each other in low voices. Some of them were looking forward to the show, some were disdainful, and some had already started to criticize it!    


No matter what, the show will be held on time!    


Luan Zhi arranged her appearance in the backstage and took a sip of water to moisten her throat. Then, she walked to the center of the stage.    


"Welcome to this fashion show! I'm the main designer for this year, my name is Luan Zhi! " After a respectful bow, Luan Zhi looked around at the crowd, suppressed the tiny nervousness in her heart, and continued:    


"Our design idea this time is to remember the past! Looking back at history, let's understand the present more clearly! Everyone has a childhood, the book said. Childhood is the best time! For instance, I'm beginning to remember the funny things of my childhood. After all, he's no longer young! "    


Everyone below the stage laughed. They all felt the same way about Luan Zhi's last joke!    


When the laughter stopped, Luan Zhi continued:    


"However, looking at the entire history of mankind, whether it is the Stone Age or the Bronze Age, whether it is the Babylonian civilization in the west or the dynasties of the Yuan and Ming dynasties in the Song and Ming dynasties in the East Tang Dynasty, we all have a culture that can be used as a reference for our descendants!"    


"Therefore, I have revolved my past around this idea, fusing many elements from the past, hoping to obtain everyone's favor!"    


"Then, next, let's ask our Model to show it to everyone!"    


As soon as Luan Zhi finished her sentence, the beams of light that had gathered around her body quickly dispersed. The rest of the lamps were lit up as well! Luan Zhi took the opportunity to leave the stage and walk into the glass room.    


Ding dong!    


The originally silent venue rang out with the sound of bells ringing, and a long and unadorned sound of music flowed out.    


Upon hearing the music that was different from before, all the guests turned to look at the clocks. A few of the performance staff were behind the clocks, tapping on different parts of the clocks. Then, a high-pitched sound rang out!    


Wonderful! This is truly ingenious! " Elder Ling's eyes lit up!    


He was very experienced, there were many Western musical instruments such as pianos, guzheng, and even Erhu as accompaniment. This was the first time he saw a fashion show with an entire bell as the main musical instrument!    


And so relevant to the theme, the ethereal music that leads the audience into the old and mysterious country!    


Xiang Tai, who was sitting beside him, couldn't help but pout her lips. However, she had to admit in her heart that this was indeed quite interesting! The interest in the designer had grown.    


Following the rhythm, everyone was refreshed with the first model they saw on stage!    


Breaking through the shackles of traditional clothing was also very fresh and refined in the area of color, especially the small designs in the inconspicuous areas, which made those women to be extremely fond of them.    


It wasn't just the first set, but also the unending stream of clothes that followed, capturing everyone's attention.    


The fashion world's big curlers were all very picky, but despite that, they still obtained the unanimous approval of everyone! Of course, there were some who praised him directly, but people like Xiang Tai only expressed their dissatisfaction with their words.    


Min Ann'ge was watching from the corner. He was very surprised at this show that Luan Zhi had devoted so much effort to! He had thought about the effects of many different fashion shows, but in the end, they had still exceeded his expectations!    


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