Lovely Substitute Bride



Seeing these words, Luan Zhi's interest was piqued. It was a good feeling to play this game of solving riddles.    


She thought it would be boring to bring Duoduo to the amusement park, but with the addition of this game mechanism, Luan Zhi's competitive spirit was piqued.    


She put away the note that Duo Duo had left behind and excitedly said, "Alright, let's go now!"    


The two of them arrived at the place where they were sitting in the swiveling coffee cup.    


Luan Zhi checked the card in her hand again. It didn't mention that they needed to ride together, so she turned to Min Ann'ge and said, "This time, Duo Duo didn't say that she needed us to go together. I'll see if there are any other clues around. "    


"You're not sitting?" Min Ann'ge asked.    


Luan Zhi looked up at him and saw the disappointment on Min Ann'ge's face. She hesitated and was about to agree.    


He quickly looked away and purposely avoided looking at him: "There's no need to go together this time. I'll take a look outside and let me find some clues in the next trial. You should hurry up and go."    


Min Ann'ge didn't try to persuade him anymore, so he had no choice but to turn around and sit down on the spinning coffee cup.    


For some reason, when Luan Zhi looked at his departing back, she actually felt a sense of desolation.    


Just as he was wondering if this was an illusion, a voice sounded from behind him.    


"Miss, are you a couple?"    


Luan Zhi was startled by the voice and turned around to see a woman standing behind her. She quickly waved her hand. "No, it's not that."    


The other party smiled and said, "That's great. It's like this. I've been waiting for a long time, and I can't even line up properly." My next project is about to start. Since you're not going to ride with me, and he's not your boyfriend, can you give me another spot on your coffee cup? "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she was momentarily stunned.    


Rotating the coffee cup, it was indeed possible for two people to ride together...    


She frowned, hesitating.    


It was a very simple matter, as long as he agreed, but now, he couldn't even open his mouth.    


"Please." The man put his hands together.    


"I …"    


An Xin hesitated.    


Seeing that she didn't say anything, the other side went up and prepared to sit in front of Min Ann'ge.    


"Wait!" Luan Zhi hurriedly called out to her, "I've decided to sit with him. I'm sorry, but you should go to the next coffee cup first. There should be a new one soon."    


Then, without saying anything further, he jumped on and sat opposite Min Ann'ge.    


A hint of surprise appeared in Min Ann'ge's eyes.    


Noticing the gaze from the other side, the temperature on Luan Zhi's face immediately rose. She turned her eyes away and intentionally avoided looking at him.    


"I just do not wish for your identity to be discovered, that's all. The space in the coffee cup is so small that if you sit too close it's easy to find clues. " she explained.    


Min Ann'ge's gaze was always on her, with a bit of teasing. In the end, he didn't retort and reminded her: "It's about to start."    


Luan Zhi quickly opened her hands and held the sides of the cup beside her.    


The coffee cup began to spin.    


Luan Zhi used to go to amusement parks when she was young. Most of the entertainment facilities were tired of playing, but she had never tried coffee cups like this before.    


He had initially thought it was boring seeing a group of people sitting and swaying around in their cups.    


However, when she sat down, she realized that it was not as simple as she had imagined.    


The rotation of the coffee cup was irregular. Even though Luan Zhi had grabbed the rim of the cup, she was still unable to control her body and was swaying back and forth.    


He made a turn and pounced forward. He fell into Min Ann'ge's arms and couldn't get up for a long time.    


Min Ann'ge saw that Luan Zhi's figure was unsteady and wanted to support her, but he was a step too late.    


Luan Zhi directly fell down, because the two of them were sitting very close to each other. Once she fell down, her face directly collided with the ground beneath her …    


Min Ann'ge stopped abruptly and frowned.    


Luan Zhi felt that something was wrong with her movements, and her face started to heat up.    


In just a few seconds, it had turned red.    


"Embracing, sorry …"    


she stammered, her hands on the ground, trying to get up again.    


However, the next moment, the coffee cup violently turned and Luan Zhi fell down again in the same posture!    


Luan Zhi felt like dying. She wanted to cry, but there were no tears.    


He tried several times, but each time, when he was about to get up, he accidentally fell back.    


She was about to curse in her heart!    


What the hell is this coffee cup!    








Min Ann'ge clenched his teeth, and his amber eyes looked even more profound.    


He lowered his head, and his gaze fell on Luan Zhi's hair. Helplessly, he reached out and grabbed Luan Zhi by the waist, directly lifting her up into the air.    


Luan Zhi was shocked, but soon after, Min Ann'ge pulled her into his embrace and hugged her tightly.    


Although Luan Zhi was no longer in that embarrassing situation, the temperature on her face did not drop at all.    


"Min Ann'ge, I …"    


"Don't move." Min Ann'ge's hand did not move at all, he just said, "Otherwise, it will fall again."    


Luan Zhi blushed when she heard this. Although she wanted to struggle free, she couldn't help but hold it in when she thought of what had just happened.    


Now she could only be thankful that the coffee cups were designed so that no one outside would be able to see what was going on inside.    


If he saw her and Min Ann'ge's actions, he would definitely let his imagination run wild!    


Luan Zhi sat nervously in Min Ann'ge's arms. She could clearly feel the temperature of the other party's body.    


She had to try her best not to miss the messages that were left behind.    


But this time, Luan Zhi looked around. She did not miss anything, not even the cups, not even the walls, not even the ceiling. However, she was unable to find anything.    


Where had she hidden it this time?    


Luan Zhi was puzzled. Suddenly, she saw that the young woman who wanted to change seats with her was also sitting in another cup not far from them.    


When Luan Zhi saw her, she immediately felt guilty and wanted to avoid her.    


At that moment, the other party turned around and a piece of paper appeared on his back.    




There was still herself on it...    


Luan Zhi's eyes widened as she looked at the paper from afar. It looked extremely familiar.    


Could it be that the clue Duo Duo gave them was that one?    


Luan Zhi was shocked and quickly pulled Min Ann'ge, who was beside her.    


"Look, did Duo Duo leave them there?"    


Min Ann'ge turned his head and saw the words on the woman's back: "Duoduo".    


Who would have thought that he would be pasted on someone else's grief this time.    


The coffee cup had already begun to move towards the woman. Luan Zhi stretched out her neck and observed carefully.    


Only when he got a bit closer did he finally see it clearly! It was indeed the message that Duo Duo had left behind.    


It seemed like this person was also found by Duo Duo.    


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