Lovely Substitute Bride



There wasn't much time left before the tournament started, so Wen Tiantian was fully engrossed in her work.    


Although Wen Tiantian had already thought of a good plan and made most of it, she was still a little worried.    


Although the restorers of the restoration site couldn't compare to the masters, their repairing techniques were not to be underestimated.    


Everyone had their own strengths, and Xiao Yi'ann was even more outstanding in this area. Since young, she had always been called the hope of Cultural Relics Restoration Community, and this title did not come from nowhere.    


If Wen Tiantian wanted to win, she would have to put in 120% of her effort.    


Ji Yuqing seemed to know that she was busy with her work, so he didn't go up to disturb her. Instead, he kept looking at the picture version of the encyclopedia that Ji Jingchen gave him.    


However, Luan Zhi had recently started to return to the fashion industry, although at first everyone was worried about whether Luan Zhi would be able to return to the T channel.    


However, upon seeing her absolute professional standard and her ever more attractive figure, she was instantly impressed.    


In fact, his career had reached a new height.    


However, if both she and Min Ann'ge were busy and no one brought Duo Duo, she would be sent to the castle, just in time to be with Ji Yuqing.    


Wen Tiantian finished part of her work and walked downstairs. She saw Duo Duo sitting beside Ji Yuqing.    


His jet-black hair was tied into a double tail, his face was flushed, and his big eyes were rolling around with a sense of cleverness and slyness, constantly glancing at Ji Yuqing's book.    


However, after looking at it several times, he could not understand it at all.    


Duo Duo was even more confused as she pulled Ji Yuqing's hand.    


"Qing, Qing?"    


She didn't want Ji Yuqing to continue reading those books, she just wanted him to play with her.    


However, Ji Yuqing's expression was very serious. His small face was scrunched up into a frown.    


He turned his back to her.    


Obviously, for Ji Yuqing, he liked to read those complicated picture books more than playing with them.    


However, Duo Duo couldn't understand it at all. Even though Luan Zhi had previously seen how smart Ji Yuqing was, she also tried to buy some picture books for Duo Duo.    


But she was not interested.    


Looking at those complicated diagrams and numbers, she felt a headache. She really couldn't understand why her younger brother would be so happy.    


Seeing that Ji Yuqing's attention was completely focused on the book, Duo Duo was dissatisfied. She raised her hand and grabbed a corner of the book.    


"Don't look!"    


"Qing, play with Duoduo ~"    


Her young and tender voice was full of complaints as she pulled on Ji Yuqing's arm.    


Ji Yuqing was preparing for Ji Jingchen's test in a few days and was trying hard to learn more about it.    


However, he didn't expect that Duo Duo would suddenly appear and interrupt him. Ji Yuqing's heart was even more unhappy. He frowned and his face sank.    


Although it was a chubby face, it was full of vigor.    


When Duo Duo saw this, she was instantly shocked.    


Ji Yuqing quickly retracted his hand and pulled the book back. He turned around and continued to read without looking at her.    


Seeing Ji Yuqing ignore her, Duo Duo felt even more sad and wronged, and pouted her lips.    


Tears began to gather in her large eyes, and she began to sob softly.    


Ji Yuqing, who was reading carefully, heard the sounds coming from behind him. He could tell that the other party seemed to be trying hard to restrain his crying.    


But because he was too young, it was useless.    


Pitiful cries came from behind him, making it hard for him to concentrate on reading.    


After a few seconds, he let out an experienced sigh and turned his head.    


Helpless, he looked at Duo Duo who was only a few months older than him, but was like a child, putting down the book in his hands.    


Although he didn't say anything, his gaze was on her.    


When Duo Duo saw Ji Yuqing looking at her, she finally stopped and looked up at him.    


Her watery eyes were still glistening. Her long eyelashes were wet from her tears and stuck to her skin.    


Seeing that Ji Yuqing's attention was finally focused on himself, he finally became happy and reached out to stop him.    


"Qing." she whispered.    


The watery eyes blinked as he cautiously shouted.    


Ji Yuqing looked at her and sighed with an expression that a child of his age would have.    


This time, he actually took the initiative to receive the toys from her. He actually wanted to give up on reading and play with her.    


When Duo Duo saw it, she immediately laughed happily. Holding the toy in her hand, she started to play with Yuqing.    


When Wen Tiantian came down, she happened to see the scene before her.    


Yuqing looked very serious. He had only been reading those complicated books that Ji Jingchen brought with him. He never expected that he and Duo Duo were playing house wine together.    


He had always been worried that Ji Yuqing, who was too mature and calm, would have some flaws in his emotions.    


It seemed that his decision to let Luan Zhi send Duo Duo over was the correct one.    


This way, he could take care of Duo Duo and also cultivate Ji Yuqing's feelings to not be too cold.    


However, Ji Yuqing was shocked when he saw Wen Tiantian come down, as if he wanted to correct his image.    


The expression on his face was as though he had been caught doing something bad, and the toy in his hand continued to hold on to it.    


For a moment, he didn't know what to do.    


Seeing the situation, Wen Tiantian could barely hold back the smile on her face as she retreated.    


"Yuqing, continue playing. Just pretend that I never appeared."    


"Duo Duo, thank you for playing with Yuqing. I'll leave Yuqing with you."    




Duo Duo nodded seriously and pulled Ji Yuqing to continue playing house wine.    


Wen Tiantian returned to the studio with a smile on her face and continued working.    


After a week, the competition had already reached the end.    


In addition to choosing a representative to participate in the international competition, this competition also wanted to spread the knowledge of the restoration of cultural relics among the public.    


Therefore, the entire competition would be broadcasted by the television station in primetime.    


All the masters in the Palace were invited to be the judges of the competition. In order to maintain the fairness of the competition, all the masters were forbidden from contacting their disciples.    


Moreover, the works of the contestants must always be kept a secret, and must not be leaked out.    


Wen Tiantian had seen it on television during the previous matches.    


Everyone had their own understanding of this topic, and the works they created were also different.    


Everyone writes according to their field of expertise, and Wen Tiantian appreciates a few of them.    


"It seems that everyone has used their full strength for this match. Everyone's performance is especially outstanding."    


Wen Tiantian stood backstage and watched the broadcast on the screen. She could not help but marvel at it.    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she felt helpless.    


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