Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge brought Duo Duo and Luan Zhi home. After rolling up his sleeves, he walked into the kitchen and said, "What do you want to eat?"    


When he turned around, he saw Luan Zhi and Duo Duo looking at him pitifully, looking a bit embarrassed.    


Min Ann'ge obviously didn't rest well when he came out. He didn't expect to be asked to cook. However, Duo Duo and Luan Zhi became anxious when they thought of their own dark dishes.    


"Min Ann'ge (Dad), what can I do for you? You have to tell me!"    


Min Ann'ge looked at the pitiful look on their faces and touched their heads, saying, "Don't worry, I'm fine. You guys can just wait outside, but staying here will affect my work."    


"Are you really alright?" Luan Zhi asked worriedly.    


"I'm fine."    


Only then did Luan Zhi turn around and walk out with Duo Duo. She stood by the door and watched anxiously, ready to help at any time. They had nothing much to help with, so they could only cheer on from the side.    


Min Ann'ge was amused by the identical expressions on their faces and turned around to start preparing.    


He turned his back and took out his phone. In a corner where Luan Zhi and Duo Duo couldn't see, he quickly sent a message to his bodyguard. He only sent a short message: Stare at Zhang Ann'yuv.    


The kitchen was filled with fragrance, but every single one of their eyes was glued to the kitchen.    


Her nose was twitching like a hungry dog.    


"Duo Duo, be more reserved." Luan Zhi pinched her nose.    


"But Mommy wants to eat more than I do."    


Luan Zhi quickly sat up straight and asked her righteously, "Where did I come from?"    


"You obviously have it, but you went to the kitchen to steal it just now!"    


"Nonsense!" Luan Zhi refused to admit it. She took advantage of Min Ann'ge's turn to take DuoDuo with her to attack.    


Duo Duo pointed at the corner of Luan Zhi's mouth. There was still a little bit of fish sauce remaining on it. "There's more beside Mommy's mouth!"    


Luan Zhi's ears became hot as she was exposed in front of her child. This was too much of a blow to her dignity as a mother.    


At least don't say it so loudly when exposing others. She was willing to bet that Min Ann'ge must have heard it all!    


At this time, Duo Duo suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, I understand!"    


Luan Zhi hesitated for a moment. In the two choices of satisfying her curiosity and Min Duo's education, she decisively chose the former.    


"Understand what?" she asked.    


Duo Duo revealed a big smile and said proudly, "Mummy must have seen Father, and she's so hungry that she doesn't want to eat."    


"Pfft!" There was a sudden burst of laughter in the kitchen, apparently heard by someone else.    


"Min Ann'ge, what are you laughing about?" Luan Zhi turned angry from embarrassment. "You're not allowed to laugh!"    


She quickly turned to Duo Duo and said, "Duo Duo, this idiom isn't used for this."    


"Then how does it work?"    


Duo Duo was puzzled.    


"That's right …" Luan Zhi frowned as she thought about it, but she didn't know how to explain.    


At this time, Min Ann'ge placed a plate of bitter melon scrambled eggs on the table and took the lead.    


Min Ann'ge smiled and placed the scrambled eggs from the bitter melon in front of Luan Zhi, "Here, have some bitter melon to calm down."    


"I don't like bitter melon. Take it away." Luan Zhi turned to look at Duo Duo, her eyes lighting up. "Your daughter loves to eat. I'll give it to her."    


Duo Duo's face turned bitter. "Mummy lied, Duo Duo doesn't like to eat bitter melon."    


"Good girl, it's good for your health that the bitter gourd should go to fire."    


Luan Zhi laughed brilliantly, "Come, darling, aren't you greedy? "Have a taste of your father's cooking. The bitter melon he makes is delicious!"    


No matter how delicious it was, it was still a bitter gourd!    


Duo Duo stared at the bitter melon that Luan Zhi had caught in front of her. Her upper body moved backwards all the way until it reached the back of the chair.    


She stared at the bitter melon in front of her, her mouth flattened and her eyes almost cross-eyed.    


"Ah!" Luan Zhi gestured for Duo Duo to open her mouth.    


Duo Duo was so scared that she jumped down from the chair and hugged Min Ann'ge's leg. "Daddy, save me!"    


Luan Zhi followed Min Ann'ge into the kitchen.    


"Get out of the kitchen quickly. The kitchen is filled with oil and smoke, it's not good for your health." Min Ann'ge said softly.    


Luan Zhi shook her head as she stared at the man before her.    


She said, "Actually, I quite like the way you look in your apron. You look very homey and very warm."    


"Silly girl, what's there to look at?" Min Ann'ge smiled.    


"If I say it's beautiful, then it's beautiful," Luan Zhi raised her eyebrows and said confidently. "I'm the model. My taste is at the forefront of this era!"    


Min Ann'ge compromised, "Then it's good to see."    


Luan Zhi smiled and slowly walked to the stove. Inside was a fragrant and alluring carp soup with green onions floating on top. The bottom of the soup had already been dyed an alluring yellow color by the seasonings.    


She somewhat understood why Duo Duo was so greedy. This taste really made her salivate.    


"How long is this soup going to last?!" Luan Zhi pointed at the pot.    


Min Ann'ge replied helplessly, "Greedy cat, wait another ten minutes and I'll carry it out myself." Can you share that plate of bitter melon fried eggs with your daughter first? "    


"It's rare that she likes to eat it. I'll just give her the plate of bitter melon fried eggs." Luan Zhi said generously.    


"But," she said, changing her tone, "I want to eat this. This one and this one!"    


"Pay attention to your image. Have you forgotten what Duoduo just said about you stealing food? Teach Duo Duo to be reserved. You should be a bit more reserved first. " Seeing that Luan Zhi was about to grab her with her hand, Min Ann'ge hurriedly stopped her, "At least use chopsticks!"    




Luan Zhi winked at him, triumphantly enjoying the delicacies cooked by her personal chef.    


The feeling of eating alone was indeed different from the feeling shared by others. Not only was the taste better, but even his mood had become exceptionally cheerful.    


Min Ann'ge laughed as he took out a piece of paper from the side. He put his arm around her waist and wiped her lips lightly with a tissue.    


"How old are you? You still like to stick food to your mouth."    


"You also said that I didn't wipe my mouth clean when I finished eating. You didn't even remind me that I was found out by Duo Duo." At this point, Luan Zhi's face turned red.    


She was clearly trying to educate her child, but Duo Duo had exposed it. This was too embarrassing.    


Min Ann'ge laughed for a long time before saying, "Don't worry this time. Before you go out, I will definitely clean up your traces."    


"How should I deal with it?"    


Min Ann'ge smiled as he leaned over to kiss Luan Zhi on her lips.    


The tip of her tongue slowly slid across her lips. The soft and slippery sensation made Luan Zhi blush all of a sudden.    


When the kiss ended, Luan Zhi was about to say something to save her face when she saw a light bulb standing by the kitchen door. It was Duo Duo.    


She covered her eyes with her hands, but her fingertips revealed the gap.    


Seeing her father looking over at her, she giggled. "I didn't see anything!"    


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