Lovely Substitute Bride



The reporters, who were used to seeing the combination of all kinds of beautiful figures and beauties, were actually overjoyed to see a few fat meatballs rolling on the red carpet!    


"Hahaha!" "Hey, you dropped your shoes!" A reporter kindly reminded him.    


However, the aunt who was reminded didn't have the time to pick up her shoes. She could only barefooted as she chased after her sisters.    


At the end of the red carpet, the limousine that had brought them here a few minutes ago was gone. The road was empty!    


The reporters behind him were still laughing and taking pictures at the same time.    


The few aunts were so anxious that the fat on their faces was trembling. While they were angry at the program for not letting them out, they were also helpless against the current situation!    


Let's escape this place first! However, the driver's phone couldn't get through, so he could only call a taxi!    


The building where the program team was located was in a bustling location, and it was the main road for traffic! Moreover, it was still early at night. There were many cars coming and going on the road, and many of them were empty.    


The few aunts quickly waved at him!    


However, what was strange was that after those taxis with green lights on, when they saw the people on the side of the road, they immediately turned the lights red, indicating that they had already taken the taxi!    


He did not stop for even a second to quickly drive past them!    


"There's obviously no one here. Why aren't you stopping?" an aunt said. He even threatened to complain about the driver's refusal!    


Seeing this, the reporters laughed even more heartily! This only made them more and more embarrassed.    


Helpless, one of the aunts chose an empty car and stood on the road that the car was bound to take. She used her body to force the taxi to stop.    


Without waiting for the driver to speak, they pushed their way into the taxi.    


As the car drove off, the reporters' laughter gradually died down!    


"What should we do? Today is the worst day ever! "    


"Exactly! Big Sis, didn't you already discuss it with the program team? Why did they change their mind when we arrived? Isn't this just playing with us? "    


The leading woman gritted her teeth and said hatefully, "If we don't keep you here, you will! Don't worry, I still have other ways to contact the program team. If we go to another place, then we'll regret it and go to this station today! "    


Seeing how confident their elder sister was, the rest of them stopped shouting and looked at each other. Then, they started to tidy themselves up.    


At their request, the driver stopped the car at the villa area. The few aunts rushed to wash up before finally regaining their composure and gathering together once again.    


One of his aunts encouraged him:    


"Big Sis, didn't you say you had a call from another television station? Hurry up and contact him! "    


"Exactly! When I think of this provincial station today, I get so angry that my stomach hurts! "    


The elder sister opened her phone book and found a slightly inferior television station.    


"I contacted you guys before. I have some information about Luan Zhi's drug abuse. Didn't you guys always invite us to join your show?" "Now, as long as …"    


Her tone was haughty.    


However, before she could continue, the person on the phone refused:    


"I'm sorry! We don't do that program anymore! We are not interested in what you have said. Please find another place! "    


When the aunt heard the other party's blunt refusal, she added:    


"Then didn't you take the initiative a few days ago to ask us to participate? "Why is it that now …"    


"I'm sorry, Miss. We are a green healthy program. We will definitely not spread rumors! Miss, you'd better not make this call again! "    


Now that things had come to this point, it would be a bit shameless to continue on like this!    


The aunt said angrily, "Miss what? You are the young lady! I am your great-aunt! "    




After swearing, he hung up the phone.    


The other aunts also heard this and looked at each other in dismay!    


"This is so infuriating!" He had been trying to curry favor with her two days ago, but now he was throwing a tantrum. I don't believe it! " After saying that, she found a program team's phone number and made a call.    


Du, du, du ~    


No one answered!    


After a few rings, a clear female voice came out of the phone … "Hello!" The phone you have dialed is in progress. "    


Clearly, the call had been rejected!    


"What's going on? How dare you hang up on me! When did someone become so audacious? " She called him again with disbelief, still hung up.    


He continued to fight for a few more times before finally being blacklisted!    


Not just this one. She tried calling all the other television stations and program teams, but there was no positive answer.    


Throwing her phone onto the ground, she shouted angrily, "All of you are a bunch of idiots! He didn't even accept such a good topic! Just wait for the door to close! "    


The rest were silent. In the parlour, only Big Sis could be heard gasping for breath!    


After a long while, someone asked timidly, "Then, will we not be able to become superstars?"    


Their eldest young mistress turned her head and gouged out her with her eyes, saying, "You're quite a big star, don't you have to have that kind of appearance as well? Look at your deformed body! "    


After looking around the remaining people who didn't dare to speak, she continued:    


"Now it's time to spread the news and bring down that bitch Luan Zhi! Otherwise, we won't have any good days ahead of us! When she inherits the family property, won't she be feeding us to the fishes? "    


"Hello …" Feeding fish? "It can't be?"    


"What do you think?"    


The elder sister calmed herself down with great difficulty. With her limited intelligence, she thought for a moment before narrowing her eyes and saying, "It's alright. The program won't be available. There's also those media magazines and newspapers!" We spent a huge sum of money to buy the page! "    


It wasn't just the troll army who was bought off the internet; even the headlines and magazines were all bought by them. They were all speculating and framing Luan Zhi from different angles!    


This cost quite a few people's savings! These were all the personal savings they had accumulated over the years they had become rich wives!    


However, once they thought about the enormous wealth of the Luan Group, as long as they could get rid of Luan Zhi, then the entire Luan would be theirs!    


He couldn't bear to part with his child!    


"Tomorrow, I will go talk with those magazines and buy more pages to advertise. It would be best if I can buy something for ten days to half a month! Wasn't Luan Zhi the little slut limited to half a month? Just buy her an exclusive report for half a month! "    


Just like that, the few of them made up their minds to bring Luan Zhi down from the abyss!    


However, the next day, before they could take the initiative to look for the editors and publishers of the previously bought magazines, the morning news had already published a piece of bad news for them!    


"People familiar with the matter have reported that Luan Zhi's drug abuse was a trap!"    


The article listed the loopholes in the drug abuse, as well as a number of witnesses, including Luan Zhi's foreign classmates and teachers, neighbor Mr. Chen said:    


"Luan Zhi has always been a good child with outstanding knowledge! They watched her grow up, so it's impossible for her to use drugs! "    


The news came first from an authoritative newspaper.    


Soon after, many other magazines began to clarify that the previous report on drug abuse was not true. The media had quickly changed its direction and targeted the source of the false information — the aunts!    


In a short video interview, a simple middle-aged woman looked haggard. Although her clothes weren't considered of high quality, they were all washed very cleanly!    


In the video, she appeared a little timid! When the host asked why she was here, she seemed very excited and said,    


"I want to report! Report that someone is spreading rumors! "    


"Rumors? "Who is it?" the host asked.    


At this moment, the woman took out a stack of newspapers from a bag she carried with her. At the top, there were several pictures of her aunts. That was the source of the false news spread by her aunts on the night of the press conference!    


The middle-aged woman pointed excitedly at the pictures of her aunts. Her face was slightly red as she said:    


"It's them!" I heard them talk about doing these bad things! Also, the detection reports in their hands were fake! He paid for it. Everyone, don't trust them! "    


"Do you have evidence for all this? If you can't say it out loud, I think the credibility of it is a little low! " "Do you have any other evidence?"    


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