Lovely Substitute Bride



When Min Ann'ge heard this, he frowned slightly.    


"What do you mean?"    


Luan Zhi pursed her lips and still said, "She was never wrong, was she? Since the movie was already in the middle of being filmed and she had been preparing for a long time, why did she have to replace it? He even used a ban to threaten... "If you were in her position, would you …"    


Before he could finish, he was interrupted by Min Ann'ge.    


"Do you mean to say that I am innocent, abuse my authority, and trample over her ridiculous dreams?"    


Luan Zhi lowered her head slightly. Although she did not admit it, it was clear that she felt the same way.    


Min Ann'ge clearly saw her attitude. His gaze turned darker, from amber to dark brown as he stared at Luan Zhi.    


"Is that what you think? Is that how you always look at me? "    


Luan Zhi still didn't speak.    


Min Ann'ge looked at her for a while and finally stood up.    


"Since you think so, then so be it."    


With that, he turned and left.    


After everyone had left, Luan Zhi finally had the courage to raise her head.    


After seeing Min Ann'ge's figure disappear into the crowd, he finally retracted his gaze.    


What could she say?    


Everything was right before her eyes. Although she didn't want to believe it, she had no choice but to admit it.    


Min Ann'ge was no longer the person from his memories after not seeing him for two years. The dream that he said before was no longer there.    


Luan Zhi couldn't help but think of the first time she met Min Ann'ge. The passage of time was irreparable, and the edges of their relationship had been flattened by the passage of time. They were no longer the same people as before.    


It wasn't Min Ann'ge's fault.    


Luan Zhi thought as she felt bitterness in her heart.    


Duo Duo had been watching the situation between the two of them. She originally thought that her father wanted to apologize to Mommy, so the two of them could make up. However, after talking for a while, her father directly left.    


What was going on?    


She put down the ice cream in her hand, walked over quickly, and pulled Luan Zhi's hand.    


"Mommy, what's wrong with you?"    


Luan Zhi looked up and smiled at her.    


"I'm fine." When he finished, he realized that Duo Duo was carrying nothing, so he asked doubtfully, "Duo Duo, didn't you say you were going to get the ice cream?"    


Duo Duo looked at Luan Zhi worriedly and hugged her tightly.    


"Mommy, it's all Duoduo's fault."    


Luan Zhi looked at her doubtfully. Only then did Duo Duo say, "Just now, father told Duo Duo to bring Mommy here. Father said that if he wanted to apologize to Mommy, you would get back together."    


Unexpectedly, it only caused Luan Zhi to be even more upset.    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she merely smiled.    


She had already guessed that one or two times could be a coincidence and the more times involved, the more doubtful she became.    


"It doesn't matter." She put her arms around Duo. " Are you hungry? Let's eat. "    


Duo Duo nodded as her small hand clenched into a fist.    


"Mommy, let's ignore Daddy! Eat it yourself! "    




Min Ann'ge's face was gloomy and his eyes were filled with anger. He didn't punch out until he walked out of the restaurant.    


Crash! *    


The glass shattered and fell to the ground.    


The surrounding people were startled and quickly left with their heads lowered.    


The glass shattered the back of his hand, and blood instantly flowed out, but he didn't seem to feel any pain at all.    


As long as he recalled Luan Zhi's words just now, he would clench his fist tightly.    


He had waited for two years!    


Over the past two years, in order to prevent himself from being too impulsive and unable to control himself, he had kidnapped people from other countries. He had constantly worked to divert his attention, not even seeing her, and the number of times he had called had decreased.    


He could only watch the videos of Luan Zhi's previous events over and over again every day.    


It took two years for her to come back.    


Even Min Ann'ge himself did not know when Luan Zhi had become such an important figure in his heart.    


After getting her, he even wanted to rush over and take Luan Zhi over to his side when he could go back home.    


But he held back.    


Min Ann'ge knew that he looked a little crazy and was worried that he would scare Luan Zhi. He carefully arranged everything so that Luan Zhi wouldn't be afraid, making the two of them get closer and closer.    


However, he never expected that the first sentence he would hear from her was Luan Zhi's divorce.    


Thinking about this, Min Ann'ge couldn't help but laugh. However, there was no trace of a smile in his eyes.    


Was this the result of two years of waiting?    


They had even belittled him just because of Cheng Xue’er. Was he really that unbearable in Luan Zhi's eyes?    


When he heard Luan Zhi's words, he almost couldn't control himself and took her away.    


Just as he was thinking, the computer suddenly beeped.    


Min Ann'ge's face was dark and he asked as soon as the call connected, "What is it?"    


He shook his head and said in a low voice, "President Min, you said before that you would sponsor Miss Luan's show and have confirmed the contract with them. You can sign it when you come back."    


Min Ann'ge thought of Luan Zhi's next fashion show and his face gradually turned better.    


"I have another request …"    


Luan Zhi and Duo Duo finished their dinner, but they didn't see Min Ann'ge come back.    


She glanced in the direction of the dining room door and finally left, taking the flowers with her.    


The moment he walked out, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his path.    


"You're Luan Zhi?" Cheng Xue’er sized Luan Zhi up critically from head to toe.    


Luan Zhi had thought that she had left a long time ago, but to her surprise, she had been waiting for her at the door.    


"What's the matter?"    


Cheng Xue’er had an unfriendly gaze as she said, "I advise you to leave Min Ann'ge's side as soon as possible."    


Upon hearing these words, Luan Zhiyi froze for a moment, before she immediately pursed her lips.    


Seeing that she did not say anything, Cheng Xue’er became even more arrogant and said, "You have already left for two years, is it not enough to take over Min Ann'ge for so long? Why did Min Ann'ge marry you back then? Isn't it because you are pregnant with a child? "    


Having said that, she shot a glance at Duo Duo, who was standing beside Luan Zhi, and started sneering.    


"What's more, it's not certain whether or not the child is Min Ann'ge's. Who knows if you're purposely planning it?"    


Luan Zhi frowned.    


"I'll give you a chance, take back what you just said!"    


Cheng Xue’er wasn't threatened by her at all. Instead, she laughed even more complacently.    


"If I were you, I wouldn't have dared to come back long ago. These two years, Min Ann'ge lives in a carefree and carefree way, without you around to watch, I and his relationship is very good! He said long ago that he would divorce you sometime, but I didn't think that you would still have the face to come back. "    


After saying that, she lowered her head and looked at Duo Duo with disdain.    


"Little sister, do you know what your mother did all those years ago? "She's just a scum …"    


"Shut up!"    


Before she could finish, Luan Zhi raised her voice and grabbed her arm, pulling Cheng Xue’er up!    


"Take back everything you just said!"    


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