Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi walked quickly with her heart beating fast. Just thinking of Min Ann'ge who was in a coma and could not resist at all, Luan Zhi panicked.    


Several bodyguards followed her, frowning.    


Who would have thought that there would be someone who could take President Min away right under their noses?    


"The two of them discussed the matter for a while, before calling out to Luan Zhi." I think we might be able to guess who took President Min away. "    


Luan Zhi stopped walking and turned around.    


The two bodyguards looked at each other and said, "Before the two nurses came, Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan had come to the ward to request to see President Min, but they were stopped by us. They had just left when the two nurses arrived. "Now that I think about it, the two nurses looked a little similar to Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan. Maybe they were just pretending!"    


Luan Zhi's eyes became even colder.    


"It's them again!"    


The two of them had harmed Min Ann'ge to such an extent, yet they were still unwilling to give up!    


"Go find him!" Luan Zhi ordered sternly. Where did they go? We must get Min Ann'ge back. "    


The hospital didn't dare to delay Min Ann'ge being taken away for such a serious matter, so they started to act quickly.    


Min Ann'ge's room was originally a VIP room in the hospital, and there were countless surveillance cameras around the room. There were even the bodyguards brought by Luan Zhi, but under these circumstances, they could still take him away!    


The moment the dean heard the news, his expression changed drastically. He raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and ordered the security guards with a loud voice. Hurry up and bring out the surveillance cameras! "Don't miss any of them. We must find out where they took President Min to!"    


"Yes sir!"    


The few of them moved quickly. Within a few minutes, all the cameras around Min Ann'ge's ward were taken out. On the screen, it could be clearly seen that after Luan Zhi left, Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan had indeed come to the ward, but they were blocked by a few bodyguards.    


Soon after, the two left.    


But soon, the two nurses mentioned by the bodyguard came over, pushing a sickbed. After chatting with the bodyguard at the door for a while, they walked into the sickroom. When he came out, President Min was taken away while lying on the bed.    


The two of them didn't take Min Ann'ge to check and instead got on the elevator to leave. Soon, they appeared in the underground parking lot again.    


Through the surveillance cameras, it was clear that they had taken Min Ann'ge into the car, but once they were out of the hospital's range, the news completely disappeared.    


The dean became even more nervous. Wiping away the sweat on his forehead, he turned to Luan Zhi and said, "Miss Luan, there's only so much information we can find out. If we want to continue investigating, we can only apply for a video monitor on the road. Maybe we'll be able to reap some rewards."    


He was trembling with fear as he spoke. Usually, he only felt that Luan Zhi's words were gentle and reasonable. However, he never expected her to have the same aura as Min Ann'ge when it came to matters related to Min Ann'ge's safety.    


Luan Zhi stared coldly at the two people on the screen.    


It really was them!    


She had not expected that the two of them would actually do such a thing when they failed to get their hands on the property. However, her colleague was relieved. Since it was them who did it, then it was basically certain that Min Ann'ge was safe.    


These two people only had money in their hearts. Now that Min Ann'ge had all his property, they would not dare to touch Min Ann'ge for money. They would contact him and ask for a large amount of property.    


As he was thinking, his phone rang.    


Luan Zhi quickly took it out and picked it up. Lee Daimei's voice came over the phone with a smug tone.    


"Luan Zhi, I believe you already know that Min Ann'ge has disappeared, right? If you want him to be safe, then do as we say. "    


Luan Zhi's gaze was cold.    


"You want money?"    


Lee Daimei laughed coldly. It's not just money. I've already said that I'm your Min Ann'ge's only kin, so I should be the one to inherit his property. I want you to transfer all your property to me now! I can't call the police, I can't tell anyone, or I'll make Min Ann'ge not see tomorrow's sun! You know, he's still unconscious, and is no different from a living corpse. As long as I make a move, he won't be able to resist at all.    


Luan Zhi turned her head and looked at the monitor screen. On the screen where Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan had left with Min Ann'ge, she said in a deep voice, "Even if we really have to sign the contract, I still need to see him first."    


Lee Daimei turned around to discuss it with Lu Yuan before she said, "No problem. Tonight, you will bring the contract to the place I told you to come to. You are only allowed to come here alone. No one else is allowed."    




Luan Zhi's voice was ice-cold, and she said very calmly, "During this period of time, you can't hurt Min Ann'ge even a little. If I see him again tonight, you will lose a single hair, and you won't get a single cent. I will definitely make you pay a terrible price!"    


"Don't worry. As long as you do as we ask, Min Ann'ge won't be a problem. Right now, he's a cripple. Who would dare to touch him?"    


Luan Zhi could hear the mockery in her tone, and anger welled up in her heart as she angrily rebuked, "If it wasn't for you! How did he become like this? "    


"Because of us?"    


Lee Daimei suddenly laughed. All of this was what Min Ann'ge deserved! If you knew what he'd done before, you probably wouldn't say that. "    


"I don't know what he did, but I do know what you've done to him before! I still have to say, Min Ann'ge can't be in any danger, or I won't let you off! "    


After she finished speaking, Luan Zhi directly hung up the phone and raised her head to look. Quite a few people were looking at her.    


"Miss Luan, what happened?"    


Luan Zhi shook her head and quickly collected her emotions. She said in a hurry, "It's fine, you guys continue to investigate Min Ann'ge's whereabouts. Say hi to the traffic department and call out the monitoring equipment along the way to check where they are going."    


The few of them nodded. What about you, Miss Luan? "    


"I have other things to do."    


With that, he turned and walked out.    


Assistant Cao felt that something wasn't right. That phone call just now was most likely made by Lee Daimei and the others to threaten him.    


Not good!    


Miss Luan did not know that President Min was not unconscious, so she might be coerced by them!    


President Min could handle the current situation by himself. If Miss Luan made any bad decisions, it would be terrible! There was also the possibility that his original plan would be ruined!    


"He chased after Luan Zhi in a hurry and found her." "Miss Luan, what happened?"    


Luan Zhi turned to look at him, hesitant in her heart.    


The situation this time was very serious. Min Ann'ge was still unconscious, so if Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan suddenly went back on their word and hurt Min Ann'ge, he would be in danger.    


It might be nice to have someone to help.    


Seeing that Assistant Cao was the only one chasing her, Luan Zhi thought for a while and then told him everything.    


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