Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge carried Luan Zhi and walked upstairs.    


Luan Zhi swayed a little, and the high heels fell to the ground.    


"Wait!" She quickly pulled Min Ann'ge back, and her face turned red. I lost my shoe. "    


Min Ann'ge stopped and looked back.    


Before he could make a move, Duo Duo, who was standing off to the side, ran over and picked up the shoes on the ground and brought them over.    


"Dad, here you are."    


Min Ann'ge took the shoes, turned around and was about to head upstairs again.    


"One more thing!" Luan Zhi hurriedly called out to him. "I'll just go up myself. My feet don't hurt …"    


But before she finished, Min Ann'ge ignored her and directly went upstairs.    




Startled, Luan Zhi quickly tugged at his tie.    


Min Ann'ge stopped moving and lowered his head. His gaze fell on Luan Zhi with a bit of a smile in his eyes.    


"Are you going to murder your husband?"    


Hearing this, Luan Zhi immediately let go of her hand.    


Min Ann'ge said again, "Hold my neck, don't fall down."    


Her amber eyes carried a hint of mockery, causing the temperature of Luan Zhi's face to rise involuntarily. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should hug him or not.    


After hesitating for a moment, she turned her gaze away and whispered, "No need, I can do it myself …" "Ahhh!"    


Just as he said that, Min Ann'ge suddenly took a few steps forward and went straight up two flights of stairs. His feet shook and he almost threw Luan Zhi away!    


Luan Zhi quickly raised her hand and hugged Min Ann'ge's neck, afraid that she would fall down.    


"Isn't that good enough?" She still had some lingering fear as Min Ann'ge's smiling voice came from above her head.    


Luan Zhi raised her head and saw Min Ann'ge's gaze. The temperature on her face was even higher and her face was filled with suspicion.    


"Did you do it on purpose?"    


The smile in Min Ann'ge's eyes became even wider.    


"No." Luan Zhi could not believe it at all and was about to say something when she heard Min Ann'ge continue, "It was specially prepared for you."    


Luan Zhi opened her eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief. She did not expect Min Ann'ge to admit it so straightforwardly.    


However, before she could retort, Min Ann'ge quickly walked up with her.    


As soon as she entered the bedroom, Min Ann'ge put her on the bed. Luan Zhi rolled backwards and hid in a corner, looking at him warily.    


"I'm fine."    


Min Ann'ge just stood beside the bed and stretched out his hand towards her.    


"Come here."    


Luan Zhi quickly shook her head and shrank back.    


Min Ann'ge couldn't help but laugh when he saw her appearance.    


"What are you afraid of? "Afraid what will I do to you?"    


Luan Zhi's face was red as she kept dodging.    


"No …" "I wasn't thinking about anything …"    


Min Ann'ge's mouth twitched as he took another step forward. Luan Zhi quickly retreated, but her ankle was pulled back. With a light pull, she was pulled back by Min Ann'ge.    


"Wait, Min Ann'ge, what are you doing? "Let go!"    


Luan Zhi's face was flushed as she struggled in panic.    


"Don't move."    


Min Ann'ge lowered his voice and squatted down. He frowned slightly and lowered his head to look at Luan Zhi's ankle.    


He carefully avoided the red spots and carefully examined them.    


"Just what are you doing …"    


Luan Zhi quickly got up and covered her skirt with one hand. Then, she saw Min Ann'ge take out a medical kit at some point and quickly clean the wound with a cotton swab.    


He lowered his head, looking extremely serious.    


"No need." Luan Zhi said, "It doesn't hurt. It'll be fine tomorrow."    


However, Min Ann'ge didn't let her go and insisted: "Tomorrow, there will be water bubbles."    


"But …"    


Luan Zhi was a little hesitant. Her face was flushed, and she didn't know where to put her feet.    


Min Ann'ge moved carefully, cleaning, disinfection, applying medicine...    


After taking great pains to heal her wounds, he supported Luan Zhi and laid her on the bed.    


"I …"    


Luan Zhi was about to make a move, but she was stopped by Min Ann'ge and was forced back onto the bed.    


"Don't move, I just applied some good medicine."    


"But I'm still wearing my formal attire …" Luan Zhi hesitated.    


Min Ann'ge raised his head and carefully looked at Luan Zhi's dress. Wearing it like this while sleeping was indeed a bit uncomfortable.    


"I'll help you?"    


As soon as she finished her sentence, Luan Zhi's eyes widened in fright.    


"Help me what?"    


The smile on Min Ann'ge's face widened as he said with a smile, "I helped you take off your clothes and have a good rest."    


"No need! "No need!"    


"Luan Zhi grabbed her collar and backed off quickly." I can do it myself. "    


Min Ann'ge took another step forward, bent down and approached Luan Zhi.    


His voice was filled with mockery and laughter.    


"You really don't need to use it?"    


Luan Zhi was even more nervous and quickly shook her head.    


"No need, I'll change it myself."    


"You can do it by yourself?"    


Min Ann'ge still had some doubts and went closer.    


Luan Zhi's body kept moving backwards, bit by bit, until she finally fell back onto the bed. Her eyes were wide open as she looked at the person in front of her.    


The two of them stood very close, almost touching. Min Ann'ge's hands supported Luan Zhi's side, giving her no chance to dodge.    


Luan Zhi's heartbeat was like the beating of a drum. Plop plop plop sounds continuously rang in her ears, causing the temperature on her face to rise uncontrollably as well.    


After a long while, Min Ann'ge finally backed off a little. There was a smile in his eyes.    


"Be careful, don't erase the medicine."    


He straightened his body and said, "Maybe I'll come back and help you later."    


Then he turned and left.    


When the door closed, Luan Zhi finally let out a sigh of relief.    


She quickly stood up, went to the door and checked it. After confirming that the other party couldn't come in, she was finally relieved. She lowered her head to look at the scars on her feet.    


Luan Zhi carefully put on her pajamas. Every movement she made was very well-informed. She was worried that she might accidentally rub away the medicine. At that time, Min Ann'ge would help her apply the medicine again.    


When he thought of the scene just now, the temperature that had just dropped started to rise again.    


Just in case, Luan Zhi cleaned herself up again before she finally opened the door again and quickly ran back to her bed to lie down.    


After a while, Min Ann'ge walked in.    


When he saw Luan Zhi lying on the bed, he couldn't help but laugh. Luan Zhi was hiding in the blanket with her eyes closed, but her eyelashes were trembling. She was simply pretending to be asleep.    


Min Ann'ge walked over. As he got closer, he could clearly see that Luan Zhi was more nervous and tense than before.    


"Are you asleep?"    


Luan Zhi purposely kept quiet and pretended to be asleep.    


Min Ann'ge couldn't help but laugh. He lowered his head and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. Luan Zhi became nervous instantly and her face turned pale. She was just like a log.    


Seeing her like that, Min Ann'ge couldn't help but laugh. His mouth raised into a big smile as he turned around and walked out of the room.    


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