Lovely Substitute Bride



"You're startled?"    


Min Ann'ge reached out his hand as he spoke.    


Luan Zhi hesitated for a second and held his hand. She leaned in and whispered, "Why is it that I've never heard of such a thing? There's a banquet today."    


"I only learned about it two hours ago."    


Luan Zhi frowned slightly. It seemed that Luan's mother had just found out that Luan Zhi had advanced to the next level and was preparing for this banquet.    


Having prepared dinner and decorations in such a short period of time, and even inviting so many people to attend, Luan Zhi didn't know whether to admire her or feel helpless.    


Min Ann'ge held her hand and walked down. One of his hands lightly wrapped around her waist.    


Luan Zhi looked up at her in surprise.    


"A lot of people are looking at us." Min Ann'ge lowered his voice and said softly.    


Luan Zhi quickly looked over and saw a few familiar faces, all of whom were Luan's mother's friends from the party.    


Ever since that party, Luan's mother had gained a lot of face with Luan Zhi's diligent cooperation. She had always wanted to bring Luan Zhi over once more, but Luan Zhi had always refused.    


Unexpectedly, he found another opportunity.    


Min Ann'ge continued to whisper, "Before you came, Mom already told everyone that we were on good terms with each other and told them to come and see us."    


Luan Zhi's heart felt even more helpless when she heard this. She had almost guessed Luan's mother's intention in doing so. Their main purpose should not be to celebrate her promotion, but to tell more people about Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge.    


Facing the gazes of so many people, Luan Zhi had no choice but to cooperate with Min Ann'ge's actions. She tried her best to adjust the expression on her face so that she wouldn't show an expression of shock and walked down the stairs under the crowd's gaze.    


Min Ann'ge looked at her stiff body and whispered in her ear, "Don't be nervous."    


A smile appeared in his eyes. This was the first time he had seen Luan Zhi so at a loss. Even during the tournament or the show, he had never seen her so at a loss.    


Luan Zhi felt Min Ann'ge's grip on her waist becoming tighter and tighter. She glared at him in dissatisfaction.    


"If someone had not been hugging me, I would have been very relaxed!"    


The smile on Min Ann'ge's face widened when he heard that. He lowered his head and looked at Luan Zhi with eyes full of warmth.    


"Not to be found out, is it?"    


Luan Zhi wanted to retort, but when she saw the gazes of these people, she could only restrain herself. She did her best to adjust the expression on her face so that she would look more natural.    


The two of them had just walked down from the stage, and before they could even stand steadily, Luan's mother said, "The ball is officially about to begin! Now let Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge open the show for us together! "    


Walla ~ ~ ~    


Everyone present instantly burst into thunderous applause.    


Luan Zhi helplessly looked at Duo Duo, who was blindly jeering in the crowd. Just as she was hesitating, Min Ann'ge already wrapped his arm around her waist and slid onto the dance floor.    


"Let's wait first …"    


Min Ann'ge put his arm around her waist and didn't stop moving.    


"Be careful, don't let them find out."    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she turned around and saw that quite a number of people were looking at them and had forgotten about their movements. With a slight shake, she almost fell down and was hugged by Min Ann'ge!    


Luan Zhi spun in a circle as she was held by the arm. The crowd instantly exclaimed.    


"If I don't focus, I'm going to fall." Min Ann'ge lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Or should I hug you?"    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she couldn't help but blush.    


"No need …" "Let me down first."    


The corner of Min Ann'ge's mouth slightly raised before he put Luan Zhi down.    


Her face was completely red. Accompanying Min Ann'ge's movements, she spun around and around … Dancing on the dance floor.    


Luan Zhi raised her head and looked at Min Ann'ge's face. When she saw his gentle gaze, she almost fell in love with him again.    


But he quickly reacted and quickly shifted his gaze away.    


People gradually entered the stage, and then Luan Zhi quickly pulled Min Ann'ge to their deaths.    


Before he could leave, he was stopped by a few people.    


"Luan Zhi, do you still remember me? I even held you when I was young! "    


Luan Zhi looked at the person in front of her and thought for a moment. Then, she remembered that this person was a distant relative of her Luan Family.    


"Long time no see, Auntie."    


The other party looked at Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge with a smile on their faces. Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, they asked curiously, "Where are you guys going? You won first place in the design competition this time? Was it Min Ann'ge who inspired you? "    


Luan Zhi quickly waved her hand and said, "This is only the preliminary auditions."    


The other party was full of smiles as he said in an exaggerated manner, "The preliminary auditions aren't bad either. As expected of a couple who share the same heart as each other. It's like breaking gold!"    


"That's right …"    


Luan Zhi answered and looked back at Min Ann'ge. Before she could explain further, she was dragged outside and back to the banquet hall.    


The moment he appeared, everyone surged forward and surrounded the two of them.    


"Luan Zhi, I heard that you guys went to an amusement park last time?" "Really?"    


"When are you coming over to my place?" "My daughter really likes Min Ann'ge."    


"I didn't expect your relationship to be so good."    


The smile on Luan Zhi's face stiffened as she listened to their words. However, with so many people around her, she could only barely maintain her silence. The two of them still had to stand intimately and show great affection so that no one would notice.    


Luan Zhi heaved a long sigh of relief after dealing with the person before her with great difficulty. She turned around and prepared to run away.    


"Quick, let's go."    


However, just after he walked two steps, he was pulled back by Min Ann'ge.    


"Where are we going?"    


Luan Zhi looked around anxiously, worried that someone would follow.    


"Hurry up, or someone will …"    


"Min Ann'ge!" Before he could finish his words, a voice interrupted him.    


The smile on Luan Zhi's face froze. She turned around and saw a middle-aged man walking over with a smile. He patted Min Ann'ge on the shoulder.    


"I didn't expect to actually see you!" "I haven't heard about you and Luan Zhi for two years. I thought …"    


As he spoke, he seemed to feel that something was wrong. Halfway through his words, he stopped and smiled, "Now that I see that you are all fine, I am relieved."    


How could Luan Zhi leave after hearing that? He could only stay and continue to deal with the person in front of him.    


He couldn't help but scratch his head and look at Min Ann'ge. He whispered, "Did you do it on purpose?"    


"What?" Min Ann'ge was confused.    


Luan Zhi looked at him carefully, but she was skeptical in her heart. Could it be that Min Ann'ge really couldn't see through it?    


Min Ann'ge only smiled.    


"Let's go, they're waiting for us."    


Luan Zhi raised her head to look at the person on the other side and walked towards him.    


After three hours, the two of them were left in the banquet hall with no chance of leaving.    


It wasn't until the end of the banquet that Luan Zhi was finally able to escape.    


Luan Zhi's smile gradually stiffened as she saw the last person off.    


Just as he was about to go back, he turned around. His legs staggered and he almost fell to the ground.    


"Be careful!"    


Min Ann'ge quickly reached out his arm and wrapped it around her waist. He looked down and saw that her feet were red from the high heels and frowned slightly.    


"I'll take you to rest."    


With that, he turned and walked up the stairs.    


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