Lovely Substitute Bride



With the help of the M.I Group, the museum exhibition was soon ready.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the piece of information that Ji Jingchen had sent to her. All her doubts from before had been explained.    


Chen Yuan watched from the side with envy.    


"President Ji is really nice to the curator. He pointed out every single detail in the contract."    


When Wen Tiantian heard this, she felt a little embarrassed and blushed.    


What was wrong with that man?    


If not for this information, she would have paid a heavy price.    


Seeing the change in her face, Chen Yuan was puzzled, "Director, are you not feeling well? "Why are you blushing so badly?"    


Wen Tiantian shook her head and looked away.    


"No, I was just thinking that after the exhibition begins, I will encounter a lot of problems and need to prepare in advance."    


Chen Yuan nodded.    


"I've already discussed this with others, don't worry."    


The next day, the National Museum officially began its exhibition. Because it had made a lot of publicity previously, it soon attracted a lot of people who loved this area.    


There were twice as many visitors to the museum as usual, and everyone was busy.    


Wen Tiantian was patrolling the museum, and if she found anything, she would quickly resolve it.    


After walking for a while, he saw two teenage girls sitting in the middle of the room. They had unhappy expressions and were complaining to their grandparents in front of them.    


"I'm going to play the game. Why should we look at this kind of thing?"    


"That's right, I'm not interested in the slightest. I'm so ugly!"    


They walked over to one of the artifacts. They did not understand the meaning of the artifact and were very dissatisfied with the museum visit.    


Wen Tiantian frowned slightly. Indeed, for most young people, it was very rare for them to choose to visit a museum because they didn't know much about most cultural relics. Even their history wasn't clear.    


Under such circumstances, how could he like cultural relics?    


Wen Tiantian turned her head to look around and found that there were quite a few such situations.    


Due to the low popularity of cultural relics and history, many people do not know much about them.    


There were quite a few books on this subject, but they were all very complicated books. Who would waste time reading them?    


It would be great if they could think of a way to understand history, to understand cultural relics, and to fall in love.    


Wen Tiantian thought as she returned to her office.    


Hearing the hubbub, he looked up and saw that there was a variety show on his office computer. He was stunned.    


When the others in the office saw her enter, they thought that Wen Tiantian would be angry and quickly said, "Sorry, I didn't want to watch TV. I just accidentally moved here …"    


"I'm fine."    


Wen Tiantian waved her hand and walked over. "I remember that this variety show has been very popular recently, right?"    


"Of course!"    


That person said happily, "Right now, let alone children, even people of our age like to see it. "There are many games in it that the children can imitate. It can be said to be the best program in the world."    


When Wen Tiantian heard this, she turned her head to look at the program that was being played on the screen. A flash of inspiration went through her mind.    


If she could also set up a program to spread the history and knowledge of cultural relics while not having fun, wouldn't the children like it as well?    


She quickly turned her head and asked, "Since the exhibition began, how many teenagers under the age of twenty have come to visit?"    


Upon hearing these words, Chen Yuan flipped open the record book in her hands and frowned slightly.    


"Young people are usually not interested in exhibitions like this, mostly middle-aged and older people, so there aren't many teenagers in this event."    


"But such a thing should be done from the beginning, shouldn't it?"    


Wen Tiantian interrupted, "It's not that they don't like it, it's that they don't understand it. If they are given a chance to familiarize themselves with this kind of knowledge, they might be interested too."    


Everyone in the office looked at each other.    


"How do I make them familiar?" "These kids aren't even interested in reading textbooks, how could they possibly read the complex history books and the books on cultural relics?"    


Wen Tiantian's eyes lit up with determination.    


"I want to set up a program to let everyone know more about history and cultural relics."    


After listening to Wen Tiantian's explanation, everyone expressed their doubts.    


"Such a big event, is it really possible?"    


"Yes." However, Wen Tiantian said resolutely, "As long as they have a way, even if they don't like it, there's nothing they can do. We have to work hard, no?"    


I said to them, "You guys go write a plan and apply. As for actors and hosts, I'll look for them myself. "    


With that, he turned and left.    


The people present were still suspicious.    


Would it really succeed?    


On the other side, after Wen Tiantian returned to her office, she carefully wrote out the program's program before finally deciding on the actors and hosts she needed.    


After looking around, he still felt that Min Ann'ge was most suitable.    


Although Min Ann'ge had already been released from his contract with Universal Film and Television, he had just started his own company and needed a good opportunity to start a new career.    


He had said before that he wouldn't leave the entertainment circle so early. Now was a good opportunity.    


Wen Tiantian quickly contacted Min Ann'ge.    


Upon hearing Wen Tiantian's idea, the other party quickly agreed to her request.    


"No problem." But is this okay? I'm no longer an employee of Universal, so this opportunity should be better left to my actors, right? "    


Wen Tiantian said firmly, "I've thought it through. In the entire entertainment circle, your reputation is the highest right now. And I know you will. "    


"This time, the one we want to join forces with is a neighboring country company. It will be of great benefit to your future development of the company."    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, he was silent for a moment and his voice became firmer.    


"I'll do my best to make this show hot."    


"Everyone just need to try their best." Wen Tiantian said, "As for the other candidates, do you have any recommendations?"    


"I have a few good people under my command right now. I can let them take on some small roles."    


"No problem."    


After hanging up the phone, Wen Tiantian looked directly at the program plan in her hands. Her mind appeared to be replaying the scene when the program was broadcast.    


Although he couldn't hope for everyone to like him, it shouldn't be too bad.    


When Ji Jingchen heard that Wen Tiantian was going to start such a program, it was already the second day. He raised his eyebrows and stared at her.    


"What's wrong?" Wen Tiantian was puzzled.    


Ji Jingchen frowned, the three words were clearly written in his eyes — unhappy.    


He said, "Shouldn't you be looking for sponsorship now? "Why didn't you tell me?"    


Wen Tiantian had already guessed that he would say this. "In terms of sponsorship, we're going to look for other companies."    


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