Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi was shocked. She could not imagine how much pain, guilt and self-blame such a young child would feel after hearing this news!    


From here on, this diary did not continue to record.    


Luan Zhi flipped it over and a picture fell out. It was a picture of Min Ann'ge's family of three, which was on the last page of the diary. But among the three of them, only the little boy, Min Ann'ge's head, was cut off by a knife artist, leaving only a black hole.    


Luan Zhi was so scared that she sucked in a breath of cold air. She didn't know whether it was Min Ann'ge's own doing or someone else's.    


She quickly put it away. The room was sparsely furnished, unlike the room where a sick patient and child lived. The clothes were shabby.    


Through continuous dialysis, his body would gradually decline and he would spend more and more of his money. Even if they sold the real estate, they wouldn't be able to fill this huge hole, which was why they felt wronged when moving to Lee Daimei's house. They just wanted to give them more money so that he could hand Min Ann'ge over to them on the day of his own accident.    


But they didn't expect that the house they were living in was actually a blood-sucking bug, an ungrateful bastard. Not only did they squeeze out all their remaining money, but after Liu Qingyun passed away, they directly kicked Min Ann'ge, who was still a child, out to cut off all ties with him.    


Even Min Ann'ge's mother didn't expect this.    


His own cousin had actually done such a thing.    


The more Luan Zhi thought about it, the angrier she became. She clenched her fists tightly and walked to the other room to open the door. The room was completely different from the storage room from before.    


This was the bedroom of Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan.    


Even after so many years had passed, it could still be seen that the quilt and mattress were made of excellent materials. Beautiful curtains hung from the windows, a huge wardrobe, a dressing table, and many other expensive equipment were placed in the center.    


What was even more chilling was that the money Lee Daimei and the others used to buy these things was most likely from Min Ann'ge's mother.    


Facing a serious illness and her child, these two were actually able to enjoy the money with peace of mind and without a shred of guilt!    


Luan Zhi was so angry that her body was trembling slightly. Why did she meet Min Ann'ge so late?    


If he had been here earlier, he wouldn't have suffered so much. Luan Zhi's nose turned sour and tears welled up in her eyes as she thought.    


But now was not the time to cry. She took a deep breath, suppressing the soreness at the corner of her eyes, and started rummaging through it.    


However, perhaps it was because this house was rented out to someone else before, it was only bought back a few years later by Min Ann'ge. Although it was rearranged according to the old memories, he wasn't sure about Lee Daimei's room.    


There was no evidence of anything other than the appearance of expensive furniture.    


Luan Zhi then turned around and went into the room that Lu Tao lived in. At that time, Lu Tao was only a child and was a few years younger than Min Ann'ge, but he owned a huge room filled with toys, which was like the difference between Min Ann'ge and him.    


At that time, although Lu Tao was still a child, under the education of Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan, no matter what Min Ann'ge had, he took it for himself or destroy it himself.    


In the room, Lu Tao's resentment and jealousy towards Min Ann'ge were revealed. However, other than this, there were no other discoveries. This could not become evidence.    


Disappointed, Luan Zhi prepared to leave. However, just as she turned around, she found that the wallpaper in the corner was slightly upturned, and there were some words written on the wall behind her.    


She stopped and quickly went over to pull it out. The entire wallpaper was torn off!    


When she saw the words written on the wall, Luan Zhi widened her eyes as a chill went down her spine!    


The slightly yellow wall was filled with curses written in red or green color!    


— Why does everyone like him?    


— What's there to be arrogant about living with us?    


— I hate them so much that I want them both to disappear from this world. If only they could die!    


— Heh heh, Mom said. In a few days we'll be rid of those two idiots!    


Luan Zhi's hair stood on end when she saw these words. She was frightened by this child's words. The words on the wall were messy, and the handwriting was young, tender, red, and green. However, the walls looked even more terrifying.    


So many years had passed, and the words were starting to blur. To think that they would be left behind!    


Perhaps it was because the wallpaper was originally stuck in this room, but Lu Tao had secretly written on the back after he had removed the wallpaper. After that, he stuck it back up and rented it out, but no one noticed. It didn't get exposed until Min Ann'ge bought it.    


It was only now that Luan Zhi had unintentionally discovered him.    


He didn't expect that such a child would have such a murderous intention in his heart!    


However …    


Luan Zhi's eyes were focused on the last sentence, "Mom said that we can get rid of those two idiots in a few days." She was definitely talking about Min Ann'ge and his mom, but why was Lee Daimei so clear?    


Min Ann'ge's mother being poisoned must be related to her!    


Luan Zhi was more determined with her thoughts. She covered the wallpaper again, picked up Min Ann'ge's diary and walked out.    


If the police really started investigating, they would find this place sooner or later. Leaving Min Ann'ge's diary here would only increase his suspicion and he had to take it away as soon as possible.    


She carefully checked the rest of the apartment, but still couldn't find anything.    


It was only at dawn that he finally left his room.    


Early in the morning, Assistant Cao, who had just rested, drove over to pick her up. He was a little worried when he saw Luan Zhi's haggard face, which clearly showed that she hadn't slept all night.    


"Miss Luan Zhi, why don't you take a good rest? What if my body gets burnt? "    


Luan Zhi waved her hand as she got in the car. "Have you finished what I told you to do?"    


Assistant Cao nodded.    


"The mood of the employees has gradually stabilized. The lawyer has also been found. He has successfully applied for the opportunity to meet with President Min. But based on the evidence in their hands, the police have proposed an extension of the time for imprisonment, which was changed to 48 hours, and President Min is still unable to come out today. "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, her steps slightly paused.    


"What kind of evidence do they have?"    


Assistant Cao also didn't understand. The other side has done a very good job of keeping the secret, and it seems that they are planning to keep it secret until the end. "    


"Let's go." Luan Zhi's face was grim as she quickly got into the car. Let's go see Min Ann'ge first. "    


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