Lovely Substitute Bride



When Luan Zhi heard this, her heart softened. Suddenly, he remembered the moment he woke up and saw Min Ann'ge stretching out his hand. He asked in confusion, "Oh yeah, what were you doing just now?"    


Min Ann'ge's gaze turned slightly stiff. If he didn't have the gauze, he could see that Min Ann'ge's face was slightly flushed.    


"I want to touch you."    


Luan Zhi was stunned, then she pulled Min Ann'ge's hand and placed it on her forehead. Are you relieved now? I'm really fine. "    


Min Ann'ge gently caressed her face and felt the warmth coming from his fingertips. It was as if he wanted to take this opportunity to tell himself that Luan Zhi was fine and Luan Zhi was still alive.    


"The doctor said that you are still recovering and will need to rest for a while. Go to sleep." She put Min Ann'ge's arm back into the blanket and covered it. Then, she sat down on the side and said, "I will stay with you. I won't leave."    


Min Ann'ge didn't close his eyes. Instead, he said, "Can you come up and sleep with me?"    


"But you're still wounded, it'll be bad if I push you down. I'll be sleeping over there later." Luan Zhi pointed at the small bed that she had slept on earlier.    


Min Ann'ge stared at her and said slowly: "I'm very scared. I was still dreaming and couldn't rescue you from the ruins. I want you to be by my side. "    


Upon hearing this, Luan Zhi's heart immediately shook as she looked at the time. It was three in the morning, and in a few hours the nurse would be here, and all she had to do was keep awake.    


More importantly, she couldn't refuse Min Ann'ge's gaze.    




She finally nodded and carefully laid on the bed, trying her best not to bump into Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge couldn't move his body at all. He could only look at her from the side and coax her softly: "Go to sleep."    


Luan Zhi looked extremely haggard. So many things had happened in the past few days that she definitely hadn't had a good rest.    


"No, I can't sleep …" Luan Zhi whispered. What if she accidentally fell asleep and pressed Min Ann'ge down?    


However, after the first trip, he felt Min Ann'ge beside him when he woke up and felt his gaze on him, his tensed nerves relaxed and drowned her in a blink of an eye like a wave of sleepy seawater.    


Relying only on her last bit of consciousness, she reluctantly muttered, "I can't sleep …" "I can't …"    


Min Ann'ge coaxed her softly.    


"Go to sleep, I'll be right by your side."    


The slightly hoarse voice was like a feather. It gradually smoothed out Luan Zhi's last struggle. The sound became softer and softer. Finally, Luan Zhi fell asleep. It was sweeter and heavier than any sleep she had ever had.    


Min Ann'ge heard her breathing become calmer and calmer. He couldn't help but reach out his hand and pulled her back bit by bit.    


This time, he was very careful not to wake Luan Zhi. He held her hand and looked at her until dawn.    


Early in the morning, doctors and nurses came to check as usual, observing Min Ann'ge's condition at all times to prevent anything from happening. As soon as they walked in, they were shocked to see Luan Zhi sleeping on the sickbed.    


It would be terrible if he accidentally touched Min Ann'ge's wound while he was sleeping.    


The few of them quickly walked over and were about to speak, but then they saw Min Ann'ge, who had been unconscious all this time, raise his hand to his lips.    


"Shh ~ ~ ~"    


He woke up!    


The others were overjoyed as they slowed down and carefully walked over.    


Luan Zhi was still sleeping, carefully sleeping on the edge of the bed. She seemed to be worried that she would bump into Min Ann'ge, so both of them held hands outside the blanket.    


When they saw their actions, they couldn't help but laugh, revealing a look of understanding.    


These few days, Luan Zhi had been accompanying Min Ann'ge. If she didn't wake up now, her body would collapse soon. Now that they saw their appearances, they were relieved and felt that even the air in the room was sweet.    


The doctor walked over cautiously and whispered, "President Min, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"    


Min Ann'ge didn't answer and instead asked, "Did Luan Zhi have a good rest and eat dinner a few days ago?"    


The few of them were stunned, they were asking about Min Ann'ge now, why did it return to Luan Zhi? Furthermore, Min Ann'ge's injuries were so severe and he had surgery on him. No matter what, he was still worse than Luan Zhi. Why did he have to worry about her the moment he woke up?    


Furthermore, even if Luan Zhi hadn't had a good rest these few days, she would at most be malnourished. However, Min Ann'ge seemed worried, as if Luan Zhi might be in danger at any time.    


The few of them felt helpless and lowered their voices, "Miss Luan has always been worried about your condition. Although she's not able to eat and sleep well, it's still better to eat and rest on time after Assistant Cao and us's hard work."    


Only then did Min Ann'ge feel satisfied.    


The few of them quickly asked about Min Ann'ge's current situation. They had to be very careful when checking for fear of waking Luan Zhi up by accident. After confirming that Min Ann'ge was gradually recovering, they left.    


Luan Zhi hadn't made a sound from the moment she had come in and left. She had been sleeping the entire time.    


Luan Zhi finally woke up when the sun was high in the sky and she was full.    


For the past few days, she hadn't been able to rest properly. This time, she finally slept, and her body felt much more comfortable. She couldn't help but rub herself on the bed, not wanting to wake up.    


Then, he suddenly remembered that Min Ann'ge woke up last night and that he was still sleeping on the bed …    


Luan Zhi opened her eyes and sat up in a hurry. She looked around and found Min Ann'ge lying on the other side. She heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Are you all right? Did I press you last night? "    


"I'm fine." Min Ann'ge replied without thinking, as his gaze fell on her. If you're tired, you can go back to sleep for a while. I'll wake you up after dinner. "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, her face instantly turned red.    


The one who had the operation on his hand was Min Ann'ge, why did he, the bed mate, fall asleep? And he had to take care of himself.    


She looked at the time. It was already so late! It was too late for doctors and nurses.    


"Where's the doctor? Why haven't they come yet? "    


Luan Zhi got out of bed quickly and went to get someone.    


However, Min Ann'ge stopped her. They've already been here. "    


"You've been here?" Luan Zhi was stunned. Why didn't she feel it at all? So the doctor came while he was sleeping?    


Her face grew redder and redder. "Why didn't you call me when they came?"    


"You're sleeping."    


Min Ann'ge spoke with confidence as if there was nothing more important than Luan Zhi's sleep.    


"Then, did they see how I slept?" When Luan Zhi thought of that scene, she felt a little embarrassed. She estimated that in a day's time, this matter would spread across the entire hospital.    


Min Ann'ge seemed to have seen through her thoughts and said, "They don't dare to say anything to you."    


Luan Zhi, however, did not think so. "If they come in again next time, you must tell me."    


Min Ann'ge smiled when he heard this. His eyes were full of smiles.    


"Do you mean you'll sleep with me next time?"    


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