Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi kept her head down, not daring to look around.    


After hurriedly eating the dumplings, she waited for the sky to darken before getting up to rest. She wanted to avoid their gazes.    


However, she never would have thought that Min Ann'ge would suddenly appear when she just started to change.    


When Luan Zhi heard the sound and turned around to see him, she was startled.    


At this moment, she had already taken off her clothes, but she didn't have the time to change into her pajamas. She was only wearing her closest clothes, and her smooth and fair skin seemed even more lustrous under the light.    


Luan Zhi quickly pulled on the clothes at the side, putting them in front of her.    


"Why did you come in?"    


Min Ann'ge looked at her, but he wasn't flustered at all. On the contrary, he was just looking at her.    


"I'm going to rest."    


Luan Zhi frowned. She didn't want to rest so early. She didn't know if he did it on purpose, but she quickly said, "You should turn around first. Don't look at me."    


Min Ann'ge shrugged and helplessly turned around with his back to her.    


"I can't just turn around." Luan Zhi said.    


Min Ann'ge quickly changed his clothes and stood with his back facing her. A sparse voice came from behind and he couldn't help but laugh.    


Did Luan Zhi know that he had already seen every inch of her skin?    


Although she didn't turn back now, from the sounds behind her, he could imagine Luan Zhi's every movement. Even the sound of her slightly heavier breathing seemed to echo in his ears.    


When you can't see, your hearing becomes especially sharp.    


Luan Zhi, however, didn't know that. She hurriedly changed her clothes as fast as she could, turned around to look at Min Ann'ge and said, "Alright."    


Min Ann'ge turned around. Luan Zhi had changed her clothes, but her hands were still holding onto his collar. He raised his eyebrows.    


Luan Zhi was somewhat puzzled. Noticing his gaze, she braced herself and said, "This is the only set of pajamas here. I can only wear this one since I didn't bring the rest of my clothes with me."    


Although she said that, the pajamas were a bit revealing. She really didn't know why she bought such low-necked clothes before, but now she had to put it on. Her hands were tightly protecting her collar.    


Seeing that Min Ann'ge's gaze was still on him, his face blushed. He quickly turned around and climbed onto the bed. He pulled up the blanket until it covered his eyes. Then, almost everyone got in and quietly looked at Min Ann'ge.    


"I need to rest."    


Min Ann'ge nodded slightly. "Have a good dream."    


After saying that, he also took out the blanket and pillow, preparing to sleep on the floor as he had done yesterday.    


Luan Zhi frowned when she saw this scene.    


Yesterday's incident had happened too suddenly, so she couldn't do anything about it. But now, Luan's mother didn't know how long she was going to stay here, so she couldn't let Min Ann'ge sleep on the ground forever, could she?    


This was still his home …    


Luan Zhi thought for a moment and said hesitantly, "Why don't you go up and sleep?"    


Min Ann'ge stopped moving and turned his head towards her.    


Under the gaze of his eyes, Luan Zhi quickly turned her head away and explained to herself.    


"Don't misunderstand, I just feel that if you keep lying on the floor and sleeping, your mental state will get worse and worse. At that time, my mom will notice it, and you'll definitely need to …"    


In order to conceal her thoughts, Luan Zhi spoke in a long and unrestrained manner.    


Min Ann'ge smiled and interrupted her, "I got it."    


Saying that, without any hesitation, he put the blanket away and walked towards the bed.    


As soon as Luan Zhi saw him approaching, she became nervous again and quickly moved out of the room, leaving almost half of her body hanging by the window.    


On the other side of the bed, Min Ann'ge laid down.    


Luan Zhi couldn't help but retreat.    


"Be careful!"    


At that moment, a hand reached out and wrapped its arms around Luan Zhi's waist, pulling her back.    


Luan Zhi widened her eyes in astonishment. Her nerves instantly tensed up.    


"You, what are you doing?"    


"Be careful, you're about to fall down."    


Min Ann'ge's eyes were full of laughter, and even his voice contained a hint of ridicule.    


Luan Zhi's face instantly turned red.    


"I know, I know."    


she stammered, and slipped under the covers again, this time covering her face.    


Seeing her expression, Min Ann'ge asked with a smile, "Aren't you bored?"    


Luan Zhi immediately shook her head. Thinking about Min Ann'ge, she couldn't see him, so she could only whisper, "No, I don't."    


After he finished speaking, he curled up into a ball again and no longer answered.    


Min Ann'ge was lying on the side. When he turned his body around, Luan Zhi's face was covered, so she didn't have to worry about her vision being discovered. She looked at the person in front of her openly.    


After a long while, Min Ann'ge carefully lifted the blanket as he felt Luan Zhi's movements gradually become quieter and her breathing become more gentle.    


Luan Zhi was sleeping soundly inside. At this moment, he had completely relaxed his guard.    


When Min Ann'ge saw her, the smile in his eyes widened. He held Luan Zhi's hand and carefully pulled her into his embrace.    


Luan Zhi, who was still sleeping soundly, didn't notice it at all. In fact, she even rolled into his embrace, and slept more peacefully.    


Min Ann'ge gently put his hand on her waist and slowly fell asleep.    


The next morning, Luan Zhi was still asleep. She felt that something was wrong with the blanket in her arms.    


Before he had even awoken, the tragic incident at Hot Springs Villa that happened the other time quickly appeared in his mind.    


At that time, although there was a pillow in the middle, he didn't know when he rolled into Min Ann'ge's arms and slept for the whole night.    


Could the same thing have happened again this time?    


Luan Zhi's sleepiness was swept away in an instant. She carefully touched the "quilt" in her embrace. It really felt hard to the touch.    


It really isn't a blanket...    


She wanted to cry but had no tears. Although she did not open her eyes, she had already guessed a lot of things.    


Min Ann'ge had woken up a long time ago, but the Luan Zhi in his arms didn't move at all.    


He lowered his head and saw Luan Zhi's eyelids twitching. It was obvious that she was about to wake up. However, the other party did not open his eyes. Instead, he reached out with his two small hands and felt around his body.    


After a while, the expression on his face clearly collapsed.    


Min Ann'ge couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene.    


Luan Zhi heard the laughter and blushed even more. She had to open her eyes to find Min Ann'ge in front of her.    


Both her arms and legs were bound tightly around the other party's body. She passed by where she had been lying before and invaded someone else's territory.    


Seeing the situation in front of her, Luan Zhi was shocked. She hurriedly let go of the other party and sat up.    


As the person in his arms ran away, a tiny crease appeared between Min Ann'ge's eyebrows.    


An Xin didn't even dare to turn her head to look at him. She quickly got up, hugged her clothes, and went to hide and change.    


Min Ann'ge looked at her and the corner of his mouth slightly rose.    


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