Lovely Substitute Bride



Ji Jingchen originally wanted to slowly infiltrate and lighten Wen Tiantian's burden, but he underestimated his little wife's ability. He already keenly noticed that something was amiss on the first day that he took office.    


Making up false accounts, stealing the income, internal struggles between the employees, and even some cultural relics being stolen …    


Wen Tiantian walked into the wolf den.    


Ji Yuqing frowned.    


"If that's the case, then why didn't father make a move?"    




Ji Jingchen raised his hand and knocked Ji Yuqing on the head with his fingers.    


"If it's possible, I will of course make my move. However …"    


However, Wen Tiantian valued this job very much and insisted on doing it herself. If Ji Jingchen took action from there, it was very likely that Wen Tiantian would find out.    


Although she wouldn't say anything, she would definitely be disappointed.    


Even so, Ji Jingchen was reluctant.    


In order to not be detected, he could only hide behind the museum and observe its movements. If there was any possibility of him harming Wen Tiantian, he would not hesitate to make a move.    


Because his only bottom line was Wen Tiantian.    


Ji Yuqing slightly tilted his head and struggled for a moment before jumping out from Ji Jingchen's arms.    


"Then I want to help too!"    


Finished speaking, he turned around and ran towards the back.    


"What are you going to do?"    


Ji Yuqing didn't even turn around.    


"Personally make a feast for Mama!"    


With that, he disappeared like a wisp of smoke.    


When Ji Jingchen heard this, he frowned in suspicion.    


A feast?    


Why didn't he remember that Ji Yuqing could cook?    


It would be brought out later. Could it be some kind of dark cuisine?    


Wen Tiantian slept for a while, and when she woke up, the sky had turned dark.    


The night sky was like a thin layer of gauze, concealing the sky and exuding a kind of hazy beauty.    


Wen Tiantian's previous tiredness was all swept away. Just as she walked out of the room, she saw that the butler was already waiting for her at the door.    


"Madam." The butler bowed to her with a faint smile on his face. Sir, they are already waiting for you at the top floor. "    




"Yes, please go in person."    


Wen Tiantian turned around and walked towards the top floor. After taking two steps, she turned around and saw that the butler had not followed her.    


Puzzled, she turned and walked up the spiral staircase.    


This castle was built a hundred years ago. It was similar to the foreign castles and buildings. In addition to the towers and complex basement, there were also attics and observation stages.    


Wen Tiantian rarely used to go to the top floor, mainly because there were very few people around.    


When did Ji Jingchen remodel the top floor?    


Why didn't she notice it at all?    


Pushing the door open, Wen Tiantian walked in.    


"Ji Jingchen? Are you there? "    


Wen Tiantian opened her eyes wide the moment she walked in and saw the scene in front of her.    


"So beautiful!"    


The last time Wen Tiantian had come to the top floor, there were still a lot of miscellaneous items on the other side of the road. Very few people from the ancient castle would come up.    


But now, all the junk had been cleaned up and the entire top floor was opened. When one looked up, they would see the sky full of stars.    


A gentle breeze caressed her face. From where she stood, she could see the entire capital city.    


Many flowers and plants had been planted around the top floor. It was now the middle of summer, and the flowers were quietly blooming, emitting a faint fragrance.    


The floor was cobbled, and a beautiful round table appeared in front of him through a few tree-lined paths.    


There were steak and red wine on the table. The napkins were folded into a beautiful shape. The white tablecloth was dancing in the wind.    


Ji Jingchen walked up with a hint of a smile in his eyes.    


"When did you prepare all these?" Wen Tiantian looked around in surprise, her eyes filled with curiosity.    


"While you were busy with competitions and then getting ready for museum work."    


"Wen Tiantian turned her head in surprise." Hadn't I been at home all that time? Why didn't you notice it? "    


Ji Jingchen's eyes revealed a hint of helplessness.    


"It's because you're too concerned that you don't notice."    


He stretched out his hand and said, "Can I invite you to have dinner with me?"    


Wen Tiantian was led by him to a chair and sat down, still looking around.    


When Ji Jingchen said he was going to eat at the top floor, she was a little curious. She didn't expect that after just a few days, the place would have a drastic change.    


At that moment, Ji Yuqing placed the porridge that he and the chef had just made in front of Wen Tiantian.    


"F * ck, Yuqing specially made this for you!"    


Wen Tiantian lowered her head to look, and she was even more astonished in her heart.    


Although it was just ordinary white porridge, it still caused her to be astonished.    


Ji Yuqing can cook?    


Why had he never seen it before?    


"Yuqing is so awesome!" Wen Tiantian picked up the spoon and tasted it.    


Although it was still fresh, the taste was not bad.    


Ji Yuqing looked at her expectantly.    


"Is it delicious?"    


"Delicious." Wen Tiantian nodded.    




Ji Yuqing was even happier and raised his chin proudly.    


"Enough." Ji Jingchen raised his hand and pulled her over, then placed her on the chair beside him. Sit down. "    


Ji Yuqing wanted to ask his mom to eat more, but when he saw the steak on the table, he gave up and sat obediently.    


"Eat first. I let them prepare your favorite dishes."    


The entire top floor had been opened, and it was already late in the night. As long as he raised his head, he would be able to see the dazzling stars in the sky.    


On the left was a mountain range. The lush forest was decorated with the colors of the sky. Occasionally, the chirping of birds could be heard from within.    


On the right, they could overlook the entire capital city. The lights of the city and the light emitted by the vehicles formed a beautiful picture scroll, competing against the splendor of the stars in the sky.    


"Did everything go well at the museum?" Ji Jingchen casually asked.    


Wen Tiantian's movements suddenly stopped.    


"There are a lot of problems. It should be because it's been a long time since someone has managed it, right?"    


She frowned slightly, thinking back to the information she had previously seen.    


Some of the problems had arisen from the previous curator, but they had not been addressed and had accumulated over time.    


It took him an entire day to finish looking through all the documents and understand why Master Chu said this job was hot potato in the beginning.    


Indeed, if it was anyone else, they would definitely have a headache seeing this scene.    


However, if it was someone like Zhang Laiyi, he would definitely not manage it. Instead, he would encourage it to be devious, right?    


Now that he thought about it, accepting the job had turned out to be the right decision.    


Wen Tiantian smiled at Ji Jingchen and comforted him, "But don't worry, I have a rough understanding of the situation. When the time comes, I will deal with them one by one."    


"If you need any help, you can tell me at any time."    




Wen Tiantian nodded and turned around to look at Ji Yuqing. He was already asleep on the chair.    


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