Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge was silent for a while and then made the biggest concession.    


"I agree that you should stay here, but I must move in with you."    


Luan Zhi didn't expect Min Ann'ge to make such a request. She shook her head and said, "No. As long as I'm by your side, I'll never be able to be independent and pursue my own dreams."    


Min Ann'ge frowned.    


He looked at Luan Zhi. Previously, he had always felt that he understood Luan Zhi very well. However, the more they got to know each other, the more suspicious he became. Did he really know her?    


"Then, what is your dream?"    


Luan Zhi clenched her fists and said firmly, "I want to become a designer. I want my clothes to be on the T stage."    




Min Ann'ge looked at her in surprise.    


"I thought you wanted to be a model."    


"It used to be like this, but …" Luan Zhi lowered her head slightly, gritting her teeth. "But after seeing more and more designers, I also want to be like them."    


Min Ann'ge suddenly realized that he didn't notice this before.    


He turned his head and his gaze fell onto the car.    


Through the window, they could see the worried gazes that were always on them.    


Although they couldn't hear anything, they should have been able to guess something from the two's actions, right?    


Luan Zhi continued, "So, please give me two years. If I still can't succeed after two years, I will give up."    


Her face was serious and determined.    


Min Ann'ge was silent for a long time before he finally opened his mouth.    


"Two years, you said it yourself."    


"Seeing him waver, Luan Zhi raised her head in surprise." Yes, it will only take two years. "    


"If that's the case, then go."    


Min Ann'ge sighed, turned around and walked outside.    


He said softly, "Two years later, I will catch you and bring you back."    


Luan Zhi was stunned for a moment. She looked at Min Ann'ge's leaving figure and took a step forward in a hurry.    


"You're going back now?"    


"I still have a job." Min Ann'ge didn't even turn around.    


He walked over to the car and opened the door.    


Duo Duo stuck her head out and looked over with a worried expression.    




Min Ann'ge picked her up.    


"Duo Duo, during this period of time, you will be living here with your mother. I will come visit you often."    


Duo Duo nodded.    


"Daddy, don't worry, Duo Duo will protect Mommy."    


The corner of Min Ann'ge's mouth raised slightly.    


"That's good. The next time we meet, we'll go back together."    


With that, he put Duo Duo down and left in the car.    


Luan Zhi stood on the spot and slightly frowned. At the same time, she heaved a sigh of relief. She did not expect Min Ann'ge to agree to let her stay here.    




Why was she worried?    


Min Ann'ge drove out of the residential complex and stopped on the side of the road with a squeak.    


He looked at the person standing outside and got out of the car.    


"You are Zhang Ann'yuv?"    


Zhang Ann'yuv had been worried about Luan Zhi's situation and hovered around outside. If anything happened, he would immediately rush in.    


He didn't expect Min Ann'ge to come out early.    


He nodded his head and looked at Min Ann'ge at the same time.    


"I advise you not to have any ideas about Luan Zhi."    


Zhang Ann'yuv was stunned for a moment and then laughed.    


"I don't know what kind of status Mr Min has to say that. If it's her husband, then why didn't Luan Zhi inform you about such an important matter when she went abroad to study?"    


"Besides, I remember that you had a problem with your marriage, right? It seemed that because of the children and public opinion, they had to get married. Under such circumstances, do you think Luan Zhi would be happy? "    


He looked at Min Ann'ge with provocation in his eyes.    


Min Ann'ge's chestnut eyes did not show any emotion.    


"I will give her happiness."    


"But Luan Zhi doesn't seem to want your so-called happiness." He patted Min Ann'ge's shoulder and said, "Sometimes, letting go is also an option."    


Min Ann'ge paused for a moment as coldness slowly seeped out of his eyes.    


"That's what I wanted to say to you."    


Before he finished his sentence, he directly grabbed Zhang Ann'yuv's wrist, bent over and threw him over his shoulder!    


Boom! *    


Zhang Ann'yuv fell to the ground and let out a groan as he frowned.    


Min Ann'ge ignored him and left immediately.    


Zhang Ann'yuv got up from the ground and frowned as he looked in the direction Ye Zichen left.    


A few hours later, Min Ann'ge returned to the country.    


Brother Jian came to pick Min Ann'ge up alone. Seeing that Min Ann'ge was alone, Luan Zhi and Duo Duo couldn't help but feel puzzled.    


Previously, when Min Ann'ge asked him to buy a plane ticket, he was a little surprised and thought that Min Ann'ge would come back with them.    


He didn't expect to come back alone, and judging from the expression on his face, he didn't seem to have improved at all.    


"What happened?" He followed behind Min Ann'ge and asked in confusion.    


Min Ann'ge walked outside without stopping.    


"From today onwards, my focus will shift."    


"What?" Brother Jian looked at him in surprise.    


Min Ann'ge said, "My contract with Universal Film and Television will expire in a few months, right?"    


Brother Jian nodded as he had an ominous premonition.    


"The people from the company already came to find me a few days ago, they want to renew the contract with you."    


"No need to renew the contract."    


Brother Jian was surprised, "Why? With your current momentum, if you can renew the contract, you'll definitely be able to rise to another level. Or have you found a better company? "    


Universal Film and Television was an industry owned by the Ruan Family. When Min Ann'ge's business was at its lowest point, he did not abandon him and instead rose in popularity once again.    


With the relationship between Min Ann'ge and Wen Tiantian, he thought the two of them would work together forever.    


Min Ann'ge stopped walking.    


"I'll talk to Tiantian personally. I want to set up my own company."    


Hearing that, Brother Jian was completely shocked.    


Although many celebrities would start a company now, from the current market situation, nine out of ten were destroyed.    


Furthermore, with Min Ann'ge's current condition, he wasn't suitable at all.    


When he came back to his senses, he saw that Min Ann'ge was already in the car and hurriedly ran over.    


"You really think about it?"    


Min Ann'ge nodded.    


"I had to."    


His gaze passed through the window and landed on the street, slightly narrowing his eyes.    


"One more thing. I need your help to investigate a person for me."    




"Zhang Ann'yuv."    


The National Museum, be it within the country or at the world level, was the largest.    


Many exhibitions were filled with over half of the country's treasures. Whether they were world-class treasures worth ten million gold coins or cultural relics that could not be bought with money, they were all stored here.    


Not only were there many treasures here, there were also many cultural exchanges and research on cultural relics here.    


History and art are one and the same, culture and strength are in the same place.    


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